Locator map for Malew Abbey Farms


2 Ballamodda Beg
3 Ballamenagh
4 Ballagrangey
5 Ballacharry
6 Ballakilley
7 Ballamodda Moar
8 Ballajohn Vark


12 Ballafarrant
13 Ballacain Moar
14 Halsall's Land
16 Ballakew /Ballavell
17 Ballakewne
18 Ballacregga


19 Ballakew
20 Ballacrook
21 Ballagarey
22 Ballavervane


23 Rhenshent
24 Ardvolley
25 Cardomall
26 Cloghwilly
27 Shenvalley
28 Balnalargy
76 Tottaby


33 Cooilcarn
34 Knockbrew
35 Ballaglonney
36 Ballareraii


41 Whitestone
42 Bowling Green
43 Ballacurry
44 Hango Hill


45 Glashin
46 Knockdooe
47 Oristall
48 Ballaroddan
49 Ballaquaile
50 Ballastrang
51 Ballasteene
52 Ballacruink
53 Ballacubbon
56 Fildraw


54 Clycurr Moar
55 Ballanank
57 Silverburn
58 Knock Breck
59 Bells Close
60 Clycurr Beg
61 Ballachrink


67 Crott Valley
68 Whitestone
69 Knockdoomoar
70 Ballabridson

Map taken (+ somewhat simplified) from chapter 6 Rushen Abbey and the Dissolution of the Monesteries in the Isle of Man by P J Davey + J R Roscow IoMNH&ASoc Monograph #1 2011(ISBN 978-0-9519141-1-3 where discussion as to the grouping may be found.

The Demesne land would appear to have been that directly farmed by the monks though there is some evidence that a few outlying blocks had been rented out pre dissolution - the Abbeyland farms were rented out for both cash rental and customary produce (see 1740 rent rolls).

The Treen names which probably predate the foundation of the Abbey are found only in the 1540 rent roll which was produced in the year of the dissolution and destruction of the Abbey which was complete by September 1540 the start date of the rent roll - the farm names are based on matching the rents and sequence in other rolls - there are a few unresolved queries however eg Fildraw. The original division of the land forming the Abbey Demesne is now lost though the 1540 book groups it into 6 major blocks plus the land occupied by the Abbey (this land probably formed part of Rushen treen from which the Abbey derived its name).

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