Name Index to EW02

This is name index to wills contained on Manx Museum Film EW02 (1603-1607, 1612-1619)- see introductory page for background to this index

Name                                                 Parish  Frame          My Notes  
APPRICHARDE Phillip                                    MD?    133
BALLARD John                                           MW     369
BANKES James                                           BN     442
BANKES Wyllm                                           --     141
BELL Ales née HEA ...                                  MW     518
BELL John                                              MW     414
BELL Thos                                              MW?    508
BITHELL Jo                                             PK     342
BLANE Katherine                                        MW?    517
BODAIGHE Ales                                          GN     365
BODAIGHE Essabell née INICUBBON                        GN     605
BODAIGHE Jony née COWLE?                               BH?    572
BODAIGHE Robarte                                       GN     702
BOOAIGHE Kathnn née OUIALE                             BH     393
BOOY Richard                                           ML     307
BREEWE Jony née KNAKELL                                LN     557
BREEWE Willm                                           LN     555
BREWE Ellen                                            JY     586
BREWE Jonie née KNEKILL                                ON     715
BREWE Katherine                                        AS     344
BREWE Willa                                            LN     716
BRYDESONE Katherin                                     MW     101
BURKETT Elizabethe alias LUCAS                         BE?    057
BUSHALLY Henrie                                        BN     525
CAGHEN Willia                                          ON     312
CAINE John                                             BE     057
CAINE Mallie née INE ALCOBRIGHT                        AS     346
CAINE Pat                                              BN     047
CAINE Rychard                                          BN     607
CAINE Wyllm                                            BH     608
CAISMINE Ann                                           MW     068
CAISMINE Ann                                           MW     106
CAISMYNE Gilbarte                                      AS?    468
CALESTER Jo                                            ON     715
CALLINE Willm                                          LN?    458
CALLISTER John                                         LN     557
CALLYN Bahie                                           GN     604
CALLYN Elizabeth                                       PK     658
CALLYN Katherin née QUYRKE                             PK     661
CALLYN Madge                                           GN     605
CALLYN Margarett née LOOWINIE                          LN     691
CALOWE Jonie                                           MD     132
CALOWE Katherin née CORKILL                            MD     675
CALOWE Ric                                             MD     353
CALOWE Willym                                          MD     553
CALYN Gylbarte                                         SN     403
CANE James                                             GN     365
CANELL Essable née KELLIE                              ML     703
CANELL Malloownie                                      DO     117
CANELL Patrike                                         ML     398
CANELL Thomas                                          PK     368
CANNELL Alice                                          DO?    141
CANNELL Christian                                      BN     596
CANNELL Isab?                                          BN     537
CANNELL John                                           MD?    133
CANNELL Katherin née COWLEA                            BN     034
CANNELL Katherin née QUAKIN                            LN?    564
CANNELL Ryd                                            ML     615
CANON Maryon née CURMAN                                BN     597
CAREN Bahie                                            BH     608
CAREN Jonie née JOYGHEN                                LE     126
CARRET Ann née CHRISTIN                                BH     571
CARRET Jo                                              MD     354
CARRETT Bessie                                         MD?    134
CARRETT Donolde                                        LE     109
CARRETT Henrie                                         MW     130
CARRETT Pat...                                         LE     707
CARRETT Wyllm                                          ML     037
CASKILL Will                                           BE     358
CAWSTEN Jaine née CLOOAIGG                             AY     693
CAWSTER Jonie née CORINE                               AY     655
CAYNE Christian                                        BN     023
CHAISSEN Jony née LEWNY                                LN     331
CHENBN... Th....                                       MD     550
CHRISTEN Averyke                                       AS     396
CHRISTEN Donolde                                       ON     470
CHRISTEN Harrie                                        LN     597
CHRISTEN Jo                                            BE     023
CHRISTEN John                                          LN     033   Laxey 
CHRISTEN John                                          BN     384
CHRISTEN Katherin née CRAYNE                           GN     701
CHRISTEN Willia                                        BE     321
CHRISTINE Anne                                         BE     034
CHURGHIE Katherin                                      AY?    474
CHURIE Katherin                                        ??     475
CLARKE Margret                                         MW?    503
CLEOT... John                                          BE     023
CLERKE Ann née LUCAS                                   GN     665
CLERKE Hughe                                           MW     611
CLERKE Mararett née GAWNE                              JY     684
CLERKS Ellen née CORMOTT                               GN     604
CLOAGE Elline née BREEWE                               LN     561
CLOAGE Robert                                          BN     361
CLOAGE Willm                                           LN     037
CLOAING Wyllm                                          DO     096
CLOOAIGG Thomas                                        LN     677
CLUAIGE Jonie née MORE                                 AY     654
CLUCAS Allice née WESTON                               BN     454
CLUCAS Mallie née CHRISTEN                             MD     355
CLUGAS Elizabethe                                      DO     096
CLUGAS John                                            BN     690
COLBIN Katherin née CAINE                              GN     666
COLBINE Ann née BODAIGHE                               GN     418
COLSTEYNE? Henrye                                      SN     601
COMYSHE Katherin                                       SN     600
CONARTINE Christian                                    MD     145
CONNYRIE Danald                                        BN     716
COOIYLL Maroarett née KELLIE                           MD     127
COOLE Christian née QUAYE                              PK     462
COPPLAND Margrett                                      BN     526
CORIN Margarett née SCARFFE                            LN     046
CORINE Robarte                                         SN     602
CORINE Thomas                                          DO     096
CORKILL John                                           BN?    452
CORKILL Wm.?                                           MD     551
CORKYLL Essabell                                       MD     124
CORKYLL John                                           MD     674
CORKYLL Keatryne                                       SN?    549
CORKYSHE Katherin                                      PK     417
CORKYSHE Katherin née NORRES                           BE     055
CORLEAT Thomas                                         BH     615
CORLEOT Danald                                         GN?    294
CORLEOTE John                                          LE     618
CORLETT Anne née WALISHE                               BN     453
CORLETT Katheren alias STEPHAN                         BH     427
CORLETT Phillip                                        LE     110
CORLETT William                                        ML     567
CORLOTT Bahie née ENIQUARKINE                          BH     668
CORLOTT Edmonde                                        ON     677
CORLOTT John                                           ML     607
CORLOTT --- née CHAIHEN?                               MD     125
CORLOTT Richarde                                       ML     607
CORRIN Donold                                          LN     037
CORRINE An née COTTER                                  GN     316
CORRINE Malony                                         LN     457
COSTEN John                                            LE     106
COTINGHAM Dolinge                                      AS?    484
COTINGHAM John                                         BH     616
COTINGHAM Jonie née QUALE                              BH     616
COTTER George                                          MW     411
COTTER John                                            DO     140
COTTER Katherin née JOUGHEN                            BE     705
COTTER Margett née CHRISTEN                            BE     609
COTTER Raphe                                           GN     583
COTTING[H]AM Gilnow                                    MD     348
COWELL Kathe[rin] nes LOWINE                           MD     400
COWELL Wm                                              MD     620
COWEN Averick                                          MW?    517
COWINE Eliza alias LEIGHE                              MN     068
COWINE Jonie                                           AS     126
COWINE Juan                                            AY     064
COWINE Katherine née SCARFFE                           LN     330
COWINE Malowy                                          LN     562
COWINE Margret née CANNAN                              ON     715
COWINE Marian                                          SN     541
COWINE Wyllm                                           AY     046
COWINE Wyllm                                           --     142
COWLE Ales                                             SN     473
COWLE Cubbon                                           BE     124
COWLE Donold                                           BE     134
COWLE Donolde                                          MW     680
COWLE Essabell née COWLE                               BE     673
COWLE Gubbon                                           BE     619
COWLE Patrick                                          MD     144
COWLEY An née KYNLEY                                   SN     341
COWLEY Annas née CARRETT                               LE     617
COWLEY John                                            BN     528
COWLEY Will                                            BN     537
COWNE Margrett née CANANE                              LN     558
COWYN Donold                                           AS     224
CRATNEY Christian                                      PK     657
CRAWHANN Donolde                                       ML     127
CRAYNE Jonie née CARRETT                               BH     426
CRAYNE Katherin née WOODS                              BH     431
CRAYNE Marjery                                         MW     633
CRAYNE Oates                                           BN     034
CRAYNE S...                                            GN     624
CRAYNE Wyllm                                           GN     132
CREBBIN(E) Jonie née TAYLER                            RN     603
CREEGINE Alice née CAINE                               MW     337
CREERE Jaine                                           BN     047
CREERE Margarett née KELLYE                            BN     676
CRELLYN An                                             BN?    048
CRELLYN Ann née KELLIE                                 AY     050
CRELLYN Jaine                                          GN     050
CRELLYN John                                           --     027
CRENYLL Gylberte                                       AS     401
CRENYLL Stephen                                        AS     590
CRERE Margrett née TAGARD                              BN     524
CRETNEY Oates                                          MN     053
CRIYIE Robart                                          BN     530
CROBINE Christian                                      MW     045
CROBINE Mariane née HAINE                              RN     461
CROFT Sylvester                                        MW     101
CRONNYE Willm                                          BN     646
CROPPER Mailye alias SCOTT                             DO     030
CROPPER Richard                                        ??     498
CROPPER Richard                                        MW     718
CROSS Tho                                              GN     613
CROWE Robarte                                          AS/LE  463
CRUGHON Danold (Inventony]                             --     130
CRYE Yssabell née MANLEY?                              BH     615
CUBBIE Jonie                                           GN     342
CUBBINE                                   GN     148
CUBBINE Elizabeth                                      MN     325
CUBBON Thomas                                          PK     418
CUBBON Wyllm                                           BN     102
CUBBON Wyllm                                           SN     602
CURGHIE Jonie née ENI KEWNE                            LE     114
CURGHYE Elizabeth                                      BN     454
CURMINE Bahi [sic]                                     ON     535
CURMINE Donard                                         MD     354
CURMINE Jo                                             MD     354
CURMINE Jonie                                          MD     124
CURMINE Margret                                        SN     545
CURMINE Rychard                                        MD     610
CURMYNE Ellin                                          BN?    539
CURTINE Margarett                                      LN?    033   Laxey ?
DAUGHERTIE Gilbet                                      AS     465
DROOWE John                                            MW     578
DUKE Allie née CANE                                    RN     390
FAERGHIR Wyllm                                         MW     650
FAIREHIR Marke                                         MW     473
FARBROTHER Wyllm                                       ON?    089
FAREKER? Elen née PRESCOTT                             BN     049
FARGHER Marian née LOWNY                               ??     542
FARGHER Thomas                                         DO     117
FARGHER Thomas                                         MW     516
FARGHER Thos                                           ??     512
FAYLE Alles née QUALE                                  BN     453
FAYLE Fynlo                                            PK     102
FAYLE Katheren née TEARE                               BN     529
FREERE Margarett née KELLIE                            JY     587
GALL Ebod née CAINE                                    RN     656
GALL Jonie                                             --     029
GANDIE? Ann                                            AY     415
GAWEN Jaine                                            --     102
GAWNE Annas                                            BH     608
GAWNE Anne née CHOOBRIGHTE                             AS     707
GAWNE Doncan                                           GN     418
GAWNE Jaine                                            MW     100
GAYLE Margerie née KEAGHIN                             ON     535
GELL Wyllm                                             PK     051
GELLING Averick née INI GAWEN                          MW     544
HAIGIRTE Thomas                                        BN     644
HALSALL Henry                                          MW     372
HAMMELL. Jo                                            --     141
HAMPTON Ann née LOWIE                                  SN     652
HARRISONE John                                         MW     407
HARRISONE Margarett                                    MW     10;
HAWARDE Rycharde                                       BN     445
HUNTER An née STEVENSON                                GN     681
HUTCHINS John                                          --     117
ILVORYE ---                                            AY     374
IMMAN ...                                              MW?    476
INE LEWINE Isa                                         LN     538
INEQUAY Bahie                                          ON     649
JOUGHEN Essabell née MOORE                             BE     619
JOYNER Alles née CUBBINE                               BN     441
KAMINE Ann                                             RN     068
KARAN Lawrence                                         GN     582
KARRAN An                                              PK     102
KARRAN Christopher                                     PK     342
KARRAN Thomas                                          GN     583
KARRAN Wm                                              PK     661
KEARRA[N] Katherine                                    PK     315
KEE Jonie                                              AS     133
KELLEY Wyllm                                           BE     057
KELLI Margaret                                         BN     537
KELLIE Ane née CALLOW                                  BN     324
KELLIE Hughan                                          AS     104
KELLIE John                                            ML     317
KELLIE John                                            LN?    564
KELLIE Katherin née ENI MOOR                           BN     102
KELLIE Phillip                                         SN     577
KELLIE Stephen                                         AS     588
KELLIE Wyllm                                           BN     047
KELLY Margarett                                        BN     647
KELLY Mariod                                           SN     544
KELLYE Anne née CALOWE                                 BN     527
KELYE Ann                                              BN     592
KENEYDE John                                           BH     028
KENIAGHE John                                          GN     581
KENION Will                                            AS     111
KERMOD Christian née ROSKYLL                           MD     349
KERMOD Wm                                              MD     351
KERMOTT Jony                                           LN     555
KERMOTT Marriat née KRETTNY                            MN     521
KERMOTT Wyll                                           ON     091
KERMYD John                                            LN?    033   Laxey ?
KERRAN Jo                                              MN     509
KERRON Katherin                                        PK     574
KERUSH. . .                                            MD     494
KERYRISH Nicholas                                      MD     552
KEWELEY An née CLUCAS                                  MN     325
KEWELEY Pawle                                          BN     312
KEWISN Christian née CISSAIGG                          BH     607
KEWLE Pau.. or Donold                                  BN     531
KEWLEY Ales née COULTE                                 BN     592
KEWLEY Issabell née CURGHIE                            LE     322
KEWLEY Mariod née CWINE alias GELLION                  BN     437
KEWLEY Willia                                          LN     325
KEWLEY Willim                                          LN     560
KEWLYE Molloowine                                      BN     676
KEWLYE Nychelas                                        ON     598
KEWLYE Ro... s? née DOOCAN                             ON     598
KEWLYE [sic] John                                      BN     437
KEWNSH Jonie née CORKILL                               MD     420
KEWYE Maren née SCARFE?                                MN?    524
KIISAIK ...hrine alias CROWE                           LE     147
KILLIE Annas                                           MW     115
KINLEY Thomas                                          SN     546
KISSAIGG Thomas                                        BH     583
KNAEL Christiann née GHREW                             BE     357
KNEILL Donolde                                         LN     386
KNEYLL Jonie                                           MW     115
KNEYLL Jonie née COTINGHAM                             MD     400
KNEYLL Katherin née CLETER                             AS     628
KNEYLL ldoe née ENI KELLIE                             AS     403
KNEYLL Wyllm                                           MD     399
KNICKLE Jony née CANNAN                                MD     356
KNIKEL John                                            LE     587
KNIKELL Alice née KARRAN                               PK     461
KONNIDYE Danold                                        BN     285
KUBBON George                                          BN     057
KYE Jonie née QUIGGINE                                 PK     479
KYLLYE Katherin née ALESTREN?                          GN     625
KYNAIGGE John                                          RN     028
KYNAINE Johm                                           PK     462
KYNINE John                                            PK?    099
KYNNINE John                                           MW     068
KYRIE Marrian née SKEARSMITH?                          BN     311
KYSSAGG John                                           DO     095
KYSSAIG Cha                                            ML     466
KYSSAIG Thos                                           ML     485
KYSSAIGG Essable née CORKYLL                           LE     706
LACE Jonie                                             GN     055
LACE Phillip                                           GN     053
LACE Willym                                            BE     104
LAINORENESONE Wyllim alias WYLLSON                     DO     095
LASSELL Elizabeth née LEA                              SN     636
LASSELL Jo                                             MN     326
LASSELL John                                           MW     511
LEECE Elizabethe née COSNAN                            --     038
LEECE Will                                             PK     343
LEIGHE Eliza alias BOYIE                               AY     065
LEONARDE Wyllm                                         GN     604
LEWEN? Edmond                                          ON     327
LEWIN Willim                                           PK     342
LEWNY Jonie née KERMOT                                 LN     716
LEWNY Willm & Margett                                  LN     023
LONGSTROP William                                      MW     373
LOOWINE Wyllm                                          LN     630
LOOWNIE Elizabethe                                     BN     085
LOWIE Annas née CHRISTRIE                              JY     317
LOWIE Wyllm                                            RN     115
LOWNY Evan                                             LN     560
LOYNE Edmone                                           BN     438
LUCAS ---                                              MW     650
MacYLLINEAN Willm                                      BE     034
MADRELL Ellen née HAIGIRTE                             RN     708
MARTIN John                                            AS     285
McBOY Thomas                                           BN?    452
McCOLEISHE Wyllm                                       MD     424
McCOWUILE Mariot née KILLIE                            MD     354
McFAIL Finlowe                                         JY     432
McFAYLE John                                           LE     672
McFAYLE Wyllm                                          LE     420
McGAWEN Annas née TEYRE                                AS     685
McILLREA Anas née QUAIN                                MW     313
McILVORY Ed...d                                        BH     570
McKEWNEY William                                       LE     617
McLASE Martin                                          AS     102
McLEREA John                                           ML?    308
McQUAINE Wyllm                                         ??     460
McQUINE Cubbun                                         BN     334
McSALE Christian née KNEYLL                            AS     097
McSAYLE John                                           AS     109
McSAYLE Mallie née BREW                                AS     672
McTEARE Rchard                                         MD     406
McTEYR Steven                                          AS     609
McTEYRE Annas née BRYDESONE                            AS     673
McTEYRE Gubbon                                         LE     685
McTEYRE Rycharde                                       ML     432
McTEYRE Willm                                          JY     669
McTEYRE Wyllm                                          AS     425
McYLCHRYSTE Donole                                     GN     580
McYLCHRYSTE Hugh                                       GN     367
McYLREA John                                           --     043
McYLREA Thomas,                                        --     142
MOORE ---                                              MN     714
MOORE Donse/Donze née ZANTHIE                          ML     412
MOORE Jony née NORRES                                  LN     456
MOORE Margarie née MAISONNE                            SN     634
MOORE Margarrett                                       DO?    141
MOORE Thomas                                           ON     085
MOORE Wyllm                                            MN     631
MORE Elizabeth                                         MW     505
MORE Gylb                                              ON     471
MORE John                                              BN     049
MORE John                                              MN     302
MORE Mariott                                           SN     472
MORE Robarte Jun.                                      DO     030
MORE Thomas                                            DO     038
MOUGHTON Jonie née CORLETT                             JY?    395
MYLLREA Katherin                                       ??     483
NELSON Jonie Me CURMINE                                SN     377
NORES Thomas                                           MW     509
NORRES Elizabeth                                       MW     369
NORRES Tho                                             MW     313
OATE John                                              BN     536
OTTE Jaine née OUAY                                    SN     403
OUALTROUH Peeter                                       GN     364
PEDLEA Wyllm                                           MW     100
PRESCOT alias COTTINGHAM                      GN     462
PSON [sic] An                                          PK     606
QUA Raphe                                              PK     315
QUACKIN Jaine née WOOD?                                MW     415
QUACKINE Thomas                                        ML     413
QUAIL Calligh... née KAIGHEN                           ML     606
QUAIL Ryd                                              ML     589
QUAILL Mariot née INE MOORS                            ML     482
QUAILL Mariote née INIMOORE                            BH     319
QUAILL Tho                                             MW     336
QUAILLE Thomas                                         MW     410
QUAINE Marie                                           MW     012
QUALL John                                             SN     653
QUALTERAGHE Mariatt                                    LN     629
QUARKE Christian                                       AS     320
QUARKE Christian                                       LE     588
QUARRES Bess née SHIMINE                               BH?    573
QUARRES Bess née SHIMYN                                GN     315
QUARRES John                                           PK     419
QUATEIR John                                           PK     096
QUATER Katherin                                        PK     096
QUAYE Ann née ENILREA                                  ML     584
QUAYE Fynlo                                            AY     045
QUAYE Hugh                                             PK     574
QUAYE John                                             MW     106
QUAYE Pat                                              BE     084
QUAYE Tho                                              GN     662
QUAYE Willm                                            MW     407
QUAYLE Elizabethe née COWINE                           BE     056
QUAYLE John                                            DO     022
QUAYLE Katherin                                        PK     097
QUAYLL Rycharde                                        LE     671
QUAYNE Alice née CRYBB[IN]                             GN     050
QUIGGIN An née JICKE                                   BN     597
QUIGGIN Katherin née CAINE                             PK     419
QUIGGIN Nycolas                                        MW     476
QUIGHINE Anne                                          BN     334
QUINE Ane                                              SN     313
QUINE Anne                                             SN     540
QUINE? Christian                                       JY     022
QUINYE Christian née CANELL                            AY     340
QUIRK Anne née CLUCAS                                  BN     534
QUIRKE John                                            BN     645
QUIRKE Tho                                             GN     316
QUYNE Ellen née QUALE                                  ON     677
QUYNE Mariot née CANON                                 AS?    468
QUYNE Randulphe                                        BN     675
QUYNE Thomas                                           BN     333
QUYRKE John                                            PK     658
QUYRKE Wyllm                                           PK     702
QYRKE Wyllm                                            PK     606
RATCLYFE Dorathy née SAMSBURIE                         PK     343
RIES? Kathe                                            BN     538
ROGERSON Margerie née IRELANDE                         GN     366
ROGERSONNE Richarde                                    --     029
ROSKYLL Margerie née CALOWE                            MD     346
RUSHALIE Harrie                                        BN     324
SALE John                                              SN?    548
SAYLE Margrett née BRADSHAYE                           AS     425
SCALIE? Ellen née SLYLLICORNE                          ON     049
SCARFF Christian                                       AS     346
SCARFFE An                                             LN     598
SCARFFE Christian                                      ON     691
SCARFFE Fynlo                                          LN     469
SHIMINE Ellen                                          GN     605
SHIMINE John                                           GN     701
SHIMINE Katherine née MIYLGHRIST                       GN     315
SHIMINE? M...                                          ML     412
SHURLOCK Jo                                            AY     314
SHURLOCKE John                                         AY?    490
SKALIE Rob                                             AS     705
SKYLLICORNE Christian née KYNIGE                       GN?    055
SKYLLICORNE Mallie née COLEISHE                        ON     049
SKYLLICORNE Tho                                        ON     312
STABLES? Elizabeth                                     GN     316
STEANE Gilbert                                         BH     116
STEELES Elizabethe                                     BH?    573
STEPHAN Finlo                                          BH     569
STEPHAN Thomas                                         ML?    309
STEPHEN Christian                                      MD?    134
STEPHEN Christian                                      LE     618
STEPHEN Christian née QUALL                            ML     667
STEPHENSON Ales née PRESCOTT                           AY     637
STEPHIN Edworde                                        MN     522
STEVENSON John                                         AS     707
STEVENSON Keatherin née KER                            MW     509
STEVENSON Parnell                                      AY     326
STEVENSON Parnell                                      AY     491
STEVENSONE Ann                                         AY     489
STOLE John                                             MD     553
STOLE Wyllm                                            PK     461
STOLL Margaret                                         LN     593
SUDDLE Elizabethe née NORRES                           MW     40?
SYMEN Katherin                                         GN     663
T..I..GIRLE Rob                                        MW     475
TAEYRE Katherin née MARTINE                            AS     673
TAGGARD Magret                                         BN     312
TAYLER Jonie                                           RN     461
TEAR ...                                               MW?    508
TEARE Christian née ENIQUAILL                          LE     670
TEARE Fynlo                                            AY     502
TWATCHE? Margarett alias LAMBE                         MW     106
TYLDESLEY Wyllm                                        AY     064
TYLESLEY Ellin née STANELEY                            AY     415
VANDIE Jonie née ENII=LCHRAINE                         LE     707
VINCHE Root                                            BN     359
WALDEN Ralfe                                           CT     099
WANWRIGHTE Ryd                                         AS     707
WATERSON Christian née HAYLER                          RN     698
WATERSON Elizabeth                                     BE     084
WATERSON John                                          RN     655
WATLEFORTH Henris                                      MW?    519
WILKINSON Essabell also COWINE and WAINWRIGHT          MW     649
WINGHE Thomas                                          BN     049
WOODE Thomas                                           MW     135

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HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2011