[From Thwaites' Directory, 1863]


KIRK BRADDAN, the largest parish in the island, comprises within its limits part of the town of Douglas. It is bounded on the north by Ballaugh and Lezayre, on the south by Santon and the sea, on the east by Onchan, Lonan, and the sea, and on the west by Santon, Marown, German, and Michael. In length, from north to south, it is about eleven miles; and from east to west, averages from one to five miles. The parish church is about two miles N.W. from Douglas. The surface is pretty equally divided into hill and dale; the former is clothed with verdure, and the latter is very fertile and agreeably interspersed with wood. The mountains of Bein y Phot and Garraghan, the former, 1772 feet, and the latter 1520 feet above high water mark, are both comprised in the parish. The principal landed proprietors are Messrs. J. Bell, W. Bridson, Thomas and W. Cannell, W. Clucas, J. W. Cowen, W. Cowley, J. Craig, Matthias and T. Creer, John and J. F. Crellin, Robert Crossfield, Wm. Cubbon,Wm. L. Drinkwater,George


POST OFFICE at James Aspell's,Ballaughton. Letters despatched to Douglas an hour and a half before the departure of the packet from that port.
POST OFFICE at William Dalrymple's, Union Mills. Letters despatched to Douglas at 7.30 a.m., in summer, and an hour and a-half before the departure of the packet from that port.

Adams Alfred W., advocate, Springfield
Adamson L. W., advocate, Ballabrooie
Armstrong Mrs. Ann, Strang lane
Arthur Mr. Edw. P., Port-e-chee

Bell James, Esq., Mount Vernon
Beckwith Wm., Esq., Harcroft
Bowman John, assistant chemist, Park View
Braid Mrs. Jane, Rose Cottage

Charlton Col. Andrew, Farm hill
Clucas Wm., bone setter, Strang
Collier Saml. B., gent., Millmount
Cowin John, dyer, Kewaigue
Cretney Jno.,farm bailiff, Ballaoates
Crossfield Robert, gent., Oak hill
Currin Thomas, gent., Union ter

Daniels Mr. Wm., Oak hill
Doleman Mr. Beg., Brookmoar
Drinkwater Wm. Leece, Esq., first Deemster, Kirby
Drury Rev. Wm., Vicarage
Duff Mrs. Esther, Burleigh
Duff James, gardener, Nunnery
Dumbell Geo.Wm.,Esq.,Bellmont

Fargher Robert, tailor, Strang
Fraser Mrs. Sarah, Cliffe House

Goldsmith Robt., assistant miller, Ballaughton
Goldsmith Wm., gardener, Kirby
Grifliths Eliz., lodgings, Spring Valley Cottage, Ballaughton

Harrison John C. T., advocate, Ballaughton House
Hill Mrs. Charlotte, Union terrace Hill

James, gent., Camlork Cottage
Hinds Thomas, quarry owner, Old Brown Bobby
Hodgson Mrs. Cath. S., Ellenbrooke
Holmes John, clerk, Hill's Cottage
Holt George, gent., Union terrace
Hutchinson Ths. Fdk.,Esq.,Grooves

Kay James, surveyor of highways
Kelly Mrs. Judith, Annacur Cottage
Kelly Robt., lodgings, Grove Cottg
Kelly Ths., foremn. dyer, Union Mills
Kerr Richard, gent., Mill mount
King Mrs. Olivia Corbett, Grove Cottage

Lewin Thos., farm bailiff, Ballachrink
Leece Paul Henry, Esq., Ballamona
Langton Chas., Esq.,Virginia Cottg
L'Estrange Mr.Wm.Hy.,Union ter
Lilly Wm. B., gent., Mill mount
Lingard Randall, gent., Kirby Cottg
Lorimer Mrs; Margaret, Union ter

MacLean Jas., gent, Union terrace
Matthews Mr. John, Quarterbridge Cottage
Moffatt Mr. Thomas, Park View
Moore John, Esq., Pulrose
Murdock Rev. Alex., D.D., Mount Rule
Murphey The., farm blf., Injebreck
Murray Col. Henry, Thornton

Pearson Saml., gent., Balleutehell
Perkins Mr. Thomas,Strang lane
Petrie Capt. Peter, Sea View
Piggott Jas., gardnr.,Farm Hill Cot

Rosch Edw., lodgings, Albion Cottg
Raynes Maitland, gent., Brookrale
Rogerson Thomas, Esq., Ba]lamillhebyn

Savage James, farm bailiff, Algare
Shimmin Mrs. Eliz., Pulrose Cottg
Snell Mr. John, Strang lane
Stephens Wm., Esq., Eaglehurst
Stewart Alex., gent., Cronkbane

Taubman John Senhouse Goldie, Esq., Nunnery
Templeton John, farm steward, Kewaigue
Thelluson Fredk., Esq., Priory
Tupper William, manager for the Baldwin Lead Mining Company

Williams Mr. Edw., Union terrace
Williams Mrs. E. Spring Valley Hs
Willis John, gentleman, Union ter


Firth Richard, Prince of Wales, Union Mills
Kewley Wm., Richmond Hill Inn
McClure Jno.,North Inn, Baldwin
Ramsbottom Jph., Quarter Bridge


Infant School, Cronkbourne:- Sarah Ann Magee, teacher
Parochial, Braddan; — Dnl. Southward, teacher
St. Luke's, Baldwin: — Edward Costain, teacher; h. Ballamoda


Caveen Thos., Mount Rule
Cormode John, Quine's hill
Corrooin Wm., Strang
Cowley John, Baldwin
Kelly Wm., Strang
Moscroft Thomas, Ballavagher


Cain Daniel, Ballawillan
Callow Edward, Union Mills
Craine John, Cooile
Leece Thomas, Strang


Aspell Jas., (and cattle dealer,) Post Office, Spring Valley Cottage, Ballaughton
Craine Mark, Union Mills


Callister Wm., Kewaigue Mill
Cowley Elizabeth, Baldwin Mill
Dalrymple Wm., Union Mills; h. Burnside
Goldsmith Geo., Ballaughton
Whiteside H. & Co., Nunnery Mills
Windsor John, Pulrose Mill


Aldcroft Abm., Spring hill
Bell James, Ballachrink; Thomas Lewin, farm bailiff
Brew Thomas, Ballachrink
Bridson Robert, Ballafletcher
Cain Jno., Boilleyvane, E. Baldwin
Cain Thomas Wm., Ballavagher
Cain Wm. Boilleyvane, E. Baldwin
Callister Caesar, Ballig
Callister John, Ardwhallan
Cannell Isaac, Ulican
Cannell Thomas, Ballawillan
Cannell Thomas, Algare
Clague Robert, Ballaquine
Clague Thomas, Ballaquine
Clark Daniel, Richmond
Clucas John, Ballamoda
Clucas Wm., Cronk
Coole Eleanor, Virginia
Corkill Thomas, Eirey beg
Corkill Wm., Ballakewish
Corlett Hugh, Ballawillan
Cormode John, Colooneys
Collier Thomas, Ballacregga
Cowin Catherine, Ballafletcher
Cowin James, Camlork
Cowin Wm., Ballakennish
Cowle John, Ballashamrock
Cowley Daniel, Ardwhallan
Cowley Thomas, Ardwhallan
Craine Wm., Ballabant
Craine Wm., Ballapadag
Creer John, Cowan
Creer Matthias, Ballamoda
Creer William, Farm hill
Cubbon William, Ballavere
Davis Ann, Kirby
Drury Mary Ann, Snugborougb
Freer John, Baldwin
Gale Edw. and Rbt., Eryween
Gawne Thomas, Cronkbane
Gelling Elizabeth, Mount Rule
Gelling James, Ballacottier
Gelling John, Virginia
Gick Robert, Ballacaroon
Hampton Matthias, Hampton villa
Hampton Matts. S., Southampton
Hampton Robert, Ballalonna
Hampton Thomas' Ballacain
Hampton William, Ballabunt
High George, Ballachrink
Hogg Agnes, Ballacubbin
Hogg Robert, Kilkenny
Jack James S., Ballacreggan
Jefferson Jph, Ballaoates: John Cretney, farm bailiff
Kelly Jas., Clybane; h. Douglas
Kelly John Taubman, Castleward
Kelly John Thomas, Renseault
Kaneen Daniel, Dhoon
Kaneen Robert, Ballawillan
Kissack Edw., Middle & Howe
Killy William, Bulsugel
Kneale Thomas, Rose hill
Lawton William, Ballastowell
McClure John, Ballavriew
Millett George, Strang
Moore Jane, Bullrenney
Moore William, Ballacottier
Moore William, Ballarere
Oates Edw., Ballafletcher
Pollock Major, Algare: Jas. Savage farm bailiff
Quarlie Wm., Howe
Quayle John, Ballalough
Quiggin Robert, Ballagarey
Quine Edw., Ballalig
Quine John, Ballachrink Shipley Hannah, Leece Lodge
Siddons Henry, Pulrose
Spittall Alex., Injebreek; Thomas Murphey, farm bailiff
Stowell William, Ballacreggan
Teare William, Ballaslig
Whidborne Thos. Jas., Hampton Ct


Carrooin William, Woodside
Lewthwaite John, Mount Rule


Brough Hugh, ( Sc Saviour,) WhiteO
Callow Edw., Union Mills
Cleator William, Tromode
Corkill Isabella, Union Mills
Goldsmith Daniel, Tromode
Kelly William, Strang


Cannell Robert, Renseault
Craine James, Ballacottier
Craine Robert, Ballacottier
Craine Thomas, Richmond hill
Kelly Paul, Union Mills
Kelly Thomas, Strang
Lawson Robert, Braddan Bridge
Teare Thomas, Quine's hill


Dalrymple Wm., (and dyer,) Union Mills; h. Burnside
Kelly Philip, Ballawillan


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