[From Slater's Directory,1852]


Douglas, the most considerable town and sea-port in the Island, is 10 miles S.E. from Castletown, 11 nearly E. from Peel, 16 S. fom Ramsey, 72 N.W. from Liverpool, 40 S.W. from Whitehaven, 75 N.E. by E. from Dublin, and 144 S. from Greenock. It is delightfully situated on a river at the south-eastern angle of a bay of the same name, from fronting to the eastward; and is connected in civil matters with the parish of Onchan, and in ecclesiastical with that of Braddan. The old streets are for the most part singularly iregular, crooked and narrow, though they contain many excellent houses, shops and inns; all the modern streets, terraces, &c, are, however, pleasant and tasteful. The general shape of the town is triangular, and, in this respect, it has been compared to the Manx Arms, which are three legs, with: the appropriate 'motto' of 'Stabit Quocunque Jeceris,' referring to its insular situation regarding the three kingdoms. Douglas is well supplied with water from a reservoir constructed a litle above the Crescent; and efficiently lighted with gas, by a company whose works are situate on the south quay. The harbour is esteemed the best dry one in the lrish sea; and admits vessels of considerable burthen— the depth of water at spring tides, being from twelve to twenty feet. Several surveys have been made; of late years, with the design of making Douglas bay a harbour of refuge for vessels navigating the Irish sea: Sir William Hillary, Bart. has written several pamphlets upon this important subject, none of which have been carried out. The harbour commissioners, in 1846, erected a landing place on Pollock Rock, for the landing and embarkation of passengers at low water with inshore winds, It has beem proved that a very large amount of property, sometimes exceeding £50,000 annually, has been lost between the coasts of Britain and Ireland, from the want of an asylum to protect merchandize and life. A new jetty, from the opposite shore to the harbour, was erected a few years since; sheltering arm to the present port. In 1833, a tower of refuge was erected on St. Mary's rock, as a beacon, and a retreat for mariners shipwrecked in the bay of this coast. One of the most attractive features in the contour of Douglas is the beautiful stone pier, erected by government, some years since at an expense of £22,000, it is five hundred and twenty feet in length and forty in breadth, well-flagged, and its eastern extremity ornamented by beautiful and serviceable light- house, it is a favorate promenade. At low water the walk along the north shore is extremely pleasant, and such is the uncorrupted purity of the, water and the fineness of the beach, as to render it one of the most agreeable bathing places in this part of Europe, and to induce thousands to resort to Douglas, annually, during the summer months. An Insular Steam Packet Company was established in 1830, the vessels are of a superior build, and convey visiters and Her Majesty's Mails to and from the Island.

The climate, is in general, much milder than in the surrounding countries of Great Britain and Ireland. Bathing machines. are provided by different parties, and there are hot, cold, shower, and vapour baths. Castle Mona Hotel, ouce the princely castle of the Duke of Atholl, by whom it was built at an expense if nearly £35,000, is now fitted up in a style not excelled, proablys in the empire and is the favourite resort of fashionable visiters. This superb edifice is about a mile from Douglas, situated on the margin of its bay. The castle presents the appearance: of a square solid building, with a wing at the southern side. The exterior is faced with stone from the Isle of Arran. The design of the Duke included a north wing, the foundations of which were raised to the surface of the ground at the time of the erection of the principal structure, but the building has never been completed. Shortly after the final sale of the island by the Duke of Atholl in 1829. four gentlemen purchased the castle with about one hundred and eighty acres of land attached to it. The mansion was converted into an hotel, and the land marked out in building lots for sale, The first part of the speculation has been abundantly justified by the suecess of the establishment, which affords a princely accommodation to, and every luxury which the most fastidious visitor may desire. It is sufficiently extensive to provide for the comfort of one hundred and fifty guests at the same moment; and the interior is fitted-up with every convenience, including hot and cold baths, a billiard room, &c. The woods and lawns surrounding the castle ave surpassingly beautiful; indeed, the establishment altogether may rank with the very first of the kind in the United Kingdom, and is one of the great attractions to strangers resorting hither, invited by the purity of the air, the peculiar limpidnes of its waters, and the economy with which these benefits can be enjoyed. Mr. George Heron is the present proprietor of the Hotel. The Royal Hotel at the top of the Marine parade, in the occupation of Mr. Hill (late of the Crescent Hotel) : the York Hotel, kept by Mr. Duxbury, of Manchester; Redfern's Hotel and the Adelphi, are alike convenient and respectable, and visiters will find in them every accommodation, combined with moderate charges and courteous attention to their wants. For those who prefer a private domicile, lodgings of the most genteel and comfortable character may be readily obtained. Douglas supports public libraries, news-rooms and billiard-rooms; while, dancing and card assemblies are frequent; and a closer approximation to English sociality was formed here in 1829, by the establishment of an United Service Club. The neighbourhood of Douglas is well wooded and embellished with many elegant mansions, affording pleasing. and varied landscapes, though limited in extent. Boating parties are numerous and frequent, and a regatta occasionally takes place in the spacious bay. On the south side of the bay stands Fort Anne Hotel, built by the celebrated Mr. Whaley, and for many years the marine residence of Sir William Hilary, Bart. This hotel may be justly pronounced the most delightful retreat in the country. Its situation (upwards of one hundred feet above the level of the sea) commands a delightful and extensive view of the harbour, town and surrounding country. Its internal, arrangements are of the highest order, and the taste displayed in laying out the extensive pleasure grounds &c. is highly creditable to the proprietor, Mr Marshall. A visit to this delightful spot will amply gratify the vister.

The manfactures of Douglas are of not much importance, consisting of linen and sail-cloth, coarse and fine woollen cloths, blankets and flannels. There are also the paper mills of Messrs. Lewthwaite, at Mount Rule and Laxey. Among the leading branches of trade are two iron and brass fuundries, a ship building yards, a rope manufactory, two soap works, and several tanneries, breweries and corn mills. From the Douglas. press issue two newspapers weekly, namely, the 'Manx Sun,' and 'Mona's Herald;' two almanacks are also issued annually, and have large circulations. As this is the only port into which wines, spirits, colonial produce, &c. are allowed to be imported under the present fiscal laws, the town, and especially the pier and quay, generally present a scene of bustle and activity. The vessels belonging to the port at the present time, are numerous and of considerable tonnage, trading with Prance, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Prussia, the Hanseatic Towns, &c. The custom-house was formerly the insular residence of his Grace the Duke of Atholl, prior to the erection of Mona Castle. The court house; which is situate on the pier, is a plain substantial edifice: in it the Southern deemster holds a court once a fortnight,and the vicar-general once within the same period; the high bailiff holds his court every Saturday; and courts baron are held in the spring and autumn: The justices of peace hold courts weekly when requisite.

The places of Worship are numerous and respectable, Saint Matthew's Church was built in 1711 by Bishop Wilson, and contains nearly three hundred sittings; Saint George's, situate on an eminence behind Atholl street, will accommodate a congregation of upwards of eight hundred; Saint Barnabas', erected in 1833, and ornamented with a handsome spire one hundved and forty fect high, possesses twelve hundred sittings, seven hundred belng free ; Saint Thomas' erected in 1846, is an edifice of considerable architectural beauty — the livings are all curacies in the gift of the Bishop. The dissenting chapels are for Independents, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Presbyterians, Mormonites, &c.; the Roman Catholics worship in a spacious chapel in Atholl-street, formerly used for the purpose of theatrical representations, The educational institutions of Douglas are most efficient, particulary the superior seminaries of Walter Forrester, M.A, and Mr, Alexander Steele : the establishment of the former is styled the Atholl academy,and in it scholars are prepared for the universities and the military schools; the latter gentleman is the principal of the Crescent academy, the premises were erected at his sole expense, and due regard has been paid to the requirements of such an institution ; the situation also is remarkably pleasant and salubrious. Mr. Sutherland's, Mount pleasant, and Mr. H. DeRavigues', Mona terrace, are also respectable and well conducted boarding schools. The national school,built in 1810, can accommodate one thousand pupils: a school of industry, for boarding and educating eight girls, was established in 1836, and an excellent one for infants in 1837. Public schools are also counected with St. Barnabas' church and the Wesleyan Methodists' chapels. There are many benevolent and charitable institutions in the town. A general hospital was established in 1830, to which is attached the Medical Dispensary. The dispensary is open daily from nine till eleven. The average number of patients attended annually is from seven to nine hundred — the rate of expenditure from one hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. The inmates of the House of Industry, usually from seventy-five to eighty, are attended from this institution — Andrew Spitiall, M. D, is the surgeon. The instituion for the preservation of life from shipwreck, founded by Sir William Hillary, has been the means of rescuing great numbers of persons from an ocean grave; but it is to be deplored that so valuable an institution is fast declining. The House of Industry, or workhouse, is a handsome and extensive structure, with a square tower in the centre ; it was completed in 1837, partly by means of a grant from government, and partly by subscriptions. The Odd Fellows' Hall, situate in Atholl-street, is a large and handsome building, with two fine Doric columns, and tasteful portico in front; it contains an elegant hall for the meetings of the order, capable of seating five hundred persons; it is also occasionally hired for public concerts. &c. The building was erected in 1841, at an expense of upwards of £2,000 by shares. The Wellington Market, Duke street, erected by a company in the same year, is very spacious with an extensive range of stalls on each side of a spacious area. The Market, which is held on Saturday, is well supplied with provisions of all kinds ; and fish may be obtained any day of the week at very reasonanle prices. An annual fair held 12th November, and there is also a weekly cattle fair on Saturdays.

Braddan parish lies on the east coast, in the Middle sheading in the southern division of the island; in extent it is about eleven miles from north to south and one to five from east to west. The surface is pretty equally divided into hill and dale; the former is clothed with verdure— the latter is very fertile, and agreeably interspersed with wood. In this parish, about two miles and a half from Douglas, are the extensive corn and woollen mills, known as the Union Mills, now in the possesion of Mr. William Dalrymple. The parish church stands in a beautiful situation, nearly two miles from Douglas, on the road to Peel, and is surrounded by some of the finest timber in the island; it is a plain edifice, rebuilt in 1730; the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the bishop — the Rev. William Drury, is the present incumbent. The parish likewise contains a small chapel of ease, at Baldwin, dedicated to Saint Luke, erected in 1836 ; the living is a curacy in the gift of the bishop. There are, also, two Wesleyan chapels, and one belonging to the Primitive Methodists, exclusive of those in the town of Douglas. In 1849, a Cemetery was established, which is situated on the Strang road. Many handsome villas have been erected in this parish within the last few years.

The parish of ONCHAN lies in the same Sheading and division as.that of Braddan; it is of more regular form, however, extending, from north to south, about four miles, and five from east to west. The parish church, a neat structure, rebuilt in 1833, is dedicated to Saint Peter, and is situate in the village, about two miles north-east from Douglas ; the living is a vicarage, in ithe patronage of the crown — the Rev. John Howard is the present incumbent, The Wesleyan Methodists have a small chapel in the village, and another about a mile to the north of it.

Kirk Onchan village stands pleasantly on the east road from Douglas to Ramsay, and contains a considerable number of comfortable houses. There is an extensive and beautifully situated nursery, open to the public, the property of Alexander Spittall, Esq, adjoining which is a well frequented Inn, the Cheshire Hunt, kept by Mr P. Hewitt.



From the fifteenth of June to the fifteenth of September, daily (Sundays excepted) according to tide; from the first of May to the fifteenth of June, three times a week, and from the fifteenth of September to the first of May, every Tuesday apd Friday evening.


From the fifteenth of June to the fifteenth of December, daily (Sundays excepted) according to tide; from the 1st of May to the fifteenth of June, three times a week, and from the fifteenth of September to the first of May, every Wednesday and Saturday evening.


Arrive from all parts every afternoon at four, and are despatched at four in the Morning.

Money Ordeys are granted and paid at this office only for the whole of the Island, from nine in the morning tili six in the evening.


Abbott Mr. John, 8 Atholl terrace
Adams Mr. George, 9 Finch road
Adams Mrs. Mary, 12 St.George's sq
Adamson Lawrence, Esq. Clifton
Alcock Rev, John, 6 Finch road
Allanson Mr. John, Glenview
Allen Capt. George, Kirk Onchan
Allpress Mr.Robert,92 Derby square
Andrews Miss Bertha, Prospect hill
Armstrong Mr. Thomas, Union Mills
Arrowsmith Mrs Charrlotte, 1 Adelaide terrace
Ashburner Mr.John, Union terrace
Ashley Mrs. -, Ashley House
Aspinall Mrs, -, 7 Clarence terrace
Awdry Mrs.Margaret,Prospect terr,
Barber Thos. Esq. Birch hill
Barker Miss Ann Margt.42 Atholl st
Bateman Mr. James, Clarence terr.
Beckwith William, Esq. Glencrutchery, Kirk Onchan
Beech Rev. Hugh, 8 Harris terrace
Bennett Mrs. —, 1 Auckland terrace
Benson Captain —, Duke st
Bleakman Mr. George, 15 Stanley terr
Bluett John Courtney, Esq. (high bailiff), Atholl st
Boardman Mr. Robert, Albert terrace
Boyd Mr. George H. Derby square
Bradley Mr.Richd. Strathallan cres.
Braithwaite Mr. Jobn,69 Derby terr
Bridson Miss Mary Ann, 29 Atholl st
Briggs Major James, o Finch road
Bristow Miss Ann, 4 St. George sq.
Bromhead Mrs. Susan, Broadway
Broughton Mr. William, 5 South quay.
Browne Major Robt. 5 Mona terr.
Buchan Mrs. Margt. 70 Atholl st
Buchanan the Misses, Victoria road
Burnett Mr.Robt.Castle Mona lawn
Cain Rev. Thomas, Ardwhallan
Calcraft Charles, Esq. Derby Castle
Campbell Mrs. Louisa, 95 Derby sq
Cannell Rev.John, Auckland terrace
Carrick Mrs.—, 5 Clarence terrace
Carver My. WilliamHy. Victoria road
Catley Rev. Richard, Derby square
Charlton Lieutenant Henry, Kirby Cottage, Braddan
Charlton Philip, Esq, Ballacarn.
Chippindall Mrs.Char,5 Harris terr
Clague Mrs. —, Prospect terrace
Clague Mr.Ths, Bellevue, Woodville
Cleland Rev. James, Finch road.
Clements Major Henry, 1 Harris terr
Clucas. Captain James Thomas, 9 Mount Pleasant
Clucas Capt. John, Castle st
Colclough Mr Sarsfield, Castle Mona lawn
Colquhon Mrs. Sophia, Crescent
Coot Mrs. Ann, 1 Stephen terrace
Coulthurst Mrs, Wm. Prospect hill
Cowin Mr, Thomas, 3 Callow place
Crawford Mr. Jas Strathallan crscnt
Crellin Mr. John, 1 Windsor terrace
Crofts Mr.George, 8 Victoria tervace
Cromie Rev. William, 2 Marina terr
Cubbon Miss Jane M.,7 Prospect hill
Davenport Capt. Trevor,3 Maria terr
Dee Rev. John, Atholl st.
Deering Hy Esq., the Grove, Baldwin
Delisle Mis.Sarah, 3 Taubman terr,
Dixon Mrs. Isabella, 4South quay
Dobson Mrs. Arthur, Crescent
Drane Mr. William, 37 Derby square
Drury Mrs. Mary, Snugborough
Drury Rev. William, Braddan
Duff Mr. William, Burligh
Dumbell Geo. Wm. Esq. Belmont
Dumbell Mrs. —, 12 Atholl st
Duncan Mr. George, Broadway
Dann Mr. William; Belle Vue
Dunse Capt. William; 5 Albert terr.
Dyer Mr, Samuel, Falcon terrace
Dyson Mrs..Jane, 96-Derby square
Edwards D. Esq: Ravens cliff
Ellis Mi. Lester, Shell Cottage
Escott Mr. Joseph, Crescent
Evarard. Mr. Joseph,.Union, Mills
Fell Mr. John A..2. Prospect hill
Fenton Rey. John, 6 Ciarence terr.
Fife Mr.George, 4 Taubman terrace
Flint. Captain. John. Thomas Edward, Windsor terrace
Foot Mr. Randel Harvey, Esplanade
Forbes Rev. Edward, Windsor terr.
Francis Mr. —, Kirk Onchan
Fredericks Mr. Fredk. 1 Marina terr
Freer Mrs, Hannah, 2 Stephen terr.
Garrett Mr. Hugh, 6 Derby terrace
Gascoyne Mr. John, Fort William
Gell Capt. Henry, 5 Atholl terrace
Gill Capt. Wm. 7 Harris terrace
Goldie Capt. Alexr. the Hermitage
Graham Mrs, —, 1 Mount pleasant
Graham Mrs. Eliza, Crescent
Graham Captain William George, 7 Finch road
Grant Mr. George,2 Castle terrace.
Green Mr. Henry B; 79 Derby terr.
Green Mr. Wm. 52 Derby square
Greetham the Misses—,60 Derby sq
Grier Major Jno.Thos.9 Harvis terr.
Griffiths Major Jno.Ths.6 Harris terr
Harrison Mrs. Alice, Woodbourne
Harrison Mr. Henry, Summer hill
Harrison Rev.Jno. Strathallan cresnt
Hawks Mr. Edward, Crescent.
Hetherington Miss Cth. 2 Western terr
Heywood John Joseph (the Honorable Deemster) Bemahague
Hick Miss — 9 Stanley terrace
Hill Rev. John, 1 Stanley terrace
Hodder Mrs,Moore, Woodville Ldge
Hodgson Mr, James, 90 Derby sq;
Holles Mr.Fredk Wm. Clarrence terr
Hollingbery Mr, Charles P, 2 Taubman, terrace
Hoseason Mr. John, Lower Bellevue
Howard Rev. Jno., Vicarage, Onchan,
Hutchison Mr.Jno.6 Woodside terr,
Hutchison Mr. John, Union terrace
Inchbald Rev.Wm. 97 Derby.square:
Jackson Major James, 8 Esplanade st
Johnson Mrs. Jane Elizabeth, Western terrace
Jones Mis. Catherine C. 12 Finch road
Jones Mr.John, 2 St.George's place
Kennaugh Miss Ann Jane, 4 Dalton terrace
Kenrick Mrs, Jane Mary, Peel road
Kermode Capt, Jotm, 2 Derby terr.
Killour the Misses —, 85 Derby sq.
Kissack Mrs. Helen; Woodbourne ter
Kneen Mr. Thomas, 24 South quay
Lauder Sir John Dick, Bart. Fort William
Law Col. Robert,7 Adelaide terrace
Lewin Mis. Ann, Auckland terrace
Lindsey MrGeo.7 Castle Mona lawn
M'Grath Rev, Peter, 43 Atholl st
M'Guffog Mrs, -, Peel road
Mackenzie Mr.Jas. 3 St-George's sq
M'Kenzie Mr. Wm..2 Windsor terr
Martin Major -, .6.Mona-terrace
Martin Capt: James; Woodville
Matthews Miss. Alice, 58: Atholl st
Maxwell Mr.Geo. 7 Victoria terrace,
Miller Mrs..Ann, Union. terrace, Union Mills
Moate Mrs. Mary Ann, 16 Stanley terrace
Moffatt Mrs. —, Mona cliff
Moore Miss Catherine, 46 Atholl st
Moore Mr. Edward, 2: Adelaide st
Moore Mr. George, Mount Rule
Moore John,Esq. M.H.K. Hills Cottage
Moore Mr. John, Atholl st
Moore Mrs. John, Pulrose Cottage
Moore Mr. Philip; 50 Derby square
Moore Mr-Thomas; 4 Adelaide terr
Moore the Misses —, Woodbourne terrace
Moore. Mr.. William James, Crescent
Murray Honourable, Mrs. Colonel, Marina terrace
Murray Capt. Henry, 8. Finch road
Nelson Mr. Fredk.Wm..Falcon terr
Newton Mrs. Margaret, Woodbourne
Nichols Mr. Henry James, 6 Albert terrace
Nicholls Mrs Sarah, Victoria; terrace
Nicholson Mr. Wm. Union terrace,
Ogden Charles. R. Esq. (attorney-general), Kirby
Okell Mis, —, Broad way
Oman Mrs. Ann, Prospect terrace
Ormrod Mrs. Mary, Falcon cliff
Ormsby. Mrs. Frances Amelia, 17 Finch road
Palmer Mr. Joseph Lodge, Woodland
Parr Capt. Robt.4 Castle Mona lawn
Parry Mrs. Charlotte, 2 Esplanade —
Partridge Rev.Thos.94 Derby square.
Patterson Mr.Andw.10 St,George sq
Patterson Mr. John Sherlock, Victoria terrace
Petrie Captain —, Leece Lodge
Phillips Mr, John, Prospect hill
Piercy Mr. Wm. 2 Albert terrace
Pilkington Major—, 77 Derby sq.
Pollock Major Samuel. (justice of the peace), Strathallan Lodge
Preston John, Esq. Woodland
Pritchard Mr. Wm. Union terrace:
Probyn Capt. Thomas, 2 Harris terr.
Quayle Capt. Edward, 15 King st
Quirk Mr. John, 17 South.quay
Quirk Richd. Esq. Barnabas square
Radford Mr. Thomas, Union terr
Raite Captain —,, Union terrace
Ramsay Mr. Thomas, Woodside terr
Ramsey Mrs. Cath, 6 Rose. mount
Richardson Mr. Robt. 6 Stanley terr
Riley Mr. Joseph. 8 Mona terrace:
Roberts Mrs. 4, 2 Stanley.terrace
Robertson Mr. Arthur, 87 Derby square
Robinson Mrs. Mary, 4 Clarence terrace
Roskell Mrs. Elizb, 3 Mona Terrace
Ross Mr, John, Union terrace, Union Mills
Russell Mrs.George,6 Taubman, terrace
Savage Miss Ann, 7 Derby, terrace
Savage Mr, Christopher,3 Harris terr
Shum Col, Herry, Marina terrace
Shuter Mr, Henry, 5 Auckland terr
Simpson Richard, Esq, Mona cliff
Simpson Rev, Samuel, Derby terr
Smart Mrs. Dorothea, Victoria sq
Smith Mr. William, Union terrace
Speedy Capt.James, 10 Victoria terr
Spencer Mr, Robert, 68 Atholl st
Squires Mr. Wm. 7 Victoria terrace
Stacpoole Mrs. H.E'Milia,5 Esplanade
Stallybrass Rev. Wm. 3 Stanley terr
Steele Rev. John, 97 Derby square
Stephen Mr.John, Stephen's Cottage
Stephens, Mrs: Elizabeth, Priory
Stock Capt. —, 53 Derby square
Stuart Mr. Hugh Lindsay, Queen pl
Taggatt Miss. Isabella,3 Windsor terr.
Tait Mrs. Ann, Derby road
Tallan Mrs. Ann, 3 Rose mount
Taubman Mrs Ann, Woodbourne terr
Taubman Lieut.-Col,—,the Nunnery
Taylor Miss Jane, 11 Stanley terr
Taylor Mr. Samuel, 3 Dalton. terr
Thomson Miss Barbara,19 South quay
Timperley Miss —, Broadway
Tobin Mrs, Ann, Middle Braddan
Tootal Mr. Thomas, 11 Harris terr.
TupperMr. Carre Cook; 13 South quay
Tupper Mrs. Emily, 3 Victoria place
Tarner Mr. Alexander, Victoria rd
Turner Capt.Thomas,1 Rosemount, Woodburne
Tuton Mr. Richard, 6 Taubman terrace
Vandybird Mrs. Louisa, 12 Saint George's square
Walker Mr. Nathnl. Wm .Woodside terrace
Wallace Major James, Falcon terr
Ward Mrs. Frances, 5 Windsor terr
Weekes Lieutenant Wm. Burt, R.N. 24. South quay
Wells Mr. William, 1 Castle terrace
White Mr. John, Adelaide terrace
Whitehead Mr Richd.6A delaida terr
Wilkes Miss Catherine, Finch road
Wilmot Mr. John, 4 Esplanade
Wilmot Mr. Thomas, 93 Derby s.\u201d
Wilson Major —, 12 Mos
Wilson Mrs. Arabella, 2 Eden terr
Wilson Miss Eleanor, 33 Atholl st
Wood Lieut.Geo. Horsley, Falcon cliff
Woods Mr.William, 17 Stanley terr
Wright Mr. John, 3 Victoria terr
Yates Mrs, Louisa, Crescent


Marked thus * are Boarding; not otherwise described are Day Schools.

Adams Wm. Shaw's Brow, Church st
BALDWIN SCHOOL, Ballamotha - William John Martin, master
Cannell Claudius, Bath place
CATHOLIC SCHOOL, Prospect hill - John Kelly, master; Mary Ann Shannon, mistress
Christian Margaret, Callow place.
Cowin James,Coldclay,Kirk Onchan
*De Ruvighes Georgiana (and day),9 Mona terrace
*De Ruvignes Henry (and day) 9 Mona terrace
*Dutton Frances Rawson, Marina terrace
Dutton Jane, Victoria road
Earwaker Eliza, Kirk Onchan
*Forrester Walter, M.A. (and preparatory for the military colleges and universities), ATHOLL ACADEMY, Crescent (See advert.)
Glendenning Mary, 5 Thomas st
Hamilton Emily, Union terrace
Hodgson My.Ann,6 Castle Mona lwn
INFANTS' SCHOOL(St.George's), Barrack st — Mary Parry, mistress
INFANTS' SCHOOL, Thomas street — Amy Watkins, mistress
INFANTS' SCHOOL (St. Barnabas'), Drumgold st — Agnes Coole,mstrs
INFANTS' SCHOOL, Braddan — Catherine Carran, mistress
INFANTS' SCHOOL, Onchan —Ann Skilicorn, mistress
*Kaylls Jane & Mary, 91 Derby sq.
Ketlett Henry, Douglas bridge
Killey Philip, Strang
M'William Janet, 83 Derby square
NATIONAL SCHOOL, Atholl street — Thomas Winter, master; Rosanna Smith, mistress
PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, Kirk Onchan — Richard Emerson, master
*Parry Charlotte & Daughters (and day), Crescent
SAINT BARNABAS' SCHOOLS, Cattle Market — Thomas Green, master; Elizabeth Green, mistress
SAINT LUKE'S SCHOOL, Baldwin — William Callow, master
Sanders George, 36 Atholl st
Shortt James, 6 Victoria Place
*Steele Alexander (and classical, mathematical, and commercial), CRESCENT ACADEMY—(See ad.)
Sutherland Patrick, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Church st — (See advertmt.)
*Thompson Margaret, 3 Finch road
WESLEYAN SCHOOL, Thomas street — Samuel Parkin, Master


Archibald James (and. honorary secretary to the Art Union of Glasgow), Bank of Mona, Prospect hill
Goldsmith John, 4 Albert terrace


Blnett John Courtney (and high bailiff), Barnabas square
Callow Thomas Cheslyn, Duke st
Dumbell George William, M.H.K. 8 St. George's square
Fleetwood Edward Caryl, Atholl st
Harris & Adams, New Bond st
Harrison Ridgway, Duke st
Kelly Robert, 5 Woodhouse terrace
Laughton Alfred Nelson,48 Atholl st
Spittall James, Duke st
Stephen John C. Atholl st
Watts Henry Bloomfield, 9 Victoria terrace
Wilson Senhouse, 64 Atholl st


(see also Auctioneers, &c. and also Fire &c. Office Agents).

Backwell Matthew Price (to the Christian Knowledge Society), 3 Strand street
Berrey Wm..(custom house), North quay
Clark Jno.(steam packet),64 North qy
Duggan John (land),2 British chambers, North quay
England Heny (ale and porter), Atholl st and North quay.
Harris Samuel (wine and brandy), Custom House quay
Harris Sam. jun, (tithe), New Bond st
Heron George (for Guinness & Son's Dublin porter) Castle st
Jonson Henry (custom house), Custom House quay
Moore Edward (stean-packet), North quay (see advertisement)
Rhodes George (to Michael Connal & Co. brewers, Mount Gawne) 86 Derby square
Roskell Joseph (steam-packet), 48 North quay
Wood Peter Cranke (land, estate general, commercial, and commission agent and valuer),Douglas


Carlisle Thomas, Derwent cottage
Lamond Alfred, 5 Rose mount


Armstrong John (general), 3 St George's place
Collins George, 22 Duke st
Duggan John, 2 British chambers, North qy
England Henry, 32 Atholl st
Jones Richard, 12 South quay


Bridson Matthias, 14 Strand st
Bridson Robert, 3 Great Nelson st
Bridson Thomas (& biscuit),James street and 1 Post-office lane
Cain Edward, 73 Strand st
Cain John, Bigwell st
Cain Matthias, 4 New Bond st
Cowin John, 4 Great Nelson st
Corkhill Edward, 56 Duke st
Cottle Edward, 29 Strand st
Cottle James, 24 King st
Craine Joseph, 9 Church st
Creer John, 1 John st
Creer Matthew, 23 Church st
Faragher John, 5 Queen st.
Fielding Richard, 51 Strand st
Kennish Robert, 10 King st
Kissack William, Kirk Onchan
Lawson Margaret, 22 King st
Moore Samuel, 15 Lord st
Moore William, 4 King st
Morrison Robert, 43 Strand st
Teare William, Strand st
Windsor John, New Bond st


BANK of MONA (Branch of the City of Glasgow Bank), Prospect hill — (draws on Prescott, Grote & Co. London)—John S. Jackson, manager
Holmes Henry & Sons, South quay — (draw on Masterman, Peters & Co. London), Robt. Kelly,manager
SAVINGS' BANK, 13 Great George st —(open on Saturday from 1 till 2 and from 7 till 8) — James Spittall, secretary


Hughes George, Duke st
Smith Elizabeth, Thomas st


Alfred Charles, 63 Strand st
Heron George, Castle Mona Hotel
Jones George, Crescent


Heron George, Castle Mona Hotel
M'Ghie John, Bath place
Wallace Henry, Castle road


Kerran & Mansion, Prospect hill
Meldan Jane & Mary, Prospect hill
Robertson Elizabeth, 27 Duke st


Duxbury Anyon, Parade st
Heron George Castle Mona Hotel
Topliss William, North quay


Cain Matthew, Baldwin
Christian William, 71 North quay
Collister Daniel, Castle st
Costain Henry, Castle st
Cubbon Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Dale Philip, Cattle Market st
Faragher James Kirk Onchan
Gelling William, Baldwin
Kelly Walliam, Strang
Kewley James, King st
Lewin Edward, Douglas bridge
Quayle Daniel, Onchan


(See under the Head Turners)


(See also Lodging Houses)

Coole James, 12 Great George st
Curphey Matthias, Castletown road
Taylor John, 9 Parade st


Backwell Matthew Price,3 Strang st
Cain John. (and paper ruler) 8 Great George street
Kelly John, King st
Mylrea John, 19 Duke st


Ashcroft John George, Wellington market
Backwell Matthew Price. 3 Strand street
Cain John, 8 Great George st
Johnson Samuel, 34 Duke st
Kerruish & Kneale, 38 Duke st
Mylrea John, 19 Duke st
Quiggin Mary Ann, 52 North quay


Black James, 4 King st
Black William, 76 Strand st
Braid Joseph, 24 Duke st
Bridson William, 10 Church st
Cain John, Kirk Onchan
Cain Philip, Baldwin
Cain Robert, 50 Duke st
Callow Edward, Union Mills
Callow John, Kirk Onchan
Callow John, Cattle Market st
Callow Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Carran John, 1 Great George st
Caughen William, 10 King st
Caveen Thomas, Strand
Clucas John, Baldwin
Collister Edward, Barnabas square
Corkill John, 42 Strand st
Corkill Robert, 54 Duke st
Corkill William, New Bond st
Corllett John, 44 Atholl st
Corrin Daniel, Kirk Onchan
Cowan John, Onchan
Craine Charles, 24 King st
Cubbon Edward, Dake st
Cubbon John, Drumgold st
Cubbon John, 71 Strand st
Curphey John, 3 Castle st
Fargher Charles, Fancy st
Gick Robert, Strang
Gick Thomas, 6 North quay
Gick William, 44 Duke st
Hamilton Robert, Factory lane
Hampton Henry, 9 Great Nelson st
Kelly John, 10 Duke st
Kelly Robert, 3 Lord st
Kennaugh Ann, 22 Strand st
Kermode James, 15 Drumgold st
Kewley John, 9 Factory lane
King Robert, 18 Duke st
King William, 23 Great Nelson st
Kinley Johu, Prospect hill
Lewin Robert, Rose mount
M'Kneale William, 23 King st
Quay James, 14 Drumgold st
Quick John, 13 Great Nelson st
Quigain John, 28 Church st
Quiggin John, Drumgold st
Quilaash Philip, Lord st
Quine Edward, 78 Strand st
Taggart Thomas, Queen st
Taggart William, James st
Tate Thomas, 45 Duke at
Ward John,53 Duke st
Woods Robert, 14 Fancy st


See Iron and Brass Founders.


Duff John, Church st
Gelling James, Market place
Potin John, 22 Drumgold st
Seddon James, 40 North quay
Townend William, 12 Strand s¢


Dutton Jane & Courtier, Castle hill
Garrett Thomas and John, Cattle Market street ;
Hogg & Co. 1 North quay
Killey Philip, 18 Castle st


Cannell William, Windsor terrace
Quiggin William & Robert, Douglas bridge
Quine John, 81. Derby terrace
Robinson John (and architect),Victoria terrace


Aspell James, King st
Cain Thomas, 9 Strand st
Christian Robert, 45 Strand st
Davis Henry, James st
Douglas John, Lord st
Faragher Henry, 10 Gt. Nelson st
Hampton Richard, Factory lane
Hampton William, King st
Johnson Benjn. (pork), 34 Duke st
Pass William, 14 Strand st
Procter John, King st
Spencer Elizabeth, 5 Strand st


Bell John, Castle road
Callow William, Atholl st
Cleator Charles, 35 North quay
Gell John, Fort st
Green John, 4 Great George st
Hamilton William, 14 Strand st
Kelly Thomas, Odd Fellows' Hall, Church St
Maxwell Joseph North quay
Radelift Thomas, Prospect hill
Spence William, Prospect hill
White William, 22 New Bond st


Anderson Daniel, Kirk Onchan
Cain Thomas, Kick Onchan
Kelly Robert, 34. Barrack st
Kelly Thomas, Strang
Lawson Robt. Kirk Braddan bridge


Bregazzi Sebastian, 46 Duke st.
Burke John, Duke st


Bowman Joseph Robert. (late of Manchester), 12 Great Nelson st
Brearey William, North quay
Hatton Richard, North quay
Hemsworth Christopher William, 18 Atholl street
Higgins Robert, 43 Duke st
Kelly Robert Gordon, Market place and 1 Duke st
Okell Joseph, 69 Strand st
Quine James, Strand st


(See also Earthenware Dealers.)

Brougton Samuel, 11 Duke st
Griffiths William, 31 Duke st
Steele John, Strand st


Douglas Elizabeth, James st
M'Ardle James, Dale st
M'Gee Arthur, 4 Duke st


Cottier Waltes, Dixon's yard, Pier
Perry John, 6 Fort st
Wilson Adam, 26 Fort st


Marked thus * are Importers,

Clague Norris (coal), Strand st
Collister William, 10 Lord st
Graham & Kinsman, Fort st
Healey John, Strand st
*Hogg & Co, 1 North quay
*Roskell Joseph, 48 North quay
Shimmin William (coal), Castle st
*Torrance G, & Cove North quay, & Queen st (See advertisement)


Butterworth Frances, 3 Atholl st
Callow Amelia, 63 Duke st
Caughey William, 10 King st
Christian William, 47 Strand st
Corkhill Edward, 56 Duke st
Curphey John, Great Nelson st.
Greaves Eleanor, 63 Strand st
Jordan Frances, 42 Duke st
Moore John, 53 Duke st
Shipley John, 16 Duke st


SWEEDEN and Norway, Henry Bloom Noble, Derby square


Bell William, Queen st
Crellin Thomas, 32 Strand st
King John, James st


Cowley John, Queen st ;
Cubbon Robert, North quay
Sowden Josh. Top of Post-Office la


Armroyd George, 46 North quay
Bower. Thomas, Duke st
Green Henry (general), 23 Duke st


Curphey William, Fort st
Garrett Philip L. 56 Atholl st
Karran James, 19 Edward terrace.


Backwell Francis, 3 Strand st
Corlett William, 33 Duke street (See advertisement)
Cowen John, 6 Great Nelson st
Dalrymple William, UNION MILLS
Whipp. William, 16 Church st


(See also China and Glass Dealers.)

Griffiths William, Wellington market
Quine Edward, Back Strand st
Radcliff George, Lord st.


Backwell Matthew Price,3 Strand st
Dean George, Fort st
Mylrea John, 19 Duke st


Barrow James, Kerro Dhoo
Brew Thomas, Ballachrink
Bridson Robert, Ballaflatcher
Bridson Wm. Ballavagher, Braddan
Broadbent Seven Bibaloe-beg
Cain John, Baldwin
Cain John, Ballamenagh, Kirk Onchan
Cain John, Ballig, Onchan
Cain William, Ballachrink, Onchan
Cannell Ann, Ballaview
Cannell Thos. Ballawoolyn,Baldwin
Cannell Thos. Ballawoolyn, Baldwin
Cannell Thonas,Olgare, Braddan
Cannell Thomas, Algare
Cannell Willian, Ballakilley
Cashell William, Ballacottier
Christian Edward, Ballakilmartin
Christian Edwd. Ballakaighin, Onchan
Christian Thomas, Biggode, Onchan
Clague Daniel, Strenoby, Braddan
Clague John, Strenoby, Braddan
Clague Robert, Ballaquine, Braddan
Clacas William, Strang
Clneas William, the Cronk, Braddan
Corkhill Robert, Olican, Braddan
Corkill James, Biggoade, Onchan
Corlett Edward, Onchan
Corlett Robert, Ballakaighin
Cowin James, Cumloak
Cowin John, Ballagarey, Baldwin
Cowin John, Strang
Cowin John, Ballamoda
Cowle Thomas, Coldin, Braddan
Cowley John, Heney hill
Cowley William, Ayrwind, Baldwin
Craine & Son, Cowan, Braddan
Craine Mrs.—,Ballacottier, Briddan
Craine Wm. Ballakannish, Braddan
Craine, Wm, Ballaleanny, Braddan
Creer John, Clypse, Onchan
Creer Margaret, Ardwhallan
Creer Matthias, Ballamoda,Braddan,
Cubbon Thomas, Onchan
Cubbon William, Ballacubbon
Davis Richard, Kirby
Dickinson Nicholas, Ballacgreggon
Dumbell George William, Ballacotier
Fayle William, Streaneaby, Onchan
Fell Margaret, Balig, Braddan
Freer John, Mountrule, Braddan
Garrett William; Ballacottier
Gelling James, Ballacottier, Braddan
Gelling John, Virginia, Baldwin
Goldie Captain Mark; Ballacruden
Graham Wiliam, Bibaloe-moar
Hampton Thos. Ballabunt, Braddan
Hampton Thos. Ballacain, Braddan
Hay John, Springhill
Hogg Robert, Kilkenny
Howard Lewis, Ballacottier
Jackson John S., Slegaby, Howstrake and Sulby
Jones William, Balloats
Kaneen Daniel, Dhoon, Baldwin
Kaneen Daniel, jun. Dhoon, Baldwin
Kelly Elizabeth, Ballashogal
Kelly John, Colloneys, Braddan
Kelly John, Ballaquine, Braddan
Kelly John, Renscuilt, Braddan
Kelly John, Clogbane, Braddan
Kelly William, Ballachrink, Onchan
Kelly William, Ballagarey
Kneen John; Renseuilt
Leece Paul, Ballamona, Braddan
Lewin Robert, Ballargey, Onchan
M'Clure John, Ballavriew, Braddan
Manning William, Kirk Onchan
Matthews Frank, Clypse, Onchan
Moore Robert, Ballrenny, Braddan
Nicklin, Richard, Baliafargher Kirk Onchan
Oates Edward, Ballaflatcher
Quiggin Robert, Baldwin
Quilliam Wm.Castle ward, Byldwin
Quine Edward, Ballig; Braddan
Quine John, Ballig, Onchan
Quine John, Ballachrink, Baldwin
Sayle Charles, Farm hill, Braddan
Shipley John, Ballaflatcher
Taire Robert, Biggoade
Teare Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Waterson John, Tromode, Onchan
Waterson Thomas,Tromode,Onchan


(see Skin Manufacturer.)

Jones John, 9 Wellington square


ACCIDENTAL (life), Henry England, Atholl street, and North quay
ALLIANCE, G. Torrance & Co,North quay, and Queen street
ANCHOR, Peter Cranke Wood, Douglas
ASYLUM (life), John C, Stephen,Atholl st
CALEDONIAN, John 8. Toles: Prospect hill
CITY OF LONDON (life), John Duggan, North quay
CLERICAL, MEDICAL and GENERAL, Heury Whiteside,North quay, and 31 Atholl street ;
EQUITABLE (life), William Casey,Castle street
ECONOMIC (lite), Henry Whiteside, Atholl street
EDINBURGH STANDARD (life), John Harris, Custom House quay
ENGLISH and CAMRIAN (life), Thomas Cheslyn Callow, Duke st, and Wm. Berrey, North quay
GLOBE, Alfred William Adams,New Bond street
IMPERIAL, James Spittall, Duke st
INDUSTRY and. GENERAL. (life), W. A. Brearey, North quay
LONDON MUTUAL. (life and: Guarantee), Alfred. Nelson Laughton, 48 Atholl street, and Peter Cranke Wood, Douglas
MITRE, Ridgway Harrison, Duke-st
NATIONAL. MERCANTILE, George Heron, Castle street
PROFESSIONAL (life), Peter Cranke Wood, Douglas
ROYAL LIVERPOOL,Henry B.Watts, Barnabas square
STANDARD, Richard Nicklin, North quay
SUN, Wm. F. Moore, 15 Factory lane


Jolley Frances, 17 Duke st
M'Arthur Malcolm, Strand st
Moore Peter, 5 James st


Casey William, Castle st
Kelly Thomas, Oddfellows' Hall, Church street


Anderson John, Rose mount
Spittal Alexander, 1 New Bond st
Williams Owen, King st


(Marked thus * are Wholesale. see also Shopkeepers.)

Allen William, 1 Strand st
Butterworth Frances, 3 Atholl st
Caley Charles, 1 Lord st
Clague Norris, 2 Strand st
Clark Johny 64 North quay
*Clarke Archibald, 17 King st
Clucas John, 56 Strand st
Collister William, 10 Lord st
Coole James, 12 Great George st
Cowin William, 36 North quay
Craine John, 72 Strand st
*Crebbin Lewis & George, 35 Duke st
Cretney Robert, 6 New Bond st
Drury Thomas, Great Nelson. st
*Duff John, 5 Duke st
*Duff Robert, Market place
Fell John, Strand st,
*Garret Thomas & John,, Strand St and Cattle Market street
*Hart & Dale, 14 Duke st
Hughes Hugh, Market place
*Kissack James, 8 Duke st
*Laurence Henry, 9 Duke st
*Lewin James & Co. 69 Duke st
Moore Nicholas, 21 King st
Richards Thomas, 30 Dake st
Roberts John, 58 & 59 North quay
*Roskell Joseph, 48 North guay
*Roskell Robert, Strand st
Roney Richard, Duke st
*Spittal Alexander 1&2 New Bond st
Thompson Wm.Henry, Victoria road
*Torrance G, & Go, North quay, and Queen st (See Advertisemt.)


Brew Robert, 57 North quay
Caskie Charles, 1 King st
Connal John, 17 Duke st
Cubbon Robert, 3 James st
Fielding James, 39 North quay
Sloan William, 59 Strand st


Callow Thomas, 29 Lord st
Cannell Robert, 25 King st
Quayle John, 20 Duke st


Hogg &,Co. 1 North quay
Holmes Henry & Sons, South quay
Naylor William, Parade st


(See also. Taverns & Public Houses.)

Adelphi, William Stead,21 Church st
British Hotel(commercial) , William Johnson, Market place
Castle Mona Hotel, George Heron, Castle Mona— (See advertisement)
Cumberland Inn, Mary Hodgson,Heywood place
Fort Anne Hotel, Robert Marshall, Fort Anne
Redfern's Hotel, Charlotte Redfern,James street
Royal Hotel, William Hill (late of the Crescent Hotel), Pier (See advertisement)
Saddle, Philip Cain, 22 Queen st
York Hotel, Anyon Duxbury, Parade street


Gelling James, Mona Foundry, South quay, and Market place
Gelling Richard (iron), South quay
M'Ghie John (brass), Bath place


Torrance G. & Co.North quay, and Queen st (See advertisement)


Cowle Isaac, Fort st
Fowler Martin, 22 Atholl st
Gelling Jas. (furnishing), Market pl
Seddon James, 40 North quay
Sherwood Richard, 8 Fort st


Anderson Daniel, Kirk Onchan
Cain William, Kirk Onchan
Cannell Isaac, Baldwin
Clague James, Douglas bridge
Clucas Henry, Castle st
Collister John, Castle st
Cowin Daniel, Prospect place
Cowle Richard, Prospect hill
Craine Rohert, Prospect hill
Cubbon Henry, South quay
Edgar Edward, 5 Prospect hill
Gallimore Charles, 14 Parade st
Gill John, 7 Albert terrace
Harrison John, 16 Great Nelson st
Healiss Thomas, 30 Atholl st
Kay Robert, Prospect hill
Kelly Robert, 34 Barrack st
Kelly Thomas, Strang
Kewley Thomas, Well road
Phillip James, Onchan
Quayle Thomas, 3 Castle st
Quayle Thomas, Cattle Market st
Robinson Henry, 33 Finch road


(see also Fellmonger)

Jones John (and Wool dealer), 9 Wellington square


Cain John, 8 Great George st
Johnson Samuel, 34 Duke st
Kerruish & Kneale 38 Duke st
Mylrea John, 19 Duke st
Quiggin Mary Anne, 52 North quay


Christian Allen, Market place
Cubbin Henry & Thomas & Richard, 38 and 39 Duke street
Falkner William, Atholl st
Halliburton John & Co, 48 Duke st
Harris Samuel, 53 North quay
Mackenzie Kenneth, Duke st
Morrison Charles, 39 Strand st
Nowlin William, Market place
Robinson Edward, 16 Strand st
Wilson Thos. & Co 26 & 28 Duke st


Bell Wm. & Edward, North oua
Cain Philip, 22 Queen sp @Y
Collister Robert, Atholl st
Cubbon James, Victoria road
Heron George (and horse and carriage repository) ,Castle Mona lawn
Hoult Thomas (and horse and carrage repository), Prospect hill
Kelly James, Finch road
Kelly William, Senna lane
Jones John, Castle Mona lawn
Quine Robert, James st
Quirk Matthias, Senna Jane
Quirk Patrick, Senna Jane.
Redfern Charlotte, James st
Shipley John, Pier
Smith Thomas, James st
Starkey Peter, 16 Senna lane


(See also Boarding Houses.)

Andrew Martha, 12 Stanley terrace
Bailey es 4 Windsor terrace
Barnes Hannah Maria, 1 Taubman terrace
Bell John, Castle road.
Bell Robert, 14 Fort st
Bewley Elizabeth, Mona terrace
Blair John, Parade st
Bolton Fossey, 13 Drumgold st
Bonnyman Maria, 1 Mount pleasant
Boyd Catherine,2 Castle Mona lawn
Boyne William, 17 North quay
Briscoe Jeremiah, 12 Rose monnt
Broadfoot Eleanor, 11 Fort st
Butterworth Frances, 3 Atholl st
Cain Margaret, 11 North quay
Cain Matthew, 5 Dalton terrace
Caley Esther, 6 Castie Mona lawn
Callow William, Atholl st
Campbell John, 6 Mount pleasant
Cannell & Lea, Mailet place
Cannell Mary, 34 Finch road.
Christian William, North quay»
Chub Elizabeth, Kirk Onchan
Clague Edward, South quay
Clague James, St. George's place
Clague Thomas, 6 Fancy street
Clark Caesar, 21 Church st
Clucas Catherine, Osborne terrace
Cochran Robert, 2 South quay
Corkhill William, 14 Thomas st
Corry Cecilia Matilda, 4 Western terr
Corteen Robert, Albert terrace
Cottle James, 24 King street
Coyne Phineas, 49 Derby square
Craig William, 2 North quay
Cretney James, Peel road
Cretney Margaret, 8 Athol st
Crosby Sarah, St. Geoerge's square
Cross Sophia, 1 Victoria, terr
Cubbin Catherine, 3 St.Martin's lane
Cubbon Joseph, 3 Mount pleasant
Cubon Margaret 16 Finch road
Curphey Ann, 7 Mona terrace
Curphey Isabella, Rose mount
Curphy John, 3 Castle st
Dickenson Anthony, 12 Parade
Dickenson Mary, 15 Atholl st
Elgar Edward, 5 Prospect hill
Fell Catherine, Parade st
Fisher John, Castle Mona lawn
Francis George Frederick, Saint Thomas' walk
Fraser Alexander, Braddan
Gallimore Charles, 14 Parade st
Garrett John, Castle lawn
Gawn Ann, James'st
Gelling Cecilia & Frances,4 Edward terrace
Gick Thomas, 6 North quay
Gill George, 5 Derby terrace
Goldsmith John, 4 Albert terrace
Goldsmith William, 4 Fort st
Grant Lucretia, 4 Esplanade
Griffiths Elizabeth, 2 Castle terrace
Haining James, 62 Atholl st
Hannay Arbuthnot, 3 Castle Mona lawn
Hart Mary, 22 South quay
Healy John, 5 Mount pleasant
Hudson Mary, Finch road
Ince James, 4 Derby terrace
Johnson Joseph; 5. Great George st
Jones Margaret, 20 North quay
Joughin Catherine, 40 Atholl st
Jowitt George, 18 South quay
Kayle Isabella, Castle st
Kermode Elizabeth, 9 John st
Kermode James, Drumgold st
Kerruish Catherine, 5. Esplanade
Kneale Daniel, Great George st
Kneen Ruth, 6 Victoria terrace
Livesey John, 14 Rose mount
Lloyd Sarah, 7 Woodhouse terrace
Macartney Ann, 2 Rose mount
Macfarlane Wm, 6 Auckland terrace
M'Lachlan John, 6 Mount pleasant
M'Leod Ann, St. Thomas walk
M'Teare Elizabeth, 4 Prospect hill,
Maine Sarah, 7 Auckland terrace
Maltby Esther, 1 Drumgold st
Marshall Catherine, Peel road
Miller Mary, 13 Parade st
Molyneux Samuel, North quay
Moore Christian, 4 Rose Mount
Muncaster William, 15 North quay
Munkictrick Jane, 3 Rose mount
Nicholson Wm. Castle Mona lawn
Owen John, 24 New Bond st
Procter Alexander, 5 Athol st
Procter John, 28 King st
Quine Esther, 5 Edward terrace
Quine John, 81 Derby terrace
Quine Robert, 13 inch road
Rigby Catherne, 2 Woodhouse terrace
Rigg Elizabeth, 38 Athol st
Russell William, 16 South quay.
Scott Charles, 16 North quay
Seddon Elizabeth, 14 Finch road
Seddon Thomas, 13 North quay
Simpson George, Windsor place
Skillicorn Margaret, Castle st.
Sloane Margt. Eunice,15 Finch road
Smith Robert, 2 Clarence terrace
Stephens Caroline,3 Derby terrace
Stockdale Willams, North quay
Strains John, 4 Woodhouse terrace
Sutherland Patrick, 4 Mount pleasant
Taggart Thomas 12 Queen st
Tear Margaret, 8 Mount pleasant
Thorburn Susan, Victoria, road
Topliss William, North quay
Trumbel William, Peel road
Wilkins Caroline, North quay
Williams William, 10 Queen st
Young Mary Jane, 13 Stanley terrace


Collis Charles, James st
Davine Elizabeth, New Bond st
Gallagher Patrick, 56 North quay
Lynch Andrews, 8 Hanover st


Duff John, 5 Duke st
Duff Robert, Market place
Garrett Thomas & John, Strand st
Gelling Edward, Duke st
Harris Samuel, Custom House quay
Nicklin Richard, North quay
Noble Henry Bloom, New Bound st
Roskell Joseph, 48 North quay
Roskell Robert, Strand st
Spittall Alexander, 1 & 2 New Bond st
Torrance G, & Co.(commission), 19 North quay and Queen street— (See advertisement).


Cowin Jas. & Co. Ballaugton Mills
Cowley Robert, Kewague
Dalrymple William, Union Mills
Kelly & Christian, Wellington Mill
Lewin Robert, Kirk Onchan
Morrison Thomas, Baldwin
Quay John, Baldwin
Whiteside Henry, North quay and Nunnery Mill
Windsor John, Pullrose Mill


Bolton Fossey, 13 Drumgold st
Bonnyman Maria, 1 Mount pleasant
Bostock Harriet, 6 Castle st
Boyde Ann, 34 Atholl st
Cannell Jane & Louisa, Thomas st
Clucas Margaret, Castle st
Colquhoun Ann, 18 North quay
Corkill Mary, Barrack st
Corlett Ann, Wellington square
Gelling Cecilia & Frances,4 Edward terrace
Hall Ann, 18 Atholl st
Harrison Ann, Kirk Onchan
Kelly & Fell, Great Nelson st.
Kerran & Mansion, Prospect hill
Kissack Isabella, 38 Barrack st
Kneale Mary, Church st
Mehew M. & S. 44 Duke st
Meldan Mary & Jane,6 Prospect hill
Moore Jane & Ellen, 6 Atholl st
Moyes Jane, 38 Atholl st
Price Jane, James st
Procter Elizabeth, 19 King st
Quayle & Stephens, 7 Atholl st
Quiggin Jane, King st
Quine Esther, 5 Edward terrace
Quirk Margaret, King st
Robinson Edward, 16 Strand st
Spence Ann, 9 Great George st
Steele Ellen, Strand st
Welsh Julia, 61 Strand st
Wilkinson Elizabeth, Jane & Susannah, 19 Atholl st



MANX SUN (Saturday) Peter Curphey, 31 North quay RN
MONA'S HERALD (Tuesday in Summer and Wednesday in winter),— Robert Fargher, Post Office lane


Bluett John Courtney, Barnabas sq.
Fleetwood Edward Caryl, Atholl st
Kelly Robert, 5 Woodhouse terrace
Moore John, Peel road
Stephen John C. Atholl st
Watts Henry Bloomfield,9 Victoria terr


Clague Richard, Douglas bridge
Douglas William, 43 North quay
Nicholson William, Well road
Quilleash & Kay (& paper stainers), 23 North quay
Quine John, 80 Strand st


Demeza John, Ballaoats, Braddan
Lewthwaite John & Alexander, North quay, and LAXEY AND MOUNT RULE PAPER MILLS


Bennett Edward, Crescent
Cookson George, Mona Cottage
Fleming Maxwell, 1 Finch road
Sale Thomas, 3 Prospect hill
Spittall Andrew (and medical and general practitioner), Prospect hill
Thompson Thomas Richard Henry, 1 Mona terrace


Fawcett James, Castle Mona lawn
Macready James, Prospect hill


Adams George, Hanover st
Gelling James, Market place
M'Arthur Malcolm, Strand st
Quine John, Strand st
Thompson Charles, 24 Lord st
Wallace Alexander, 24 Fort st


Clague Thomas, Factory lane
Hamilton James, 62 Duke st


Backwell Matthew Price, Strand st
Brown James, 56 North quay
Curphey Peter, 31 North quay
Fargher Robert, Post Office place
Johnson Robert Heywood (and stationer), 2 Great Nelson st
Mylrea John, 19 Dake st
Quiggin Mary Anna, 52 North quay


Bamford James (fencing),28 Lord st:
Davies Joseph (music,and organist), 6 St. George's square
De Ruvignes Georgiana (French), Mona terrace
De Ruvignes Henry (French), Mona terrace
Forrester Walter, M.A. (of classics and mathematics, and principal of ATHOLL ACADEMY), Crescent (See advertisement)
Hubert Lawrence (French), Esplanade
Kennedy Eliza (music), Finch road)
Steele Alexander (of classics and mathematics, and principal of the Crescent ACADEMY, Crescent (See advertisement).
Wilkes John (music), St. George's square


(See also Grocers & likewise Shopkeepers).

England Henry, 32 Atholl st
Harris James; 6 Duke st
Roney Richard, 18.5 Duke st


Torrance G, & Co. (and ochre and umber), North quay, and. Queen street; works, near Douglas (See advertisement).


Croughan Margaret, 25 Duke st
Quiggin Wm, & Robt, Douglas bridge
Winram John, Woodbourne 9.


Cubbon Joseph, Market place
Jurphey Jolin, 10 Strand st
Kennaugh Ann, 22 Strand st
Molyneux Samuel, 19 North quay


Moore Peter, South quay
Moore Wm. F. (and flax Spinner), 19 Factory lane ; works Tromode.


Moore Peter, 5 James st
Quirk R. & Co. North quay


See Coal and Salt Merchants.


Quiggin Wm.& Robt. Douglas bridge
Winram John, Parade court


Gill Henry, Peel road
McMaster Andrew, 7 Dalton terrace
Quayle Edward (steamer), 15 King st
Shipley Thomas, Woodboure terr.


Quiggin Wm.& Robt.Douglas bridge
Roskell Joseph, 48 North quay
Spittall Alexander, New Bond st
Torrance G. & Co. North quay and Queen st—(See advertisement).


Archibald Mary, Bigwell st
Berry William, 11 Church st
Cain Edward, Strand st
Cain Jane, 14 Bigwell st
Cannell William, James st
Caufield John, Duke st.
Corkhill Robert, 19 Atholl st
Cowin Robert, 12 Hanover st
Cowin Thomas, Castle st
Cowley Charles, 75 Strand st
Cowley William, 26 Strand st
Craine lsabella, 6 Bigwell st
Craine Thomas, 7 Drumgold st
Cubbon Ann, 1 Queen st
Curphey John, jun. 1 Castle st
Fielding Joseph, Great Nelson st
Gelling Paul, Fort st
Hughes Mary Ann, 10 North quay
Kelly Charlotte, 17 Drumgold st
Kelly Jane, Back Strand st
Kelly John, 18 Barrack st
Kelly Robert, 8 Strand st
Kinley Margaret, 7 Bigwell st
Lee Jeremiah, Braddan
Lewin John, Kirk Onchan
Long John, Factory lane
Maltby Esther, Drumgold st
Moore John, Heywood place
Moore William, 8 King st
Noy John, New Bond st
Porter Joseph, Welling
Redfern John, 36 Duke st
Rooney James, 41 Strand st
Shimmon Robert, 14 Gt. Nelson st
Shipley Mary, 10 Strand st


Curphey William, 41 Duke st
Lemon Abraham & Morris, 12 Duke st


Graham James, John st
Show William, North quay


Isle of Man, North quay — Edwd. Moore,agent — (See adverlismnt).


Wood Peter Cranke, Douglas


Corkhill Robert, Fort st
Corkhill Wiliam, Bigwell st
Cottier Daniel, St. Thomas walk
Harrison Edward, Kirk Onchan
Quayle Thomas, Kirk Onchan
Skillicorn James, Kirk Onchan
Skillicorn John, Kirk Onchan
Swinnerton Charles, Prospect Hill
Watterson Robert, 3 Western terr.


Cannell Jane & Louisa, Thomas st
Castile & Radcliff, 14 King st
Christian Eleanor, 66 Strand st
Clucas Margaret, Castle st
Craine Ann, Thomas st
Davidson Elizabeth, Strand st
Kelly & Fell, Great Nelson st
Miller Elizabeth, Fort st
Robinson Elizabeth, Duke st.
Stephens Ellen, Strand st


Elliott Philip, 25 Atholl st
Harrison Joho Berkly,4 Marina terr
Montford Henry, 60 Atholl st
Nelson Samuel, 4 Atholl st
Okell William, Castle hill
Oswald Henry Robert, 2 Finch road
Ring Cornelius P. 54 Atholl st
Russell Samuel, Crescent
Scarff Henry, 50 Atholl st


Anderson Robert (road) Bellevue
England Henry, North quay
Jefferson John, 13 Great George st


Marked thus * are also Drapers.

Cain & Clague, 2 Great George st
Cain James, Strand st
Cain James, Kirk Onchan
Cain Jonathan, Castle st
Cain Robert, Duke lane
Cain Robert, 22 Lord st
*Callister Richard, 7 New Bond st
Cannell James, 12 King st
Carron John, Baldwin
Clarke George, 12 Lord st
Clucas James, 57 Duke st ;
Corkhill John, Baldwin
Corlett John, Baldwin
Craine John, 1 Strand st
Crow John, 67 Strand st
Curphey John; 6 Thomas st
Douglas Robert, 13 Lord st
Gell Robert, 19 Strand st
Gribbin Edward, 76 Strand st
Hales James, 52 Duke st
Kelly Robert, Factory lane
*Kerruish Hugh, 37 Duke st
Kewley Charles, Barrack st
Kinley Robert, Union Mills
Kneale Henry, 7 Great George st
*Kneale James, 58 Duke st.
Leaver Richard, Castle st
Moore John, Heywood place
*Morrison George, 46 Duke st


Hamlyn Richard, Lord st
Kelly William, Heywood place


Caine Thomas & Son,Well road and 18 Finch road
Gell Robert, Cattle Market st
Kennaugh Ann, 22 Strand st


Alston Thomas (Thistle), Parade st
Andrews Joseph (Foresters') ,Castle Mona Lawn
Boyle Charles, 4 Hanover st
Bridson John, 63 Strand st
Brown Alexander (Shore Tavern),Strand st
Brown John (Fleetwood Arms),Chapel row
Cain Amelia, Post Office place
Callow William (Atholl), Atholl st
Cannell John (Trafalgar) South quay
Carran Thomas, (Mona) Duke lane
Caveen John (Druids'), 15 Great Nelson street ;
Christian Edward(Victoria), Strand st
Christian John (Oddfellows' Inn), 1 North quay
Christian William (Foresters' Arms) Strand st
Clague Joseph (Manchester Arms), 3 Chapel row
Connor Ann (Anchor)17 Church st
Coole Richard (Manx) Duke st
Cowin William (Black Lion), 37 North quay
Cowley Robert (Ivy Rock in the Wood), 42 North Quay
Crangle Patrick (Oddfellows Inn) Crescent
Cretney Elizabeth (Star), 36 Lord St
Curphey Thomas (Coach & Horses)North quay
Dalby John, North quay
Doleman Benjamin (Steam Packet) 68 North quay
Ewbank Wm. (Manchester Arms),North quay
Faragher John (Oddfellows' Arms), Duke street
Fisher Robert, 19 Great Nelson ¢t
Forster George (Leeds Arms), 20 Bigwell st
Garforth Saml.(Fitzwilliam's Arms)Strand st
Gelling John (Three Legs of Man), Kirk Onchan
Gelling William, Baldwin
Harrison John (Joiners' Arms) Great Nelson street
Healiss Matthew, Church st
Hewitt Peter (Cheshire Hunt Inn), Kirk Onchan
Hewson Joseph (Nag's Head), 35 North quay
Kelly Ann (Bird-in-Hand), 8 Drumgold st
Kennish Martha (Ship), North quay
Kermode Robert 6. (Greyhound),41 North quay
Lamb John ('Old' Market Inn), 3 Chapel row
Leach Robert (Commercial), North quay
Lewis William (Crown), Duke lane
M'Clelland William' (Plough), 27 Bigwell street
M'Clure John, Baldwin
M'Kenzie Ann (Plough), James st
M'Kneale Jane, 24 Great Nelson st.
Millett Thomas (Old Brown Bobby),Peel road
Mitchell George, 8 North quay
Palmer Charles (Oddfellows' Arms), 62 North quay
Quirk Ann, Strand st
Quirk Richard(Cumberland Tavern), James st
St Ledger John (Prince of Wales), Chapel row
Sayle William (Bull's Head), Duke st
Skelly George, North quay
Skillicorn John, Union Mills
Skillicorn John (Ramsey),New Bond st
Skillicorn Margaret, Castle st
Smith John (Pier Tavern), Pier
Stephen John,7 Church st
Stockdale Wm, (Liverpool Arms), 63 North quay
Thompson' Charles (Birmingham Tavern), Lord street
Topliss Ann (Union), Onchan
Topliss William (Laucashire House),41 North quay
Wallace Alice, 55 Strand st
Whitton Jane, Bigwell st
Williams James (Shakspere), New Bond Street


Quiggin William & Robert (and slate), Douglas bridge
Spittall Alexander, 1 and 2 New Bond street, and Douglas bridge


Duff John, Duke st
Duff Robert, Market place
Laurence Henry (and snuff), Duke St


Bregazzi Sebastian, 40 Duke st
Ellis John D, Duke st
Green Henry, 23 Duke st
Hall John, 18 Atholl st


Johnson Joseph, Prospect hill
M'Gee Nicholas, Strand


Cowin John, Castle st
Cubbon. William, Prospect hill
Qualtrough William (and block maker), 5 North quay
Tear Robert (and Block maker) Queen street


Hughes Peter, Strand st
Smith Edward, Strand st


Cain Robert, 22 Lord st
Cavnell John, 34 Atholl st
Cleator Charles, 35 North quay.
Gell John, Fort st
Maxwell Joseph, North quay.
Spence William, Prospect hill


Brown Thomas, 20 Atholl st.
Clucas William; 24 North quay
Curphey William, 41 Duke st
Goldsmith Thos: 10 Great George st
Lemon, Abraham & Morris, 12 Duke st
Muncaster John, 13 Factory lane


Caley Charles, Lord st
Crebbin Lewis & George, 35 Duke st
Duff John, 5 Duke st
Duff Robert, Market place
Garrett Thomas John, Strand st
Gelling Edward, 31 Duke st
Harris Samuel, 63 North quay
Heron George, Castle st
Hughes Hugh, Market place
Lawrence Henry, 9 Duke st
Lewin James & Co. 59 Duke st
Nicklin Richard, North quay
Roskell Joseph, North quay
Spittall Alexander, 1 and 2 New Bond Street
Torrance G. & Co. North quay, and Queen street—(See advertisement)


Dalrymple. William (and dyer), Union Mills
Forster George, Bigwell st


Armroyd George, surgical instrument maker, North quay
Armroyd Geo. gunsmith, 46 North quay
Beckwith William, resident proprietor of the Isle of Man Mining Company, and treasurer and secretary of the Laxey Mining Company, Glencrutchery, Kirk Onchan
Berey Wm. custom house broker, North quay
Cain Thomas, millwright, Kirk Onchan
Cain William, parish clerk, Kirk Onchan
Cannel John, coach painter, Fort st
Cawte Isaac, whitesmith, Fort st
Clark & Carran, sacking manufacturers, 22 Great Nelson st
Clark Thos locksmith, Cattle Market st
Corran James, parish clerk,Braddan
Cottier Walter, coach smith, Queen place
Colum William, tobacco pipe maker Drumgold st
Edwards & Co,patentees of the preserved potato, South quay
Faulder John, steward to John Jackson Esq. Kirk Onchan
Hall Ann, habit braider, 18 Athol st
Hastie Mary, stay maker, Forts st
Hewson Joseph, eating-house keeper, 35 North quay
Horsley Hudson, clog and patten maker 40 Strand street
Jefferson John, engineer and secretary to the water works, Great George st
Johnson Henry, collector of light dues Custom House quay UH
Johnston Henry, ship broker, Custom House quay
Kelly. William, town crier,Back Strand st
Kneale Wm. deputy coroner, Queen's pl
Lewin Edwd. nail maker, Douglas bridge
M'Cairn Philip; pig dealer, James st
Quay John, bone crusher and flax spinner, Baldwin
Robinson John, architect, 2 Victoria terrace
Stephenson John, clerk of St Matthew's church, Fort st
Stoppetton Jobn, piano forte maker Fort
Trumble William, steward, of the King Orry steamer, Peel road
Wall Brothers,electro platers.16 Atholl st
Wright David, whitesmith, Fort st


Lieut.-Governor— His Excellency the Hon. C. Hope.
Secretary to His Excellency—James Burman Esq.


Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man—The Right. Hon. and Right Rev. R.J. Eden, Baron Auckland.
Attorney General—Charles R. Ogden, Esq.
Northern Deemster—The Hon. William L. Drinkwater
Southern Deemster—The Hon. John Joseph Heywood
Receiver General and Water Bailiff—William Watson Christian, Esq.
Clerk of the Rolls The Hon. Mark H. Quayle.
Archdeacon—The Venerable and Rev. J. C. Moore,
Vicar General —Thomas Arthur Corlett, Esq.
Clerk of Council James Burman, Esq.


George William Dumbell, Sq. Bellmont.
John Moore, Esq. the Hills,
Edward Moore Gawne, Esq. Kentraugh.
Thomas Moore, Esq. Crescent Cottage.
John Kelly, Esq. Castletown.
John Quayle, Esq. Castletown,
Frederick John Dominic Lamothe Esq. Ramsey.
John Bridson, Esq. Ballavarvane.
George Augustus Woods, Esq. Balladoole.
John Frissell Crellin, Esq. Orrisdale,
Richard Harrison, Esq. Peel.
Evan Gell, Esq. Whitehouse,
William Corlett, Esq. Ballamona.
Philip M. Lyons, Esq. Ramsey.
John George Bennett, Esq. Onchan.
Robert John Moore, Esq. Peel.
William Callister, Esq. Thornhill.
Alexander Spittall, Esq. Douglas.
Thomas Clucas, Esq, Gart.
Richare Quirk, Esq. Rheaby.
Francis Matthews, Esq. Glenmore,
Evan Cameron, Esq. Raggatt.
Henry Murray, Esq. Douglas.


For regulating matters relative to highways, bridges, &c. William Watson: Christian Esq., Evan Gell, Esq., Frederick John Dominic Lamothe, Esq. and Alexander Spittall, Esq.
Surveyor General. J. Moore, Douglas.
Acting Surveyor General R. Anderson) Douglas.



John, Kelly, Esq, Castletown.
Richard Harrison; Esq. Peel.
Frederick Tellet, Esq. Ramsey.
John Courtney Bluett, Esq. Douglas.

CORONERS (elected Annually.)

Glenfaba—William Quayle, Peel.
Ayre—Thomas Cawley, Lezayre.
Michael—Johi Stephen, Ballaugh.
Garf—William Corlett, Ramsey.
Middle—John Cannell, Douglas.
Rushen—Stephen J. Grandin, Castletown.


Sumner-General—Samuel Harris, Esq.
Kirk Maughold— T. Christian.
Kirk Lonan — James Cannon.
Kirk Onchan—Philip Cain.
Kirk Braddan—Christopher Carran.
Kirk Marrown—T. Christian.
Kirk Santon—(vacant.)
Kirk Malew—William Acta
Kirk Arbory—Rebert Shimmiop.
Kirk Christ Rushen —Thomas Sayle.
Kirk Patrick— William Gell.
Kirk German—Robert Kewin.
Kirk Michael—Edward Cannell.
Kirk Andrews—Matthias Curphey.
Kirkbride—P. Christian.
Ballaugh—John Stephen.
Jurby—John Lewin.
Lezayre—D. Cowin.


The Members of the Council.
The High Bailiff of Castletown..}
The High Bailiff of Douglas.... } For the time being.
The High Bailiff of Ramsey......}
The High Bailiff of Peel........}
William Watson Christian, Ballacurry
George Augustus Wood, Esq. Balladoole
Thomis Moore, Esq. Ballown
Evan Gell, Esq. Whitehouse.
Richard Quirk, Esq. Rheaby.
Philip Moyle Lyons, Esq. Ramsey.
John B, Harrison, Esq. Douglas
Richard Simpson, Bsq. Onchan,
Caesar Bacon, Esq. Seafield, Santon.
William Callister, Esq. Thornhill,
Evan Cameron, Esq. Patrick.
C. H. Carey, Esq. Beach House, Castletown.
John F. Crellin, Esq, Orrisdale,
Edward Moore Gawne, Esq. Kentrangh.
Alexander T, Goldie, Esq. the Nunnery.
Clerk to the Magistrates—George H. Dumbell.


Visiting Magistrate for the Gaol of Castle Rushen— John Kelly, Esq. Castletown.
Registrar of Weights & Measures— F. L.Gelling Esq
Agent for Woods & Forests—Frederick Cobb Scrimshire, Esq. Douglas.
Surgeon to the Household—T. Underwood, Esq. M.D
Government Chaplain—Rev.G.S. Parsons, Castletown
Episcopal Registrar—Rev. Jos,Brown,A.M.Kirk Michael
Deputy Registrar—R. L. Brown, Esq Kirk Michael.
Archdeacon's Oficial and Registrar— Thomas Arthur Corlett, Esq.
Tithe Agent S Harris, jun. Esq. Douglas
Deemster Drinkwater's Clerk —T.B.Lucas Esq. Ramsey
Deemster Heywood's Clerk - E.C. Fleetwoodt Esq. Ramsey
Registrar of Deeds—John Courtney Bluett, Douglas
Registrar-General of Births and Marriages - William Watson Christian.
Registrars of Births and Marriages—For Castletown
John Kelly, Esq. ; for Douglas, Senhouse Wilson,for Ramsey,Frederick Tellett, Esq.; for Peel, Richard Harrison, Esq.


Castletown—John Craig.
Douglas John Sayle,
Peel—James Coole.
Ramsey—Richard Keggeen.

Public Buildings, Institutions, Offices, &c.



BRADDAN (parish)—Rev. William Drury.
ONCHAN (parish), Saint Peter's—Rev. John Howard.
SAINT BARNABAS, Fort street—Rev. Jobn Alcock.
SAINT GEORGE'S, Saint George place—Rev. Edward Forbes, vicar; Rev. JF. Sargeant, curate.
SAINT LUKE'S, Baldwin—Rev. Thomas Caine.
SAINT MATTHEW'S, Market place—Rev. John Cannell.
SAINT THOMAS', Finch road— Rey. Samuel Simpson.
SCOTCH KIRK, Finch road—Rev. James Cleland»


INDEPENDENT, 62 Atholl street—Rev. William Stallybrass.
INDEPENDENT, Crescent—Rev. James Hill.
WESLEYAN METHODIST, Duke street; Thomas street ; Well road; Kirk Onchan; Baldwin; Croil, and Ballakillmartin
PRIMITIVE METHODIST, Factory lane and Strang,
CATHOLIC, Atholl street—Rev. Peter M'Grath and Rev. John Dee, priests


Collector—Joseph Baldwin. Esq.
Comptroller—J. P. Pemberthy.
Collectors' First Clerk-—N. W. Walker.
Collectors' Second Clerk —John H. Davidson.


Searching, Landing, and Coast Waiter—Michael Howlett.
Weigher—Terrence Carroll.
Tide Surveyor—Peter Clark,
Tide Waiters & Boatmen— William Kirkboide, John Croxton,John Quine, John Campbell, John Kerran, Lesie Lockhart and Robert Quine.


CEMETERY, Strang road—James Corran, superintendent
COMMUTATION TITHE OFFICE, New Bond street—SamueL Harris, jun. tithe agent « E
CORONER's OFFICE, Barnabas square—John Cannell,coroner Court Rouse, Pier ;
GAS WORKS, South quay—Robert Corteen, engineer and secretary; Daniel Kneale, agent
HARBOUR MASTER'S OFFICE, Pier——J. T. Clucas, harbourmaster
HIGH BAILIFF'S OFFICE, Barnabas square — John Courtney Bluett, Esq. high bailiff
HOSPITALAND GENERAL DISPENSARY, Fort st—Augustus William Eves, house surgeon { (ldmps ROA SSE ens
HOUSE OF INDUSTRY,back of Harris terrace, John Christian, superintendent; Frances Christian, matron
MILITARY AND NaVAL BIBLE DEPOT, Pier—Capt. Murray,treasurer :
ODDFELLOWS' HALL, Atholl street-—George Bowman, keeper
RECORD OFFICE, Barnabas square—John Courtney Bluett, Esq. registrar ; Henry B. Watts, deputy registrar;
SAILORS' FRIEND SOCIETY, North quay——Richard Quirk, secretary
THEATRE, Atholl street
TIDE SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, Pier—Peter Clark, tide surveyor
WATER WORKS COMPANY OFFICES, Great George st—John Jefferson, engineer and secretary
WEIGHING MACHINE, Douglas bridge — Edwin Lewin,weigher
WELLINGTON Market House, Duke street



TO CASTLETOWN and RAMSEY, a Coach from the Market place, every forenoon, (Sunday excepted) at ten,and afternoon at four.
To PEEL, a Coach, from the Market Place, every morning (Sun. excepted) at ten, and evening at six.


To CASTLETOWN & BALLASALLA, John Varley, from the Cumberland Tavern, daily.
TO PEEL, James Watterson, William Kennedy,, and Thomas Morrison, from the Cumberland Tavern, daily.
TO RAMSEY & LAXEY,James Kewley, Drumgold st, Monday,Wednesday and John Draughty and John Gale;Tuesday, Thursday and Sat.



TO DUBLIN, the Earlof Lonsdale,every Saturday—John Clark, agent,North qy
TO FLEETWOOD, the Prince of Wales and the Princess Alice, weekly during the summer months—Joseph Roskell, agent, North quay.

TO LIVERPOOL,the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company's Boats, the Tynwald. the King Orry, and the Ben-my-Chree. (carrying the mail), every morning at nine in summer, and every Wednesday and Saturday evening in winter, according to tide——Thomas Orford, 24 James street, Liverpool, and Edward Moore, North quay, Douglas, agents—(See advertisement)

he Earl of Lonsdale, every Monday— John Clark, agent, North quay.


To LONDON, the William schooner, occasionally—W. T. Todd, agent, Redlion wharf, Upper Thames street, London
(See advertisement).

'To GLASGOW, the Christiana smack, fortnightly—Gilmour, Paterson & Co. agents, Robertson street, Glasgow —(See advertisement).

To LIVERPOOL, the Jessie smack — John Christian, agent, King st, Liverpool—(see advertisement), and the Henry Holmes, the James Holmes, the Ruby; and the Eleanor, all once a fortnight.




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