[From Education Week,1926]

Central Classes

The opening of Supplementary Classes in some of the schools in the Island in 1909 marked a new era in Manx educational history. These Classes continued in existence with varying success until the passing of the Education Act of m, when Central Classes took their place. Whilst it is certain that very useful work is being done in thesee Classes, it is generally acknowledged that they can be regarded only as a temporary expedient, and may be the forerunners of well-equipped Central Schools. At the present time they form the "Upper Tops" of certain Elementary Schools.

The general policy now adopted in the curriculum of the Elementary School is to cause a break the age of eleven . At this period of life many children require a new stimulating influence, which is provided to a large extent by practical methods of teaching. Some of these scholars proceed to the Secondary School. Others are those boys and girls, who for various reasons , would not respond to the dary School curriculum, or who would not stay. at the Secondary School long enough to the fullest benefit. A modified form of work, a slight tendency to the vocational side, would the greatest value to these scholars, and for the Central Schools are ideal. The remaining continue to be taught in the Elementary School.

The object of the Central Classes is not so much to break new ground as to stimulate the scholar's immagination, to awaken his interest and to enhance his usefulness by fitting him quickly and efficiently to take his share in the work of the world. In this connection the practical side of education and the humanistic should proceed together. Educationists agree that it is wrong to imagine that considerations of vocation should be deliberately neglected till a. liberal education has been obtained. The aim of the Central Classes is to foster both the cultural and vocational sides of education.

In most of the Insular Central Classes the curriculum has a trades bias, but it is quite a suitable one for those who will eventually enter commercial pursuits The subjects generally taught are :-To Boys : Scripture, English Literatur e and Composition, History, Geography, Practical and Commercial Arithmetic, Mathematics including Algebra, Mensuration and Graphs), Geometry and Geometrical Drawing, Freehand and Model Drawing and Painting, Elementary Science, the Laws of Health, Woodwork and Metalwork, Singing, Physical Culture, Games and Swimming.

To Girls : Scripture, English Literature and Composition, Commercial English, History, Geography, Commercial and Household Arithmetic, Freehand and Model Drawing, Painting, Cookery, Laundrywork, Needlework (making, mending, re-modelling), Simple Dressmaking, Music, Dancing, Physical Culture, Games and Swimming.


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