With Notes,


Interesting ANECDOTES of many eminent PERSONS.



For the Benefit of the Poor belonging to the above Society.



IN the late Report 1 of the Transactions of the Committee of the Douglas Library, it was stated (among other facts) that if " all the acts respecting some public buildings in this town were laid before the community, many 'jobs' would be brought to light."

This assertion gave rise to a variety of rumours, and many of those connected with public matters took the alarm, probably from a knowledge that their actions would not bear the scrutiny of public inspection. however, be this as it may, their tranquillity would not now have been disturbed, had I not lately been very seriously requested (find I cannot but regret that the task did not fall into abler hands) to use my humble efforts in behalf, of more than two hundred of my injured fellow-creatures, (the members of the Methodists' Friendly Society of this town) whose hard earnings for the long space of fourteen years have lately been swept away, by the designs of a few individuals, (probably now basking in the sun-shine of ill-gotten wealth) ; and whose condition is rendered still more lamentable by most of them being by age secluded from admission into other societies. To the young members of this ill-fated society alone, therefore, can the aged now look for support, instead of that fund, now so shamefully squandered away, which their industry and frugality had raised; and I am happy to understand that the younger members are forming another society, and intend including their aged brethren. This will be an act of great liberality, as well as charity, on their part, and to them I shall now more particularly ad-dress myself, and beg to premise, that what I am going to say will, I humbly hope, (if properly attended to,) prove a kind of polar star to guide their future efforts.

It has ever been observed that human nature is in all countries the same.-Some toiling, and, with the hard earnings of honest industry, endeavouring to procure a subsistence; others looking on, and taking advantage of their labours. Some deviating from the Established Church, and, under the cloak of sanctity, enriching themselves at the expence of their followers; others, from a duty towards mankind, exposing such villainy.-Some rising (by transplanting) from insignificancy, to place and an empty spew of grandeur; others (cooler heads) smiling at the vanity of mushroom greatness. Some, by deep design and foul intrigue, under the mask of specious pretences and plausible tales, endeavouring to usurp the privileges of mankind; others (nobler minds) risking their lives in restoring to every man an equal right. It is to this particular that I wish to draw your attention, as I understand that by the laws of your society, to which I shall by-and-by refer, the members, although they all contributed alike, did not enjoy an equal right. This I conceive to have been the rock upon which the society has split. There are many people now amongst us, who make their own opinions and actions the standard of right and wrong, of true and false; and, if I am not much mistaken, this uncharitable and fallacious principle governed those who drew up your laws, and, consequently contributed to that distress which now pervades so large a portion of the community. The participation of an equal right, where all contribute alike, is a law ordained by God. and man, and so strongly implanted in our nature, that I am surprised how any society could be established on principles of an opposite tendency.--To suppose that your society (or rather the finances) could long exist, thus founded on principles in direct opposition to the laws of nature and of nations, is to suppose that our nature (are we not born in sin ?) is very different to what it is, How many instances have we of not only societies, but whole nations, being led astray by the intrigues and designs of a few individuals? I could bring numberless instances in proof of this assertion, but will content myself, and which I hope will be quite sufficient for our purpose, with introducing one or two living examples, and to which I was myself an eye-witness.

On the skirts of the great Pacific Ocean is a small Island placed betwixt two larger ones, the inhabitants whereof are governed by laws of their own making. Among others who visited this Island, was a certain great Lord, and it happened during my stay there that this great Lord made his appearance. As soon as it was known that he was off the coast, every preparation was made for his reception, and the moment of his landing was announced by the firing of cannon, &c. &c. He did not at all times land at the principal town, but took an opportunity of getting on shore at one of the adjacent creeks. This was to give the inhabitants of the metropolis time to assemble, and welcome his entré with due eclat. I remember that it was in the month of June when this took place, and the weather being remarkably fine, every person went out to meet him, and such was the veneration in which he was held, that the inhabitants took the horses from his carriage, and drew him into the town amidst the cheers of thousands. Unfortunately, at this moment the, wind veered round to the westward, and I was reluctantly obliged to set sail, leaving the inhabitants to enjoy that solace known only to a grateful people.

Some ten years afterwards, it happened that I again visited this Island, and my first enquiry was respecting the great Lord. My curiosity was soon gratified, with the following narrative given me by one of the natives :-"This great Lord," (said he) "whom you saw about ten years ago, is now here, and more remarkable for a long string of empty titles, than any "wealth or power he may possess. Being a man of very ordinary talents, he has no influence in his own country, but (like Friendly Bob) makes a rule of 'joining the strongest party;' and, being by nature born to bow, he is sometimes allowed to partake at the great table of state. In this country," the native then observed, "he is styled his 'Grace of Sandab,' and has some patronage, and a few years ago made himself very popular; but, being needy, he wished to turn his popularity into wealth, and endeavoured not only to deprive the inhabitants of rights and privileges which the fostering care of their ancestors had transmitted them, but also to saddle them with burthens unheard of by the oldest liver. "-What ! I exclaimed, his " Grace of Sandab" endeavouring to burthen the very people who put themselves on a level with the brute creation to serve him ! Is this the return they have met with?

" It is even so," he replied. At this moment two persons passed us. "There," said the native, "goes His Grace, accompanied by a man whom let me advise you to beware of." At this suggestion I surmised that this being was one of those creatures who sometimes hang on the rear of great bodies. Indeed his breeding (from the number of his sonorous and misapplied " My Lord Dukes") wore the stamp of low-lived ambition, and I begged the native would favour me with his character also; for, if we wish to know the world, we must dive into the character of all. The native then observed, that " this person was a. " Mr. Gossip from Birdpool, (a large town on the other " side of the water) and, :being a kind of amphibious " animal, his great delight is amongst the Finny Fry. - Nature intended hire for other, purposes, and not " many years ago he wore his clogs and leathern apron; " but his exalted mind soaring beyond the drudgery of a trowel, he embarked in a trade which delicacy forbids "me to mention. However, to give you his character " in a few words, the following will be sufficient.

" Not long ago one of my countrymen had some business in Birdpool, where he sold merchandize to a considerable amount, and soon after left it for the metropolis, where he had not arrived many days when he received a notice to return, on account of a report which had been circulated, stating that the property he had sold was not his own, and consequently was arrested in the hands of the purchasers.

On his return to Birdpool, the. native then observed, he long endeavoured in vain to discover the propagator of this infamous report; when, at length going to the law officers who had laid the arrest, he offered to refer his character to Mr. Gossip, and, if what he stated respecting himself was not fully corroborated, he would forfeit the whole of the property. The law officers immediately replied, that 'Mr. Gossip was the cause of all the proceedings which had taken place!!!' What ! (said my countryman) the man in whose hands I considered my life to be safe, has he, without offence, become the assassin of all that is dear to me-my character ?---At this discovery the law officers were not less surprised than my countryman, and immediately waited upon Mr. Gossip,. who with ghastly looks and faltering voice, acknowledged the sinful deed.--It is almost needless to add, that the arrest was taken off, and the amount immediately paid."

Here are two precious characters taken from both extremes of life, and my object in introducing them is to give you a clear idea of what human nature is abroad, in order to provide against accidents at home, and as the go along I shall occasionally refer to them.

I shall now enter more minutely into the transactions of the Society, and begin by observing, that owing to the confused state in which the accompts are designedly kept, much necessary information is withheld: however, the following is generally admitted to be correct.

That the Methodists" Friendly Society of Douglas was instituted the 6th of April, 1798.

That every person becoming a member thereof paid fifteen shillings entrance, and one shilling per month afterwards, with ninepence at the death of a member, and sixpence at the death of a member's wife, and was not to exceed the age of 40 nor to be under 18 years.

That in case of sickness, or any other infirmity, which precluded a member from following his usual employment, he was to receive eight shillings per week, and at the death of himself or wife, the survivor was to receive a sum not to exceed six pounds.

That the management of the Society was entrusted to one President, two Stewards, one Secretary, two Wardens, and a Committee of seven members, and all of whom to be Methodists. 2

That the President, Stewards, and Committee for the time being, shall be empowered to place or lend out the stock, upon such interest and security as they shall judge most advantageous to the Society ; and as the Society repose full confidence in their President, Stewards, and Committee, so they the said Officers shall not misapply the said stock so entrusted to then` care, or suffer the same to be appropriated to any other purpose than that set forth in the foregoing articles; and upon misapplication of the same, they shall be responsible to the Society.

That about two years ago the Society had in their chest a sum exceeding 600l.

That Mr. John Cowle (one of the members), who is a joiner, clerk of St. George's church 3 , and a Methodist, proposed to the President, Stewards, and Committee, to lay the money out in building a house that would cost about 5001., and that Mr. Lewis Geneste, ,jun. would rent the same for a Lancasterian 4 School, which was agreed to.

That the Building, agreeable to the above proposal, and with Mr. Lewis Geneste, jun.'s approbation, went forward, and that Mr. Robert Cannell, (chandler) the President, occasionally supplied horses and carts, and Mr. Lewis Geneste, Jun. occasionally supplied timber; and that Mr. John Cowle, (joiner, clerk of St. George's, and a Methodist) with his apprentices, did the joiner work.

That as the Building rose, some alterations were made at the request of Mr. Lewis Geneste, jun. the expence of which Mr. Cowle estimated at 1501., which was also agreed to.

That at the expiration of one year from the commencment of the building, it was necessary, according to the laws, to elect new Officers, and that Mr.. Robert Cannell (chandler) proposed that, until the Building was completed, himself should remain President as before, and the other Officers in their respective situations!

Congenial passions souls together bind!:'

That when the Building was. finished, Mr. Lewis Geneste, Jun. had a clause inserted in his lease, allowing him to relinquish the same on giving three months previous notice ! !

That some time after the Building was finished, several of the members were on the sick list, and made application, for the weekly allowance of eight shillings, which could not be obtained.

That afterwards a meeting of the Society took place, when it appeared that the Building, which was to cost but 6501., was swelled up to the enormous sum of 15751. ! ! ! and that the managers borrowed the sum of 800i to complete it.

That some time afterwards an extraordinary meeting was held for the purpose of investigating the accompts, when it appeared that Mr. Lewis Geneste, jun. rented one part of the Building for 301. per annum, and Mr. Robert Cannell (chandler) the President, another part for 181. per annum, making 481. just the interest of the borrowed money.

That on inspecting the iron chest, there remained but an old pair of snuffers ! ! ! !

That on investigating the books, papers, &c. &c. no satisfactory explanation could be given, which was the occasion of much murmur and discontent, interspersed with a few broad hints that all was not right, which roused the President to "move," that as their minds were not prepared for looking over accompts that evening, the meeting would have recourse in the first instance to a hynan, and afterwards to prayer.* Upon this "motion," the Non-methodists, more than half the Society, retired, and, at the conclusion of this love feast, returned, when the President adjourned the meeting.

These are the principal occurrences which have taken place in the Society, and by which it appears that the sum of 7501. the fruit of your fourteen years of honest industry, is swept away, perhaps never to return.

Let us go over this melancholy tale again. It appears that Mr. John Cowle, who is a joiner, clerk of St. George's church, and a Methodist, proposed the building, and that Mr. Lewis Geneste, junr. was to rent it for a Lancasterian School; and by way of making things easy, Mr. Cowle, with his apprentices, would do the joiner work-timber might be had from Mr. Geneste-and as Mr. Cannell. lived within five yards of the Building, his carts, when they were not otherwise engaged upon the high-roads, might be employed in clearing away the foundation, &c. &c. Now all this looks very well, and as there was a sufficiency in the iron chest, who could object to such easy propositions ? But the devil, who is always busy, would have it, that instead of 6501., the estimated cost, the Building must be trumped up to. 15751., being 7751.* more than what it would sell for. And it also appears, that you reposed full confidence in your President, Stewards, &c., so did the Islanders repose full confidence in "His Grace of Sandab;" indeed they considered him more than human; but what was the result? Why, as you have already seen, his plausible tales, like Mr. Cowle's plausible propositions, ended in the most vile deception. And as to his particular friend Mr. Gossip, his crime was of a blacker dye.

Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing,
'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name,
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And awakes me poor indeed."

And it further appears, that a clause crept into Mr. Geneste's lease, allowing him to give up the Building on giving three months previous notice. Now, from.

Mr. C'owle's proposition, the building was undertaken. entirely upon Mr. Geneste's account, and not only with his approbation went forward, but was by his request altered from the original plan; with a considerable additional expence;* I would therefore hope that Mr. Geneste, instead of having a clause inserted in his lease, allowing him to throw the Building upon the jtttuds of the Society, would see the propriety of taking it upon a lease for at least twenty-one years, and allow two per cent. more than common interest for the money which it cost; that is to say, eight per cent. ; and which is usually allowed in this Island for money sunk in Buildings, which for 1571. is 1261. This would only be an act of justice betwixt than and man ; land I will venture to say, that if the matter was properly explained to Mr. Geneste, he would take the Building at the above rent of 1261, per annum; for I understand that Mr. Lewis Geneste, junior, is a very religious. young man; regularly attends the church, as well as all Methodist meetings ; is very charitable, and full of public spirit. Besides, Mr. Geneste could not for a mornent suppose, that two hundred industrious people, for the space of fourteen years, (many of whom, no doubt, during that long period had often cramped their little meals to lay by for the "rainy day,") were to be thrown on the mercy of the world in their old days, by any misionary project undertaken on his account. It is preposterous to entertain such an idea; I have too high an opinion of him to believe any thing of the kind ; and we -may take it for granted, that he will agree to the foregoing terms; and it only remains for you to say in what manner this 1261. per annum is to be disposed of It appears that, in the course of fourteen years, you accumulated the sum of 7001., that is, at the rate of 501. per year, exclusive of what was paid to the sick, and other incidental expences; but in proportion as people (grow old, they are less able to provide for their maintenance; consequently we may conclude, that a greater number will be upon the box, and the expenditure will of course encrease. Well then, suppose that you devote the whole of the monthly money (about 120l. per year) to the exigencies of the Society, you have ;the rent of the building to pay off your debt of 800l. -and the remainder for a stock purse. This 26l .per year, 'laid out at the common interest of six per dent. will at the end of -nine years, exclusive of paying the -interest of the borrowed money, amount to 8951..; you can then pay off your debt, which being done,' let' the rent be regularly laid out as before for the remaining twelve years, and you will have 2;3161. I. would then recommend the Building to be sold, say, for 6841. (little more than one third of what it cost) which, added-to the 23161. makes THREE THOUSAND POUNDS ! ! ! a, sum that will place your Society upon a-solid-basis, never. more to be shaken by hair-brained enthusiasts.

However, in all earthly matters we are liable to err, and it may be possible that Mr. Geneste, although the building was undertaken on his account, will not agree to the foregoing proposition; you will then ask what is to be done ? Why, we must by some other means endeavour to remedy the evil, and in so doing, I must be,; your patience, while I relate some occurrences ,which took place in the Douglas Library, of which I am a member; and although the loss sustained by that Institution was not so great, the "head and front" of the transactions were nearly similar. Precedents are things which have great weight; particularly at our bar, and by our practitioners are termed "cases in point." Now if these "cases in point" took place in the Douglas Library, that is to say, if some of those who were concerned in the transactions of the Douglas Library were concerned in your affairs, the probability is, that similar results would arise from their proceedings. To be brief, the management of that Institution is entrusted to a Committee of nine Members, out of whom is elected a President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Treasurer collects the subscriptions, about 1201. per year, but can pay no money, but upon an. order signed by the President and Secretary, and who may be considered the guardians of the Institution. To enter into all the enormities which occurred, would be to fill a volume, Let the following suffice. Some procured books at the expence of the Library, and on discovery were reluctantly obliged to pay for them. Others supplied the Library with books and periodical publications gratis, for which they received the thanks of the subscribers and were elected honorary Members, * and, strange to say, were afterwards debarred from entering the Rooms.-Some collected Subscriptions for the purpose of finishing the Rooms, and gave the "Jobs" to their friends, whose extravagant charges were nearly completing the destruction of the Institution. To expatiate on the baneful effects of "extravagant Charges" would be to doubt common sense and trifle with your time. I have already stated that the President and Secretary were considered the guardians of the Institution; as no money could be paid without their consent; and, in the juvenile state of the Library, the Secretary had the ordering of many of the items wanted, and amongst others were three Tables; and it happened, no doubt luckily, that Mr. Geneste had a few boards of Walnut, which was suitable for that purpose, and the Tables were ordered to be made, and when finished were sent to the Rooms, and paid for according to the following Bill, which is signed by Mr. Geneste, who was then Secretary, and by his Honor the Clerk of the Rolls, who honored the Institution with his acceptance of the Presidency; and how it comes to pass that the accompt for the Walnut, which was had from Mr. Geneste, should be made out in the name of your old friend Mr. John Cowle, I am at a loss to know, and for good reasons I will not hazard a conjecture; neither can I see upon what principle of justice his Honor, (one of the guardians of the Institution;) " whose talents, erudition, and consummate knowledge, " and, above all, his unbounded benevolence, dual fied " him to act and direct the affairs" of the Library, could sanction this extraordinary Bill.







May 13

. To 822 feet walnut, at 7d.



- 3 Ends




- Glue, sand-paper, and screws,





- Wax and spirits,




to. - Myself, . 6 days,





- Dan, . 4¼ do.




---- John. . 5 do. .





-- Dan Crew, 2½ do.





17¾ days.

£ 5




Pay the above £5 0s. 11d. -- 24th May, 1809. TO MR. JOHN HEAD, (Signed) THOMAS STOWELL.

Treasurer. (Signed) LEWIS GENESTE, Jun.
Received the above, (signed) JOHN COWLE.

I shall contrast the foregoing Bill with two estimates given me by men who have long been established as joiners, and whose integrity no man will doubt; however, to remove all scruples on that head, the tables .may at any time be seen in the Library.

"I, John Christian, joiner, have examined three Walnut Tables "" in the Douglas Library, and find them to contain about 66 feet; and I am willing at any time to make three similar tables (or any number) at the rate of Six Shillings each, and find every material, the timber excepted." ' d'(Signed) JOHN CHRISTIAN." "Douglas; 2nd ofMarch, 1£313. "

"I, William Smith, joiner, have examined three Walnut Tables " in the Douglas Library, and suppose them to contain 64 feet; and do say, that a common-bred joiner will make three similar tables in the space of five days; and all the materials wanted, save the timber, is one pound of glue." "(Signed) WILLIAM SMITH:' "Douglas; '4th of March, 1813."

Here you find is a very wide difference from Mr. Cowle's bill-Mr. Christian says that he will make three, similar tables for the sum of 18s. and find every material except the timber; and Mr. Smith says that -a common-bred joiner will make three similar tables in the. space of five days, and the only item wanted, besides the timber, is a solitary pound of glue. No wax and spirits, ,mind ye; no, no: . indeed, we shall find ,but, few people, if we except the Saints, that are so spiritua as your old friend Mr. John Cowle.

We shall now. easily find out the amount that your Building would have cost if it had not been entrusted into spiritual hands, and for this purpose I will take Mr. Christian's estimate, it being a few shillings higher than the other, of course more favourable for the Builders.

The total amount of Mr. Cowle's Bill is 5l. 0s. 1141 which, if, we deduct .21. 11s. 9½.d. (the amount of the timber), there will remain for Mr. Cowle and his .apprentices the sum of 2l.. 9s. 1½d Now, if what 'Mr. Cowle charged 21. 9s. 1l½d. can be made by others for 18s., your Building, instead of being swelled up to the enormous Sum of 15751. ought injustice to have cost only 5771., and which does not differ many pounds from the original estimate given in by Mr. Cowle himself. You will remark that I have not taken any notice of the difference in the quantity of timber charged in Mr. Cowle's Bill, and what the Tables actually contain. This I shall leave to yourselves, to make what remark you please upon.

The foregoing estimates compared with Mr. Cowle's Bill, will, I hope, give you a clear idea of the manner in which your Money has been so extravagantly expended ; and, at the same titne, will throw additional light on the motive which induced the President and his colleagues to be reinstated in their offices until the Building was finished.

You will now want to know what means you should adopt to make these People refund. The mode resorted to in the Library was simply this : every accompt was minutely examined, and where imposition appeared, the parties were called on for explanations,* and which, if not satisfactory, they were compelled to refund. This mode, if adopted on your part, would be attended with endless trouble, on account of the difficulty in ascertaining how far the accompts might be correct. For instance, suppose you were examining Mr. Cannell's Bill for the hire of his Carts, &c. &c. could you at this distant period ascertain how far it might be correct, or how far the Ta,ves went to pay for the Gravel which was taken from your premises for the purpose of repairing the high Road, or whether any of the same Gravel was sold at the rate of yd. per Cart, for the purpose of Ballasting Vessels; neither could you ascertain how far the Timber Bil might be correct; and as to Mr. Cowle and his apprentices (who were upwards of seventeen days in doing what others could accomplish in five days), the difficulty is still greater, for, although it might appear that they were at work in the Building, there is a possibility that other "jobs" might have taken their attention there as well as your work. To obviate these difficulties, I would recommend that you would select two disinterested Masons, and let them make an estimate of the expense of the Walls, which can be very easily ascertained, as there are no middle walls. Let two disinterested Joiners be then selected to ascertain the quantity of Timber used in the Building, which cannot be very great, as there is only one Floor, one Door, and about a dozen Windows, besides the Roof, and a couple of Doors to the Stables underneath. The Joiner-work can also be easily ascertained, there being no stair-cases, no window-shutters, in short, none of those items which in dwelling houses take up so much of the Joiner's time; and when you get these estimates, let them be laid before Mr. Cannell (the President) and his colleagues, who were, at their own anxious request, reinstated in their Offices until the Building was finished.

You may at the same time submit for their consideration, that part of the Laws which state, " That, " as the Society repose their full confidence in the President, Stewards, and Committee, so they, the said '" Officers, shall nod misapply tile said Stock so entrusted to their care, and upon misapplication of the save "they shall be responsible to the Society." This law is explicit, and defines the duty of those who had the handling of your Money with great perspicuity, and life only article that was calculated for the spiritual meridian of this Island. And should the managers still persist in their old ways, your recourse must be to' the Laws* of your Country, which, with the foregoing Article and an unbiassed Jury, ample justice will be done you..

If I have not trespassed too long on your patience, I will recapitulate, in a few words, the foregoing observations.

First. You have seen by the character given of "His Grace of Sandab," and his friend " Mr. Gossip," what people are in other countries, and how much vve ought to be upon our guard against plausible tales, and particularly against an outward skew of friendship, which, when brought to the test, too often proves a mask for deception. This cruel deception has most lamentably been exemplified in the wanton abuse of that store which was to nourish and feed you in your old days-now gone to return no more! ! !

Secondly. You have seen the fatal effects of that narrow-minded article which was introduced into your laws, enacting, that none but Methodists could hold official situations. This article is truly characteristic, of our modern Saints, whose sublime minds suppose that none but themselves are endued with common sense. I wonder what would those champions of religious liberty, who are now exerting every nerve to procure a free toleration, say to this sectarian principle: would they not shrink from it with horror?

Thirdly. And you have seen by the sanction that was given Mr. Cowle's wax and spirits bill, by his Honor, the ill effects of what is vulgarly termed " trusting to great names." This is of all absurdities the greatest folly that man can be guilty of; and I hope will for ever do away with that superstitious idea which too generally prevails of attaching worth to an office,* without considering the person whom chance might have placed there. It is the man that makes his place respectable, and not the office; and if his Honor had checked (as was his duty) Mr. Cowle's extravagant Bill, there is no telling what effect that might have had on your Building.

Lastly. You have seen what a ferment was caused by the exposure of the Library "Jobs," and indeed it is not to be wondered at when we consider the effects of light upon the works of darkness. This exposure has been the means of dissipating a great deal of spurious sanctity, which has long been imposed on the world for genuine piety; and the Saints begin to be seen in their true colours. These pious people have not yet forgiven me for unveiling their actions, although having, by a vote of thanks, acknowledged the correctness of my statement: even the Reverend whose profession ought to teach him better, feels all the. rancour of disappointed vengeance--but, notwithstanding their hatred, the cause has triumphed, and the Library is now placed on that basis which puts imposition at defiance. Could this publication have a similar effect, and be the means of recovering your losses, I should consider the few. flours that I have devoted to your service the happiest of my days.

I am, & c. & c.

KERMOTT , STOWELL. Douglas, Isle of Man,

5th May, 1813.


J. ADLARD Printer. 23, Bartholomew Close and 39, Duke streeq Smithfield.



1 This Report had a strange and ludicrous effect. On the evening of the day upon which it was published, a groupe of the cognoscenti appeared in the Market-place, consisting chiefly of . the Saints, including ** **** *****, who complained bitterly (poor man!) that he had been ill-used by them all. The caelestial gentry could not help condoling with him, and lamented that so much infidelity bad got abroad. However, they justified themselves by their pious works, those sublime piles which now adorn Great Athol Street. * A second groupe formed on the Quay these were not quite so harmonious, as each blamed the other, and the Saints also came in for a share. Here was no condolence, no justification on the score of pious works. A third groupe assembled on the Pier, and were by far the most violent: these were devising means to punish the Author: vengeance was their object. Some proposed a subscription and employing the Att-y G-1 to prosecute for a libel; others were for dissolving the Library, and burning the Books. However, such were their discordant propositions, that the meeting broke up without coming to any resolution.

* This street abounds with good things, and among them I am happy to find that my quondam friend Dr. H-g (the Reverend) has one. I have sometimes wondered that this Reverend Gentleman (being a man of great discernment) never dreamed of an Oratorio, particularly as he cannot be insensible to the great progress of his fellow Labourers, who with

Light quirks of music, broken and uneven,
Make the soul dance upon a jig to heaven."

2" So it appears that the Society might encrease to any number, but none but Methodists could have the handling of the money; very modest indeed!-Have you abandoned that divine precept which our saviour taught, ,As you, would that men should do unto you, do ye also 'tn them likewise'!" is your creed founded on the ^,cotclt maxim of " getting money any way ?" Have you no feeling to heretics?--Repent-repent-and shake off the works of darkness, before it be too late,

3 I do not know what are the necessary qualifications for a clerk.31 but I would suppose that, according to the laws of the Established Church, a Dissenter could not fill an official situation. At, the same time I cannot help observing the ingenuity of the man who has ??ee strings to his Lord.

4 Speaking of Lancasterian Schools-I have been credibly informed that, in England, two schools can be built, calculated to educate five hundred each, on the Lancasterian plan, for less money than the charge that is made in our Lancasterian School for the single item of Timber!!!-But it is the unfortunate lot of this country, never to be instructed by experience.

5 Many have differed with me respecting the propriety of having recourse to prayer at a time when the minds of people are disturbed. Now, however much I despise and abhor the policy of turning Religion into a machine to work upon the feelings of credulous individuals, I must observe that we are taught to pray when in affliction; and a scene of greater affliction has nut been exhibited in this town for many years,

6 I omitted mentioning that the President, at the extraordinary meeting for investigating the accounts, offered to purchase the Building for the sum of 8001., being, the amount of the mortgages upon it,

7 I take this opportunity of calling upon the Committee of the Lancasterian School, now metamorphosed into a Sunday and Day School, or, as I am informed, into a seminary for Methodism, to interfere on behalf of these unfortunate people. This Committee having recommended stocks for those children who have been expelled the school, I would with all humility beg leave to ask these pious gentlemen, whether those who plundered the Society, or the children of these unfortunate people, are most deserving of stocks ? --force never made a convert.

8 One of these was a Mr. Ward, who resides in Dublin, and who visited this country in the summer of 1811 ;his donations to the Library are worth upwards of Twenty Pounds!! This gentleman, in speaking of the Junta who debarred him from having access to the room, makes the following observation. "To have been associated in a Literary Society with Gentlemen whom I had hoped to " have found equally ardent in the diffusion of useful knowledge, was to me a gratifying circumstance; and, could the littleness of personal -pride have weight, I might yet find some gratification, and even a "degree of importance, in being excluded from this Body, whilst under the temporary guidance of ignorance, illiberality, and folly!!!" The great Exotic, at whose beck the Junta were obliged to bend, and whose numerous situations, and various avocations, ought at least to teach him a sense of decency; was much mortified at the publicity given to this detestable transaction; it is however now to be hoped (as his master has lately made him an honorable Member,) that his ideas will be more enlightened.

9As many would wish to know what is meant by "Wax and spirits," the following explanation will no doubt be acceptable. On the borders of Virginia there is an impenetrable morass, about 40 miles square, called the Dismal Swamp; the inhabitants near this place use a beverage made of apple-brandy and honey, and which is termed a "sling. " It sometimes happens that their stock of honey is used before the new comes in, in which case they have recourse to the comb, (it being preserved for that purpose,) and this mixture is "Wax and spirits."

10 This task fell to my lot, and, as it may be of use to you to know what reception I met with, from some of those who were making a Job of the Library, I shall state, that when I waited upon a certain Gentleman (very well known to you all) respecting some Books that were paid for out of the funds of the Library, this pious young man threatened that if ever I mentioned the circumstance again, he would "take an action out against me." This threat, however, did not save his pocket,, and he was, to his great mortification, obliged to refund the Money.

11 By these observations I do not accuse any person of acting dishonestly, but it is notorious that many of the Society are now in great indigence by the fraud that has been imposed upon them, and justice demands the strictest enquiry-infamy must lay somewhere.

12 In mentioning the laws of your country, possibly you would -ask Inc, whom would I recommend as a proper person to undertake the management of your affairsl To this question I can only say that where there are so many, promising youths, it would be invidious to make a selection. However, as the bark that traverses the boundless ocean is as often in danger from a sunken rock as from a want of proper knowledge how to steer her course, I was to warn you against emploving that modest limb "betwixt whom and Heaven there is not a hair." This worthy advocate has long been the protege of that upright character whose legal knowledge procured him half a dozen Buildings belonging to the Estate of the late P. K.; and, as it is possible that the Pupil has imbibed some of the Master's sentiments, the probability is that your Building would go in the same way.

13 To prevent any passage in this publication being construed as tending to militate against the constituted authorities, 1 now declare once for all, that I disclaim every idea of the kind, and will yield to no man in respect for the Laws of my Country. In making this declaration, I will not withhold from my readers that constitutional maxim laid down by Lord Chancellor manners. "'the publishing "of the proceedings of Courts (he says) answers most salutary purposes, and if Judges act wrong, their proceedings ought to be published. If the press were to be gagged, no than can tell where "it would end."

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