Summary of Wills - Jurby 1700-1749

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available. Some 220/336 are summarised here

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1700-1 A 47      CLARK        Ellin                    [damaged top right corner + rh margin lost] dated 20 Jan [];ch Will (roofs of houses + my pt of corn),jane;?gson ?godson Wm Cannell;dau-i-law jony als cannell;gdau mally clark;names john clark s/o jon? clark ballagaraugan;sibs James Clark, Ellson;ch wm + jane execs
1700-1 E 417  d  Crow         Kath        Ratcliffe    d 16 dec;ch john (at age),wm + cath;husb wm;inv lost in torn corner
1700-1 E 417  d  karran       Joney       STEONE       d 24 feb;ch henry  patk karran - ua next of kin wm + phinlo Steane supvs;husb alive;by 1714 Henry dead;
1700-1 E 418  w  CAINE        John                     [poor copy - not all readable + rh margin lost] d 4 aug;sis cath,jane;nephew john corlet;bro-i-law philip hasall;sis-i-law mally caine + [her ?]dau alice corlett + sis jane jt exexs
1700-2 E 516  w  CLARK        Anne                     dated 3 Sep 1700;husb Wm Clark;unnamed bro + sis (6d ea);states no debts except 'what would go to the doctor';near friend Wm Clark exor;
1701   A 40      CLUCAS       William                  d 10 Dec 1701;wife bahy als vandy;ch Henry(gears etc),Wm(in Ireland 20s if he comes), Richard, Mary;Henery + Mary jt execs;inv £4 12s
1701   A 41      KELLY        Thomas                   d 1 nov 1701;wife Isabel als Tear;ch Cath,Wm(gears etc), John + Ann (jt execs);gch Tho + Margt Kelly;inv £3 3s
1701   A 42      MUGHTIN      William                  [very faint]
1701   A 43      NIDDERAUGH   Thomas                   dated 10 Jan 1702;ch Alice, Wm, Dollin, Bahy(youngest dau), daniel;wife alive + jt exec with daniel;names John Tear + his sis Jony;his master's sons Wm + Nicholas
1701   A 44      CRY          William                  d 22 apr 1702?;ch Wm(lands), Dan, Tho, John, David;wife Jean[Jane] als Christian
1701   A 45      KELLY        Ann                      d 10 Feb 170[?];ch Wm (if he came);husb alive (jt exor with Wm)
1701   A 46      KELLY        William                  d 29 Nov 1700[?1701 as last fig amended];wife margaret als Cannell exex;unnamed ch;inv 18s
1701   A 47      KEWN         Margaret    christian    d 24 Apr 1701;ch Dan(half crop, gears etc),Mally;gson Wm Kewn(land 1d rent Cloas-a-Ceeanna Lezayre);husbt Robt
1701-3 E 757  d  KERMOD       John                     d 10 Jan ;ch Wm + Joney Kermod jt admrs - next of kin supvs (Jon + Eliz Kegg sworn);wife alive
1701-3 E 758  d  CLERK        William                  d 14 jul;only son Thomas admr
1701-3 E 758  d  WOODS        John                     d 3 Jul;only ch Alice Woods admx - next of kin Jane Woods supv but sick ;wife alive + sworn [there are 2 copies the 2nd has d 1 jul
1702   A 38      doughery     Catherine   creer?       d 11 Dec;sis Jony;husb Dan Daughery;ch Cath, Wm exor;Witt Mary Kewn als Kelly, Margt Crain als Steon;inv 16s;
1702   A 39      MUGHTIN      Catherine   kelly        d 1 Jan 1702/3;ch Patt, Meabel, Margt ua (prev 3 jt execs Patt + mabel at age)), Cath;bro Patt Kelly
1702-1 E 060     Mcyleran     Margrett    Tear         [damaged - large section at end missing]d 18 May 1702;names Elinr Skellay,Ann Kelley(holyday slieves),Ann Tear(+ dau Ann),Rich Tear;husb Thos Macylearn;dau Margt(eldest - lands that came with her own),Kath(lands that came by her husb's legacy) - jt exexs - Thos Tear + Jon Mcylearn to be supvs;inv £10 2s
1702-1 E 068     Jackson      George                   [decree missed[note that 3 suits of apparel remain - Rachel Out seits then wife, Christopher Janson + sis Dorothy]
1702-2 E 111  w  craine       Bahee       KELLY        d 26 sep 1702;husb phinlo crain;son nicholas;dau margt,ann,averick;wm kelly ballnehasney to be overseer;names several;inv;margt,ann + averick ack in 1717
1702-3 E      d  KNEEN        Thomas                   d 13 jan;dau margt radciff als kneen admx
1703   A 30      KEWIN        Robert                   d 26 Mar 1703;gch Wm Kewn(s/o Danl - his part of Close-ne-baane rent 1d - the other part left by his gmo Margt als Christian);son-i-law Jon Clark(h/o Margt);ch Molly(£15, £7 10s being due from mo's will),Danl(gears etc);dau-i-law Cath(w/o Danl);names Ann Kewn;list of debtors;Witt Jon Mcylcarane, Finlo Stean
1703   A 32      Teare        Ann         SKINNER      [bur Jur 17030809]d 9 Aug 1703;husb Rich Teare;ch Kath, John(land to run as heirship) exor
1703-1 E      d  InneFRAij    Alice                    d 24 mar 1702/3;dau alice+Cath Fraij jt admxs
1703-1 E      d  VANDY        William                  d 27 may;3 ch wm, margt + margt [sic] - Wm + margt the elder at age;wife alive - note that more due by eldest son Thos as appears in his m/c + mentions money due Margt the elder by death of her mother;
1705   A 48      CLUCAS       Henry                    d 16 Dec 1705;sibs John(his pt of crop + gears after mo's decease - ch John, cath),Mally;mo Bahy Vondy exex
1705   A 49      Kneen        Margaret    MOORE        dated 20 Nov 1704;ch John(lands,crop), Wm, Cath + Elizth (last 3 execs);husb John Kneen - execs ua  fa sworn;witt Margret Cally, Margat Caine;ack [date lost] admrs of John Kneen (cath, Elizth + john)  ack aunt + supv Margt Caley all due by death of fa + mo (Jojn Kneen 1706)
1705   A 50      Bittle       Kathrin     SAIL         d 27 feb 1704/5;husb Mullaux Bittle;ch Cath Bittle,Ann,Bahy,Thos(lands);son-i-law Wm Conly
1705   A 51      CLARK        Thomas                   d 2 Mar 1705/6;friend Thos Clark exor;nephew Pat Clark
1705   A 52      McNAMEER     Jane                     d 30 Jan;gch Jony Mcnameer exex;names Ann Kelly
1705   A 53      KERMOD       William                  d 3 Jan 1705;mentions £7 10s mortgage in Wm Kelley's land where they now live in;ch Wm, Cath(eldest dau),Margt;, Charles;gch Wm;wife alife;names Wm Sayle, Jon Sayle;ch Wm + Cath jt execs - Wm ua;inv includes roof of house [ie they don't own house being held on a Manx mortgage]
1706   A 37      KEIG         Ann         Crain        d 18 Mar 1705/6;ch Wm(land),Isable,Thos (last 2 jt execs);sis Isabel Keig;husb alive [?Ann Crain als Keig]
1706   A 38      CREAR        Isabel                   [rh margin lost]d 19 Apr 1706;ch Cath,elinor,margery(+her dau),John Kelly;nephew Marg[]?;nephew Thomas;names Jon Kelly (3yrds fine linen),margrett crain als steaven;'her daughter' excx;witt Jon Kelly, Margt Craine
1706   A 39      TEAR         John                     dated 24 Apr 1704?;ch john, Wm, Alse,Mary,James;wife alive;names Gilbt Kelly(+ ch);Steven(?prev unnamed ch) + James jt exors
1706   A 40      KNEEN        Philip                   unnamed wife exex+ child;dau Jony;stepson? Henry;unnamed bro;
1708   A 24      KELLY        Mary                     d 10 apr 1708;ch Henry(eldest son),Ann + Philip (youngest ch - jt execs);names Anne Mcylchrist,Margt Mcylkarane;;sis Jony (to take ch);execs ua - Henry + uncle + aunt on fa's side + Aunt on mo's side sworn;inv left by fa + mo after debts 15s; goods in hands of 2 aunts Cath Kelly + Joney Kneen
1708   A 25      STEOAN       Margaret                 d 24 Apr 1708;son Wm(croft left to her as heirship by fa), Phinlo( 10s between them);witt Cesar Tear, Cath Tear; Pat Carran exor by virtue of m/c;m/c dated 6 Dec 1692; at marr of Patr Carran + Jony Stean (both Jurby) - Margt Stean (mo of Jony) gives couple all goods but reserves 10s to herself - couple t
                                                           o maintain her;witt Tho Tear x, Wm Kewn x, Robt Xtian x;ack'd Jan 1696;
1708   A 59      BITTLE       mullx                    d 25 dec 1708;son-i-law Will Conley;ch Bahee,cath,Ann,Robt,Thomas(exor - to give board + lodging to Robt),Edward(20s after Robt finished apprenticeship);Jan 1715/6: Edwd acks 20s from Thomas
1708-2 E 131  w  CROW         Anne        BREW         d 20 jun 1708;dau Margt Lawson,Mary, Bahy;husb John crow exor;Edmond Quark  (Lezayre) claims £19 + some corbs as per m/c;
1709   A 29      KELLY        John                     [lh margin lost on film[]d 26 Feb 1708/9;ch Pat(crop,gears etc),Cath (exex);wife alive;claims
1709   A 30      McMEER       Mally                    d 7 Mar 1708;mo alive(left 3s for winding sheet);mo + bros jt execs;one bro ua - mo + eldest bro sworn;inv in fa John Macmeer's will lib 1699
1710   A 33      TEARE        Alice       crenilt      [full]dated 17 mar 1707;ch Alice[Allis],Wm, James, John, Stephan exor
1710-1 E 335  d  CRAINE       Thomas                   d 9 nov;sibs wm craine, isabel christy als craine;wm out of island;inv £2 9s 5d
1711   A 39      BIRRAG       Daniel                   sis Cathrin Birrag;nephews and nieces vizt Daniel, Margt, Mary and Jon Corlett Kk Michael;names Wm Callister, Thomas Gawne, Philip Gawn Sumner, Philip Gawn taylor,Daniel Cain; aforesd (?) Thomas Clerk (to be assistance to dau Cathrin Birrag 
1712-1 E 638  d  GAWN         Daniel                   d 6 Apr 1712;ch Daniel, Philip, Jony, Ellin jt amrs;wife alive
1712-1 E 638  d  MOUGHTIN     Patrick                  d 2 Feb;orphan;aunt Jane Quayle admx - goods in mo's inv
1712-2 E      d  steone       John                     d 30 aug [?1712]; only ch Daniel Steone admr - ua uncle Tho Steone sworn;wife alive;inv £3 but sheep + smithy tools to be added;widow's legacy 5s
1713-2 E      d  CHRISTRY     Thomas                   perished at sea 9yrs ago;sibs john(eldest),wm,finlo,philip + ann(w/o john curlet)- all at age but wm + finlo out of island;father john
1713-2 E      w  Crain        William                  d 25 jul 1713;wife (half peckled heifer in the mountains + his half linen in looms);wife's dau margt vandy;wife's son patrick clark;son wm crain(now abroad - if he returns;dau isabel crain (qtr of crop given her in contract);wife + isabel jt exexs
1714   A 23      KEWN         Ann                      bur 13 feb 1714;states no effects except small parcel of land in close called Cloas-ne-looney (2d rent) left to friend Daniel Kewn exor;sis w/o michael cowel(kk andreas) 17s tho she hath not deserved it as not come to see me in all my sickness;sis's son daniel kneal 17s + 12s on own account;kinswoman mal
                                                           ly killey;annexed note that 12s to dan kneal a mistake as but 19s 7d due to 3 ch of ann kneal als Kewn
1714   A 24      TEARE        William                  [full]made 1 feb 1714/5;sartfield;son wm(eldest) exor,john(had mo's goods),nicholas,john;
1714-1 E      c  CLUCAS       Bahee       VONDY        dated 14 Aug 1706;Bahy Clugas als Vondy having made choice of son + heir Jon Clugas to look after me do settle on him all houses etc he paying my debts and maintaining me;witt Tho Xtian, Michl Bittal x; an Isable Clugas [?w/o Jon also signs];3 Feb 1707: Jon reaches settlement with bro-i-law Gilbt Cowin(L
                                                           onan) + wife Mary who accept £5 14s in full satisfaction of goods promised in their m/c [? Old Lon deed #41 which is missing from Museum ! ][?Bahey Vondy m Wm Clugas Jur 16630128] [?bur Jur 17110916 but this is als Kneal]
1714-1 E      d  CLUCAS       Ellinor                  d 15 Apr ;orphan;sis Cath, Jony + Mary jt admxs;goods in mo's inv + secured in overseers Dan Kneale, John + Cath Kneale
1714-1 E      w  CROW         John                     d 6 may 1714;dau Margt (various items inc 2 pewter dishes left by her mo),Ann(eldest),Bahey exex;son-i-law Jo: Killip(all his clothes);gson Jo Killip(all his books),Edmond Quark(his sword)
1714-1 E      d  TEAR         John                     d 3 Nov last;sibs Wm,Ann + Jony(w/o John Clucas) jt admrs
1714-2 E      w  KEWN         Catherine   FREER        dated 1 nov 1714;son wm(heir),patk(youngest);dau margt(eldest),ann;husb daniel;ch ua Wm Cry supv
1714-2 E      wc KINREAD      Averick                  [?Averick Corlet als Quark als Kinread]d 15 Nov 1714;ch Wm Quark(half croft during his life),Thomas Corlet(other half of croft + tuition of sd Quark - Thomas is also to satify him what effects left by Quark's fa) exor; nephew Robt Cubbon(croft to descend to him if no issue by Thomas + inc tuition of Wm);
                                                           sis Joan Kinread + m/c 10 nov 1690 averick + wm quark;
1715   A 25      VAUNDIE      Margaret                 [poor copy]
1715   A 26      GAWN         Ann         KELLY        d 24 mar 1714;niece margt kelly;sis cath kelly,ellinor scaly;half-sis Cath Christian(kk andreas);husb dollin exor
1715   A 27      GAWN         Jony        CAIN         d 2 apr 1715;ch dollin,danl,philip,jony, + ellinor (last 3 jt execs)
1715-1 E      d  KErrISH      Patrick                  d 6 mar 1714/5;dau mary + [ann] kerrish (their unnamed husbands sworn
1716-1 E      aw CURLETT      Robert                   d Barbadoes;mariner;bro Tho + Wm Corlet, Wm Christian(h/o half sister Anne Mylrea) being next relns in this Island jt admrs;the latin admin from Chester quotes will - mother Margret Mylrea(Ballaugh) to be paid £100; A Daniel Mylrea is also named in Chester decree as admr [?2nd h/o Margt];
1716-1 E      d  GAWN         Margaret    CRAINE       d 4 mar 1716;only dau Cath Carran admx;husb alive - court notes that admx being an idiot uncle Finlo Craine sworn overseer - pledges for overseer has no goods and the admx in his tuition + custody is Dollin Gawn
1716-2 E      w  GAWN         Elenor                   d 28 Aug 1716;aunt Kath Gawn;sis Ann;fa daniel exor
1716-2 E      w  KILLIP       Jane        STEVENSON    d 3 Oct 1716;names Margery Curlet, Jony Killip (corn etc due Jane as legacy from Thomas Killip), Ann Skillicorn, Emey Killip;husb Wm Killip exor
1716-3 E      d  CaRRAN       Catherine                d 9 Nov 1716;uncle Patk Carran admr of goods from fa, Finlo Craine by goods from mo
1716-3 E      d  DOUGHERTY    Dollin                   d 23 Nov 1716;sibs Wm + Cath jt admrs;half sibrs Margery Stevenson, Wm Kerruish;
1717   A 41      KNEEN        Jane        corkill      d 10 jan 1716/7;ch Cathren Kneen?, Jon Kinread, Isabel Kinread (last 2 jt execs);names Ann Kermod als Caley;husb Wm + exors agreed that Wm be exor
1718   A 23      CLARK        Margaret    KEWEN        d 6 jun 1718;son john(heir);ch patk,ann(purchased land lanefield bp land);bro dan kewen;sis mally;names alice clark;husb john
1718-1 E      d  CLAGUE       Robert                   d 25 Mar 1718;ch Anne (w/o Wm Stephen),Wm, Ellinr, Cath, Jane + Robt jt admrs
1718-2 E      w  CHRISTORY    Margaret    CONOLY       d 9 nov 1718;husb wm;gdau jane (d/o John Christian);son John, exor wm;
1718-2 E      w  GAWN         Daniel                   d 26 jul 1718;sibs Thomas Gawn, Ann Gawn;bro's son Thomas Gawn;names daniel Gawngodson), John Quayle;wife exex
1719   A 15      TEAR         John                     d 22 Jan 1722;Karlane;wife Grace(estate until heir reaches 21);bro william to be wife's assistant + guide;unnamed ch
1719   A 38      KILLIP       Isabell     kaighin      d 12 feb 1719;son wm teare;sis ellinr kaighin;husb wm exor;names jane killip,alice tear,cath teare
1719-1 E      d  CLARK        John                     d 5 apr 1719;ch jon,patk,anne
1719-2 E      w  CAIN         Patrick                  d 16 may 1719;names patk cain;sis averick;son wm - ua - uncle wm crow supv; wife jt exec with wm;
1719-3 E      d  BODDAUGH     Daniel                   d 30 Jul 1718;ch simon, Ellin + Anne jt admrs;wife alive
1719-3 E      d  TEAR         William                  perished by sea upon coast of Scotland 8 Dec [?1718];Sartfield;only child Catherine Tear admx - ua uncles John(in England but sworn in 1724) + Nich Tear supv;wife alive;accounts + claims (£27)
1720   A 23      Burreg[Birra Jony                     dated 9 Mar 1717;ch Phillip(all in his own hands + 'if living'), Joney,Tho Gawn exor;witt Dan Burrog x, Tho Clerk;
1720   A 53      BREW         Elinor      kelly als SK [full];d 11 dec 1720;son thos kelly;dau margat (?mary) Kelly,alice brew;sons philuip + wm brew;husb john
1720-3 E      d  GAWN         John                     d 21 jan 1720/1;sailor;only ch cath;wife anne als collins pregnant - wife has nothing to subsist on in this Is;and and therefore designs to return to Dublin + children left in her care
1721   A 54      TEAR         Katherine   CREDJEEN     [full]
1721-1 E      d  CRAINE       William                  d Jun 1720;ch Arthur + Philip Craine jt admrs - arthur at age but neither he nor any other reln appeared - widow sworn;inv 2/3 cow 17s 4d + 10s 8d in other goods
1721-1 E      w  TEAR         Ann                      d 20 jun 1720;gch Mally;dau Ann Christory als Kelly exex;pledges Caesar Tear, Jo Kelly
1721-3 E      d  BODAUGH      Margaret    COWLEY       d 3 nov [1720?];widow;c ellinr, Anne + Simon Boddaugh jt admrs - note simon + ann to have 3/4 crop of croft, nelly + margt other qtr
1721-3 E      w  KELLY        Jane        KISSACK      [poor copy]d 24 apr 1721;names Margt Cleater, Margt Saile;gchMargt Kelly,Wm Kelly,Wm Quayle;dau-i-law jony Kelly;son John + Thos (6d ea);husb Patk Kelly exor - he passes exorship to two unmentioned ch Wm + Jane Kelly - pledges fa Pat + bro Thomas Kelly
1722   A 41      CRISTRY      John                     d 30 Oct 1721;wife Mally(last bought cow);ch Jane,Cath,Ann,Phinlo(exor);
1722   A 42      BREW         Catherine   Killey       [poor copy]son Robert(40s of the £5 12s paid on his act for parcel of land called crot ne aheay?),Cath,Pat(land called Gatt Huan + parcel of Robert Killey's ? left to her by her mo),Ann (last 3 execs);gch Catherine;Robt claims + also what due by fa's will;Cath acks;Pat acks + also that due by will of unc
                                                           le John Killey
1722-2 E         CHRISTIAN    Averick     COWLEY       d 25 Aug 1722;ch Wm Christian(eldest,land - he paying 20s to other ch), John, James, Tho + David Christian;husb Wm exor(but conditional on that land to fall to her ch)
1722-2 E      w  COMISH       Henry                    [poor copy]d 20 Oct 1722;wife Margt als Clark exex
1722-2 E      jw TEAR         Catherine                jt will with thos;gch Robt Callister, Jony Callister, William Tear + Mary Tear;ch Thomas (in Ireland),Caesar(lands inherited + bought part already settled on him in m/c), James,Cath (now living with us) exex after decease of longer liver - thos exor
1722-3 E      d  KEWN         nelly?      clark        [poor copy][bur Ellinr kewn als clark 7 Feb 1722/3]d 5? Feb 1722;2 bro's + 3 sis jt amrs;
1723-1 A 21      KILLIP       William                  [full]
1723-1 A 22      KILLIP       Margrat     CROW         [full]
1723-1 A 23      STEVEN       Catherine   teare        d 14 Nov 1723;names Cath Goldsmith, Jane Kelley;bro's son Wm Teare;husb Finlo Steven exor
1723-1 A 24      TEAR         Thomas                   dau mary - ua want supv Philip gawn;wife alive + jt exex with Mary;inv £1
1723-1 A 25      BIRRAG       Jony        CALLISTER    d 7 dec 1723;dau Cath;names Margaret Cain als Callister ,Dollin Callister;husb Dan (only 1 ch + husb Dan dies before will proved); Witt Alice Kneen als Cowley 
1723-1 A 26      BIRRAG       Daniel                   sis cath;nephews + nieces danl,margt,mary + john Corlet (kk michael);dau cath (to be aided by Thomas Clark) exex;names Philip Gawn tailor;Daniel Corlet(Kk Michael) acks lamb left by uncle Danl Birrag, he + sis Mary ack also their ua sibs portions
1723-1 A 27      CLERK        John,senr                d 27 Nov 1723;Ballagarraghan;gch 2 unnamed c/o Thos Mcylvorrey;ch John, Mary Clerk(£16) ua;wife Ann als Vandy exex;bro-i-law Wm Vaundy, Thos Mcylvorreyt;sis Cath Callister;list of debtors;note that there was part of dowry to Thos Mcylvorrey due besides what was between him + mo-i-law;wife agrees to leave crop to 'eldest son John [?no other son mentioned]
1723-1 A 28      GAWN         Dollin                   d 11 Dec 1723;ch Wm(eldest - croft etc), John;wife Margt als boddaugh exex;sibs Daniel,ellinor;pledges Tho Gawn, Wm Boddaugh
1723-1 E      d  CURLETT      John                     d 4[?14] Nov 1723;ch Wm, Danl, Mary, Jane, Christopher, Cath + Katy jnr[note 2 caths!]jt amrs - Danl + Mary out of Island, others resign to Katy jnr;inv 9s;deads part of [] to widow Cain of the Nappin 5s + burial costs 1s 7d
1723-1 E      d  DOUGHERDY    William                  d 29 Dec 1723;sis Cath(w/o Pat Christian) admx of goods due by death of father; sd Cath + half sibs Marjery Corlet als Stephen + Wm Kerruish jt admrs good acquired by own industry (last 2 abs so cath + husb sworn)
1723-1 E      w  KARRAN       Jane        CLARK        d 6 May 1723;husb Pat Karran;ch Ann  + Isable Cannell,Ann Karran exex;names Wm Cannel;pledges Pat Karran + Jony Kee widow;inv £1 1s
1723-1 E      d  KELLY        Gilbert                  d 4 Apr 1723;unmarried dau Frances admx
1723-2 E      w  DOUGHERDY    Daniel                   d 16 sep 1723;wife alive ;ch Wm (to be paid all due by death of mo) exor;Averick Corlet als Kelly claims agt exors of step-fa Dan Daugherdy [Averick m Thomas Corlet jur 17230709]
1723-2 E      w  QUIRK        John                     wife Mary;ch John(his share of croft), other unnamed ch(6d);bro Wm Quirk;inv 10s
1723-3 E      d  HARRISON     John                     d abt 50yrs ago;s/o Mr John Harrision late rector Kk Bride) = only sis Mrs Cath Christian als harrison(w.o capt tho Christian jurby)
1724-1 E      d  SKAILLEY     Margaret    CORKILL      dated 17 Jun 1724 at top;deed of gift dated 9 Jan 1710/11 to son Hewan[Ewan] Skeilley except clothes + linen given to dau Jane;other children already provided for
1724-2 A 153     McYLVOREY    John                     [full]
1724-2 A 154     McYLVOREY    Margaret    BREW         [full]
1724-2 A 155     MUGHTEN      Patrick                  dated 24 Feb 1724/5;ch Wm(eldest son - all lands that decend by fa + mo's death but when 21), Patk, Chrisian, Jain (£5 in mortgage in close-e-kelly);wife eleanor als quirk exex;list of debtors inc Patrick Mughtin(10s - ack from widow to Pat Mughtin Kiarlane of 10s bequeathed to late husb)
1724-2 A 156     KILLIP       Robert                   undated;names Grace Cleark exex, Patt Caine, Robt BrewWm Gawne(+ ch);bro's son Thomas Killip;sis's dau Margt Gawne;witt Patt Mughtyn,Patt Mughtyn Arthur - Patt Mughtyn is noted as sick at probate + Wm Walker takes oath 7 Feb [see will #155] 
1725-1 A 47      CLARK        William                  d 12 Mar 1724/5;ch Isabel, Ellinor - jt admxs
1725-1 A 48      KELLY        William                  [rh margin lost]dated 25 Mar 1725;ch Robt(lands),John(in Dublin), Margt;gson John Garrit;gson? heir of Ballakarran;unnamed son-i-law owed 10s of his portion;wife Margt als Mcylvorrey jt exex with Robt;1725: Cath Nidderaugh claims what was due by death of fa + mo
1725-1 A 49      CORLETT      Joney       Kennan?      d 22 Mar 1724;ch Thomas Corlet(her half purchased land), Mary Corlett, John,cath;gch Dan Cormoade, James Teare?;husb Wm Corlet exor
1725-1 A 50      CORLETT      Margaret                 dated 31 jan 1724;ch john,david,margt exex;husb alive;
1725-1 A [50.1   Caine        Dan                      [unnumbered]d 15 Mar 1724;mother (20s + the mare + follower);sibs Mary, Philip, Adam,Tho;wife Cath pregnant(if son then the looms etc);list of debtors; 1731: John Mcylvorrey son-i-law of Alice Cowley ack obo Alice that satisfied legacy left by Dan Cain rcvd from Wm Callister exor of Cath (w/o Danl)[m dan cain+ cath birrag Jur 17230121 - Dan Cain bur in Ballaugh ( of Jurby Mason - Bal 17250317; Cath bur Jur 17250808 + no ch ?d in childbirth; John Mcylvorrey m Mary Cain (of Jurby) Jur 17250129]
1725-1 A 51      CHRISTIAN    Thomas                   d 25 Mar 1725;Capt Thos Christian;bequeathed his part of Wind miln[windmill] to his exors until his son + heir pays £18;son Cath Brew?,Ann(youngest dau), Patk;wife jt exex with Patk + Ann;son-i-law Robt Brew(had m/c);wittnes stated they asked if anything in writing betwixt him + son Wm re windmill answered there was nothing;
1725-1 A 52      TEARE        Thomas                   d 24 mar 1728;lough e reut?;ch jane(6d),cath(6d),caesar exor(as being feeble + bedridden none of other children taking care of him);gch wm tear;son-i-law John Brew;agreement [rh margin lost on film]by Caesar tear + John Brew (h/o Cath ? - had m/c);names Caesar's parents as Wm + Cath;
1725-1 A 53      CRIGGART     William                  d 30 Mar 1725;gdau Ellinor Gawn;only dau Jony Gawn als Criggart exex;list of debts
1725-1 A 54      SKINNER      Joney       QUAYLE       son John,wm;dau ann [m Wm Skinner Mal 16920512]
1725-1 A 55      TEAR         Isabel      cown         d 9 May 1725;list of debts inc to Elliner Kelley als Quill, Ellinor Clark als Crow;dau Mary exex - ua - Thos Clark junr + Phil Gawn to be overseers;inv  [somewhat complicated will + untidy]
1725-1 A 56      KELLY        Richard                  d 7 Feb 1724;ch John(eldest son exor),Wm, Richd, Isable, Jane + Ann;1736: Pat Mughtin h/o Isable, + Ann Kelly acks legacy of 8s;1738: Richd acks
1725-1 A 57      CLARK        Daniel                   dated 16 Feb 1724/5;unnamed wife exex;unnamed ch;
1725-2 A 122     CURGHY       Jane        kissage      [poor photo][bur Jur 17260114]d 13 Jan ;pregnant;sis Margt;names Bahee Cain;husb Dan Curghy exor [m Lez 17240206]
1725-2 A 123     SAILE        Thomas                   d 29 Nov 1725;ch Wm, Tho, David, Margt, Margery;wife Anne exex
1726   A 26      CRY          John                     [full]d 9 dec;wife cath exex;bro wm cry + robt brew to be overseers of ua ch
1726-2 E      w  CHRISTIAN    John                     [heading Andreas but states 'of Jurby']d 16 sep [?1726];names Richard Christian;bro's dau Margery Christian;names James Christian + Margt Christian jt exors;list of debts paid
1726-2 E      w  KILLIP       William                  dated 27 Jun 1726;gch Esther Kermod? [?#4124 d/o wm kermoad + jony killip],john tear;ch Thomas exor;wife Mary?
1727   A 40      CAINE        Mary        CORLETT      d 6 feb;dau ann(w/o capt lace),cath christian;gson dan lace,thos christian,wm cleark;son-i-law Rev Mr Christian;sibs wm,elinor;cousin margt corlet ballaterson;names jane killip + her(?jane's) sis margt craine;gdau mary cleark;dau mary cleark exex
1728-1 E      w  FREER        Ann         GOAN         d 12 may 1728;son thos goan;son wm freer exec
1728-2 E      w  KELLY        Alice                    d 16 Oct 1728;names Capt Christian's wife, Margt Christian,cath Christian,Ann Christian,Elizth Curghy(peel),Robt Kelly(6d),Margt Kelly(6d),Jony steaven,Francis Kelly,Jony Nidderagh,Jon Mcnameer(+ his little boy);sis cath(w/o Dan Nidderagh);list of debtors;states has £5 mort on land of Wm Kelly called the Moorisl?le ?);Wm McNameer exor;
1729-1 A 62      CHRISTIAN    Chatherine  [harrison]   [full]Ballamore;dau ann mlyvorrey(crop inc potatoes),christan brew,mary keyghan,cath burns (in Ireland),esther;son wm (capt),Patt (+ sis ann execs);son-i-law patrick mylvorrey;
1729-1 E      d  BITTLE       Thomas                   d 14 May 1729;only son Mullineux Bittle admr;pledges Wm Quaile,Adam McBooy;;wife alive
1729-1 E      d  CROW         Jony        KEWLEY       d 17 Mar last;ch John,Wm, Ewan + Ann jt admrs;husb alive
1729-1 E      w  KELLY        Margaret    QUAY         d 17 Jun 1729;husb Thos;son John Tear exor, Dan Tear(abroad);witt Patrick Mughtin, Gace Kelley als Clerk;
1729-2 A 116     VONDEY       Ann         kelly        d 16 nov 1729;son mycnameer(to discharge all accounts due between him and father + stepfather),wm mycnameer  exor;dau-i-law ellinor mycnameer(all her shaped linens);husb wm;
1729-2 E      w  CLEATOR      William                  headed 3 Aug 1729;ch Thomas(he to support mother),Wm,John;names Ann Sayle,Margery Sayle,David Sayle,Wm Curlet;ch Thomas + Margt exors;wife Jony als c???y[lost in blot but cowley fits + with ch]
1729-3 E      d  CLARK        John                     d 20 sep [?1728];goods from mo's side to next rlns on that side(John + Jony Freer sworn), by own industry to half-sibs Margt,Dan + Christian Clark;father John Clark
1730   A 17      FREER        Margaret                 d 16 Mar [?1728];ch John,Isable (exex),Jane,Anne,Richd,Wm;2 unnamed gsons;1733: note Richd Kelly(Kk Patk) sued execs mo Margt Freer for half cow (but d in keeping of bro John)
1730   A 36      COMISH       Margaret    clark        d 20 jan 1730;headed ballaugh jurby - indicated as 'of jurby';sis cath clark;names cath cain d/o wm caine;sis son john clark;dau margt,alice cain (+ her ch) exex (w/o wm cain);pledges adam cain + james cain
1730   A 39      GARRET       Mally       radcliffe    d 23? nov last;son john(all what little effects she had),jony(croft),exex (w/o thos kneen);sis cath garret; [note at bottom mem burial fee due to ye cur of kk Andreas]
1730-1 E      d  FREER        Ellin       CLARK        d 28 mar;only ch anne ua next reln isabel clark sworn;husb (? wm)alive
1730-2 E      d  MOORE        John                     d 17 jul 1730;late andreas;dau cath + ann(in ireland);gch mally xtian ;cath chistian claims maintaining fa 1yr 3qtrs
1731-1 A 18      CHRISTIAN    Robert                   made dec 1730;son john;dau margt,jony,esther+ dorothy jt exexs;wife alive;gch robt + christian brew;son-i-la pat brew
1731-1 A 19      McYLVORREY   Bahee                    d 6 apr;mo alive;husb thomas + son jon (ua) execs;other ch margt,mary,bahee;ch ua wm conolly next reln mo side supv;1755 margt + bahee ack from bro john + stepmo elizth;agreement by john dated 16 may 1755 to bro-i-law john garrat lezayre in right of wife margt
1731-1 E      w  GAWNE        Thomas                   d 6 jan 1730/1;dau ann,bahee;son danl exeor;wife alive;;bro wm
1731-2 A 51      KELLY        Margaret    christian    d 2 jan 1731;husb wm exor;bro robert(dau Hester - residuary legatee after husb's death - she to pay Patt brew what was promised in m/c - also to her sis jo christian , john + mary christian also named);bro wm christian
1731-3 E      w  CORLETT      Christian   CALOW        d sep last;gdau mally cain,margt corlett;dau cath wade als corlet exex
1732-2 A 68      QUAY         Margaret    craine       d 29 dec 1732;son john(eldest),wm;husb john;dau ann,margt,jane;ch ua wants bros-i-law john christian + philip sayle supvs
1732-2 A 69      KNEALE       Margaret    RADCLIFFE    d 2 dec 1732;husb philip;son philip,james exor;dau cath,joney
1733-1 A 45      KELLY        William                  d 4 Jan 1732;names 'eldest son of John Quay begotten betwixt said Quay + his wife Margt Crain named John'(his right in houses + land to run as heirship - john quay to have land until son reaches 14), Joney Kermod als Killip, Isable KermodEsther+ dorothy + margt + jony + wm(junr) Christian, Ann Sayle als Crain, Averick Christian als Crain;Margt Kelly exex - pledges her bro Wm Kelly + Wm Sale;
1733-1 A 46      KEWIN        Daniel                   d 4 Apr 1733;ch Wm(bullock called the Derry), Margt (had m/c), Anne(Croit-e-Cottier until Patk pays her £15), Patrick(half of Close-e-Kenney);list of debtors + debts;unnamed gch;Patk + Ann jt execs;
1733-1 A 47      DAUGHERDY    Averick     OATES        [full]
1733-1 A 48      COTTIMAN     William                  d 12 feb;unnamed ua ch - uncles John + Thos Cottiman supv;wife exex - pledges Thos Cannell(four towns) + Philip Garret
1733-1 E      w  CURLETT      Ellinnor    LAWSON       d 9 may 1733;bro edward lawson;names joney lawson,bahy kneal als lawson,anne curlett als lawson,bahy quirk als lawson;sis mary;husb daniel execr
1733-2 A 91      CRAIN        William                  dated 3 apr 1714;Mariner on H M Ship Superb;wife Margt exex
1734-1 E      d  BITTELL      Margaret    QUAYLE       d candlemas [?1733];only son Mullineux admr
1734-2 E      w  KELLY        Thomas                   d 19 may 1734;dau jane(2 eldest ch );wife mary(yearly turf in his turbary viz 12yds length + 1.5 broad) exex
1735-2 E 079. d  Kissack      William                  d beg feb 1734;ch Wm + Robt jt admrs - ua uncles Ewan + Thos Kissack supvs;fa Ewan Kissack;;wife alive
1736-1 E 257  w  NIDDEAGH     Catherine   KELLY        dated 25 Apr 1735;ch Wm(lands), Jony, EllinorThos,Ann;husb Dan exor;
1736-2 E      w  KARRAN       Patrick, ju              d 17 oct 1736;father (discharge of all concerning his decd mother);sis Anne;names Joney Steaven,Jane Steaven, Finlo Steavan, Ewan Steavan(his loughtan coat), Cath Brew, John Steavan (jt exor with Finlo Steavan);
1736-2 E      w  KELLY        Jane                     d 7 Oct 1736;sibs John, Isable(w/o Patk Mughtin), Anne, Richard;names Margt Kelly her bro's child;sibs John + Isable jt execs;
1736-2 E      w  KELLY        Margaret    SKEELY       d 13 Oct 1736;names Dan Cry, Edward Cry, Tho Cry;husb Thomas Kelly exor
1736-2 E      w  TEAR         Jane        CRAIN        d beg Sep 1736;mo Bahy;ch Jony(?eldest - mo wants her to have land), Cath, Esther - ua;husb Dollin;witt Cath Vondy als Kewn x,Margt Clark als Cowil x; [TBA]
1736-3 E      d  KELLY        Patrick                  d 23 Dec;ch Phinlo, Mary, Thos, Philip, Jony, Ellinr, John + Patk - Phinlo admr - 4 eldest supv of others;wife alive
1737-1 A 26      CREGEEN      Margaret    skeally      d 2 feb 1736;son edwd;dau marjery exex;husb danl
1737-1 E      w  LOWEY        Robert                   d 4 May 1732;'left to Quark moare in Laxey his sis + son';sis' dau in Shleau Meanagh;step-dau Ann Stephan exex
1737-2 A 79      SKINNER      William                  d 23 nov 1737;dau ann exex
1737-2 A 80      GAWN         Philip                   d 10 jan 1737;sons thomas,daniel,john,philip;daus mary,cath,alice
1737-2 A 81      KELLY        William                  d 16 Jan 1737;ch John,Wm,Margt;wife Margt als Kee(sick at probate + gives exex to dau Margt) jt exex with dau Margt
1737-2 A 82      STEPHAN      Ann         CLAGUE       d 12 Dec;Ch Cath, John, Wm;husb Wm (her part of land) - ch Cath + Wm jt execs;
1737-2 E      w  CHRISTIAN    Joney       CLEATER      d 6 jul 1737;Ballacurry;ch Margt,Joney Crow,Emmy Christian,Dolly[?dorothy],John;gch Cath Brew;dau Hester + Margt jt exexs
1737-3 E      d  STEPHEN      Phinlo                   d 11 Dec [?1736];only son Ewan admr;pledges Patr Moughtin, Jo Stephan
1738-1 A 56      CHRISTRY     Mally       harrison     d ye begging ?date;dau jony,cath(w/o john corlett);son finlo exor
1738-1 A 57      CHRISTIAN    William                  d 12 feb 1739;ballacurry;son wm(eldest - his mo dead)other unnamed ch;wife ann exex - she neglected to give pledges debts exceed estate
1738-1 A 58      McYLVORREY   Ellinor     WOODS        d 30 mar 1738;son john;dau mary;husb john exor
1738-1 A 59      BREW         Catherine   TEAR         [full];
1738-1 A 60      KELLY        Robert                   d 16 Feb 1737;ch Robt(lands when he is 26, + his fiddle wch is to be kept in house),Joney(Close-vac-yollin until Robt redeems it for £8);names Patk Kelly(Robt to pay £6 that is in the meadow agt the time the land will come to him);'ordered his wife to make his mother's cost in eating with themselves, if she would stay with thwm';wife exex(if ch die then to have lands to herself)
1738-1 E      w  VANDY        William                  d 11 May 1738?;ch thomas(ua) - aunt Ann Clark overseer;names Isaac Vandy(heir of Bretny) + Cath Clucas - the wild sheep that is in the Larghy Renny;sis margt;names wm mcnameer;wife exex
1738-2 A 96      GAWN         Daniel                   d 10 Nov 1738;ch Mary, Daniel, Margt, Ann;wife exex (+ has tuition of ch)
1738-2 A 97      KERMOD       Joney       KILLIP       d 25 Jan 1738;ch Wm(land after husbs decease), Isable;names Easter Tear;husb exor
1738-2 A 98      TEAR         Katherine   CURLETT      [full]
1739-1 E      d  CREJEEN      Edward                   dated 26 jan 1739 - d 7 months ago in returning from West Indies - sibs Wm,Margery Skinner als Crejeen,Mary (ua) admrs
1739-2 A 85      Cannan       William                  d 12 Dec 1739;sibs thomas,danl,isable;mo joney als moughtin exex
1740-2 A 116     CORLET       William                  d 10 dec 1740;ch Mary(2 blankets 1 white, + half karl-hemp but was to return 3yds of fine linen wch she had off him),Thomas exor;names John Kneen(Loughtyn coat + dau),Patk Cormoad;list of debtors + creditors
1740-2 E      w  STEPHEN      Thomas                   d 22 aug 1740;[full]dau margt(if she comes),cath.ann,mary,elizth;son john,patk,thomas,wife dead by 1743;
1741-1 A 88      BREW         William                  d 25 apr 1741;fa John Brew;sibs Philip, Jane,Alice(jt exex with Margt Kelly but she resigns to Alice)
1741-1 E      d  CANNON       Jony                     d mid Mar 1740/41;d/o Patrk Cannon + Mary Cannon als Cane[cain] due goods by decease of parents; sis Cath + Mary admxs both ua uncles by mo side Patr + Thos Cane[cain]
1741-1 E      d  KELLY        John                     d beg feb 1740/1;only sis cath admx;
1741-2 E      w  CAIN         Patrick                  d 14 sep 1741;dau ellinor;son wm,david (exor)
1741-2 E      w  CLARK        Elinor      CROW         d 23 may 1740;west nappin;husb tho exor;unnamed ch(inc thos)
1741-2 E      w  GOLDSMITH    Catherine                d 27 aug 1741;names many inc robt corkill weaver;ewan stephen + wife Jane execs
1741-2 E      w  SAYLE        Margaret                 d 2 jun 1741;sis joney,anne;bro gilbert exor;sis-i-law ann sayle als skinner
1741-3 E      d  CAINE        Catherine                d 9 oct 1741;only son[unnamed] admr
1742-1 A 36      WADE         Robert                   d 28 nov 1741;names james wade;ch (some ua) + wife unnamed
1742-1 A 37      NEDERAGH     Joney       KNEALE       d 18 Feb 1741;ch Wm,cath;husb Dollin exor
1742-1 A 38      GAWN         Catherine                d 21 Feb 1741;ch Thomas;bro Wm(+ wife);husb exor + supv of ua child
1742-1 A 39      CORLET       Thomas                   d 1 Mar 1741;ch Wm exor;wife alive(land etc during her life);pledge Wm Kelly (jurby)
1742-2 A 88      STEPHAN      John                     d 30 nov 1742;4 unnamed ch(6d ea)wife jony exex
1742-2 A 89      CHRISTIAN    John                     d 18 dec 1742;rev john christian;wife cath;son james(mo dead),robt,dollin,thos;dau elinor baker(land close-y-quayle);gdau cath baker,cath(other land close-y-quayle);sis christian[full]
1742-2 A 90      INCH         Henry                    d 19 Jan 1742;ch Henry, Thomas(both to share money + land called the Elland),Cath(Arch deacons's close);wife exex;names Gilbart Sayle
1742-2 E      d  STEPHAN      Mary        KEWISH       d 20 aug;ch Patrick, Thomas, Anne, Mary,Elizabeth, Margt., Catherine + John Stephan
1743-1 A 52      LOWEY        Bahee       CHRISTIAN    d 10 Feb 1742/3;gdau Cath Quayle(some goods in Ballameanagh),Margt Quayle;ch John Stephan(out of Island),Ann Kermod als Stephan (w/o John Kermod)exex; pledges John Kewley(clark Kk Michl) + Robt Corlet(smith) [1st m Gilbt Stephan Jur 16940205, 2nd m to Robt Lowy Bal 17200204]
1743-2 A 81      CLAGUE       William                  d 13 Dec 1743;2 unnamed sisters(6d ea);cousin daniel gawn exor
1743-2 A 82      KNEAL        Ann                      d 4 Dec 1743;ch Stephen Kneal(her pt of meadow),Bahee Craine, Margt, Mary Killip,Dan(herring nets),Ann, John,Wm;Wm + dau Ann jt execs;;gch Margt Crain,Stephen Kneal,John Killip;1758: Patk Brew h/o Ann ack'd £6 as their pt of meadow
1743-3 E      d  BAKER        Thomas                   quaker;d 10 deb;ch john,thos,wm,cath,joseph,robt,mary - no relns fa on island;wife ellinor als christian;inv
1743-3 E      d  CRAINE       Catherine   cry als brew d 24 jun;only ch john;husb john;inv
1743-3 E      w  CURLETT      William                  dated 17 jun 1743;Brrag;ch Mary(eldest dau), Ann, John, Wm; wife Bahee als Moore exex;wants Robt Brew + wife guardians
1743-3 E      w  KEWIN        Isabel      CLAGUE       d 26 oct 1743;son wm;bro finlo,robt claig;husb wm exor;
1743-3 E      w  KINREAD      John                     [1st on gl707]d 1 jun 1743;dau christian;wife alive
1743-3 E      d  Mcylchreest  Catherine   CAINE als mc d 20 Jun 1743;c John(sworn admr), Harry(abroad),Jony + James Caine,Gilbt + Mary Mcylchreest(both abroad) jt admrs;inv states of Ballagire kk German;John Caine(of German) ordered to pay 6s to John Cleater for a coffin;acct inc bringing corps to Peel from Jurby 5s 10d
1743-3 E      d  STEPHAN      William                  d 12mons ago on coast Guinea;left island 3yrs ago;bro John renounced admin - prin creditor Elizth Stephan als corkan appt but abt to leave island - her bro john corkan sworn
1745-2 E      d  CLARK        Ellinor     CAINE        d 9 sep 1745;only son patk (surrenders to fa exec for 40s);husb danl;
1745-2 E      w  CRAIN        Jony        KELLY        d 6 jul 1745;ch Mary + Ann(2 youngest daus),John(roof of house);names Alice Tear;husb alive;4 ch jt execs - John Margt + Mary at age overseer of Ann
1745-2 E      w  CROW         Catherine   KNEAL        d 10 sep 1745;ch james(lands in ballaugh),wm,charles,edmd,margt;husb edmd exor - one ch ua
1746-2 E      w  CHRISTIAN    Anne                     dated 21 Jul 1746;Ballamona;husb Wm Christian atty genl exor;dau Elizth Christian(Cornah miln, Ballure Miln + The Park);all ch,gch etc(half a guinea);bequests to poor;names Patt Christian(dau Margt);cousin Wm Mcylrea;Capt Wm Cubon acks 3 guineas for himself,wife + ch, likewise James Oates acks 3g
1746-2 E      w  KELLY        Margaret    McYLVORREY   d jun 1743;gson Wm Garrett, Robt Kelley exor(his mo to give him what was in her hands of testatrix's effects);names Willm Chrystery,Tho Garrett(2 daus),Robt Brew(+ wife),Hester Brew(fine linen) + others;Exor but too young in yrs - chooses Thos Cleater + Stephen Kneal as guardians + robt Brew
1747-1 A 11      STEPHAN      Thomas                   dated 19 apr 1747;having a thought to go to Ireland;sis mary exex;other sibs pattk,john,ann,cath + elizth
1747-2 A 80      QUAY         William                  agreement dated 18 feb 1747/8;between wm + isable quay lately jurby + ann quay(Jurby) re poor sickly sis Margt Quay who is unable to support or help herself;ann is exex of fa John[see #81] + greatly troubled towards charge + care - ann resigns execship to wm +ann they maintaining margt for 2 yrs
1747-2 A 81      QUAY         John                     d 7 Feb 1747;ch John,Wm,Isable,Ann (exex) + Margt(poor child - desc as idiot - left to charge + care of other ch but apt by court jt exec);names edmond Kewish,Margery sayle;bro Philip Quay(his big coat - to oversee dau)
1748-1 A 72      CAIN         Catherine   CORLET       d 17 feb 1747/8;dau mary,cath;son dollin;?other unnamed ch;husb philip
1748-1 A 73      CONALLY      Mary        CLARK        d 7 feb 1747/8;dau mary,margt + esther;son simon;husb wm exor
1748-1 A 74      TEAR         John                     d 26 Feb 1747;ch John(half crop,team etc);unnamed other ch(£5 ea) inc dau Mary,Jane,Danl (+2 youngest);servt Philip Garret;wife Margt exex;wife son John + dau Margt + bro Thos + Sylvester Tear supvs of other ch;
1748-1 A 75      GAWN         Joney       KNEEN        [full]d 3 jan 1747;dau Ann,bahee (execx w/o john brew [fam 4004]),son Daniel
1748-1 A 76      KELLY        John                     d end Mar 1748;ch Thos(qtr of crop),Margt,John, Ellinr ua (uncle Richd Kelly supv);wife Margt exex
1748-1 E      d  CHRISTRY     Philip                   d 6 Apr 1748;only dau Anne Hogg als Christry (w/o James) exex
1748-1 E      d  CLUCAS       Joney       TEAR         d 14 Feb [1747/8];ch Miles + Margt clucas jt admrs
1748-2 A 128     FREER        Joney       CORLET       d 28 oct 1748;niece bahee corlett (+ her sis joney);illeg son robt wade;son wm freer;husb wm (jt exec with son wm);1802 robt wade dead + exex w/o ewan caley acks
1749-1 E      d  CLARK        Catherine   Keeh         d 26 Mar 1749;sis Ellin(w/o John Mcnameer), Jony (w/o Philip Ellison)+ half-sis Lucy(w/o Thos Christy) jt admx;alledged goods due by will of her mo Jane Kee;
1749-2 E      w  BREW         Christian   CHRISTIAN    d27 jul 1749;son patrick,thomas,robt;dau cath,esther;gson robt clucas;gdau elizth;husb robt;1760: thos clucase h/o cath;rev robt crebbin h/o esther + bros-in-law Thos and Robert Brew late decd;1767 patrick brew son + sole execr + sister in law Mary Brew otherwise Horton relict of thomas s/o christian + her only son robt; accts;

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