Summary of Wills

These are various wills for which a fuller transcription was not made

1628: ?? Cayne: mentioned are: dau: Alice; dau: Bette

1628: John Clotter junior: mentioned are: wife; Sr. William Cosnahan; Katy ???; Don Killy; Ellin Cotter; John Kubbun

1628: Margret Cook als ???: mentioned are: dau: Jane; dau: Dorothy; may (?) children: Anne, Margret, William; Testors: William Cosnahan, Henry Corrin

1632 1 May Braddan : Last will and testament of Alice Casement alias Oates who departed … Itm: to my daughter Anne . . . Itm: to my daughter Ellin . . . Itm to my daug Arvirke[?sp] . . . [Signed by the 3 daughters]

1675/76 8 January: Christopher Quay, last will and testament. Wife: Isable Quay als Cresu…[?]

1677 6 March , Malew: Joni Bridson als Quaile, last will and testament: Husband is [?]. brother: Nicholas Quaile. Brother: John Quaile. To Margret Bridson and John Bridson [she leaves something]. Son: Gibt [?Gilbert] Bridson. Only daughter Margret Bridson, married William Gell.

1689 9th November: Last will and testament of John Oates. Mentioned are: he has 4 sons; William: son; Anne: dau; Wife: she remarried John Kneal; 1702: daughter Anne was of age.

1689/90 14 March: Last will and testament of Margery Cosnahan. Mentioned without naming any relationship are: Thomas Quiney; Isable Quirk. Margret Cosnahan, sole executor

1691 30 Nov : Articles of agreement between Wm Crebin in behalf of his son Wm Crebin on the one part and Robt Oates in the behalf of his daughter Alice Crebin als Oates. Alice is the wife of Wm Crebbin, son of Wm Crebbin. Witnesses: Wm Bridson, John Crebbin, Christian Crebbin als Skillicorn, Robt Oates Sworn to 24 Oct 1695: Wm Crebin, Senior; Wm Crebin, junior; Witness 24 Oct 1695: Tho Moor; Wm Crebin

1700, 17 Feb when he died, Malew: Last will of William Harrison of Ballasalla. Mentioned are: a wife; William, son; Robert, son; Margaret, dau, not married at this time; Daniel, son; John, son

1700, Malew: Last will and testament of Jane Bridson als Rimmer. Mentioned are: Kath Moore, dau; Hen. Moore, gson, of legal age; Christopher Bridson, husband

1700, Malew: Last will and testament of Jane Bridson als Rimmer. Mentioned are: Kath Moore, dau; Hen. Moore, gson, of legal age; Christopher Bridson, husband

1703/4 12 feb : Last will and testament of Mrs Catherine Harrison. Mentioned are: Edmond Curlett, nephew. Thomas Curlett, nephew. Margorie Curlett, niece. Isable Curlett, niece. Catherine Curlett, niece. William Curlett, brother. Thomy Curlett, brother

1705: Last will and testament of William Harrison. Mentioned: wife, Elizabeth Waterson; Aileen Costean, grandchild; William, son; Marry, dau; Catharine, dau

1706 [?], in Ballasalla, Malew: Last will and testament of Christopher Harrison. Mentioned are: John Taylor, gson; Christopher Taylor, gson; Isabel Taylor, gdau; Wm Crow, no relation mentioned; Widow Waterson, no relation mentioned; Widow Wilson, no relation mentioned; Wm Mcylrea, no relation mentioned; John Harrison, no relation mentioned; Wm Hodgin, no relation mentioned; John Taylor’s son; Wife: still alive; Margt Harrison, dau, and her husband William Taylor

1716 16 Dec: Last will and testament of Mary Harrison als [looks like Juesheng ??]. Mentioned are: Jane, dau; Elizabeth, dau; Mary, dau; Husband alive; Richard, son, of age; William, son, on age; George, son

1720 Archdeacon Wills, Santon: Mary Oates als Kewley departed this life about the 8th of April 1720 last intestate, whereof the Court having intelligence, hath decree her three children, viz. Tho. , Jane, and Alice Oates, joint administrators of all her good moveable and immoveable whatsoever and a legacy of the husband on sight of the inventory.

1720/21 18 March, when she died: last will and testament of Margt. Moore als Quay of KK St Anne. Mentioned are: John, son; Robt, son; Isab, dau; Catherine Gell, gchild; Margt Moore, gchild; Margt Moore, dau; Catherine Moore, dau

1722: Last will and testament of Nicholas Bridson, who died 22 April 1722. Mentioned are: John, son; William, son; Thomas, brother; ‘He ordered his brother Tho. Bridson é Cooil, to be overseer of his said two sons Jno and Wm Bridson’; Carter Bridson als Kinish, wife

1724 16 June, of William Oates: Wm Oates departed this life about the 18 of April last intestate, whereupon the Court has decreed his five children vis., Margt, Anne, Isabel, Wm, and John Oates, sole and joint administrators of all his goods moveable and immoveable half over of and in legacy to the widow upon sight of the inventory. The children being under age, their Aunt Anne Curlett and John Martin their other kinsman are sworn … and so is the widow. The children and their goods are in their mother’s hands, who gave pledges to Wm Crebbin and John Moore. [signed] Margt Oates als Cu[bbon] Wm Oates of KK Santon died 16 April 1724. April 30, 1739: Now John Oates, one of the administrators of William Oates acknowledged to be paid from his stepfather Wm Clucas his proportion of the above inventory vs. 2:1919, which . . . [he went to Braddan to apprentice] The same day: Ann and Isabel Oates . . . [accepted their proprotions]

1724 8 April: Last will and testament of John Cosnahan, vicar of St Anne’s Parish for 34 years. Mentioned are: Charles, son; Hugh, younger son; John, eldest son, and vicar of KK Lonan, to whom he left books of Greek, Latin and English, and appointed him as supervisor; Katherin, dau; Anne, dau; Margaret, dau; Wife is still alive. He left 40 shillings to each of his children.[see will of his wife, Margaret Cosnahan, widow, 1734, in KK Santon]

1725, Article of marriage: Daniel Kneale and Christian Cubbon to be married. William Oates and Margaret Oates als Cubbon his wife, of Ballacostean, are mentioned

1728 #20, Maughold, of Mary Allen als Dobson, died 18 December 1727: "The last will and testament of Mary Allen als Dobson who departed this life the 18th of December 1727. After committing her soul to God, and body to Christian burial, she nominated and appointed her daughter Cathrine sole Executrix of all her goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever, leaving xx shilling apiece legacy to the rest of her children. Witnesses: Daniel Corkill, Mary Kerruish. Mr. Matth. Curghey husband of the above Cathrine

1729 26 June: Wm Crebbin departed this life about the 25th March 1729. Mentioned in will are: Revd Mr Paul Crebbin, son; John Crebbin son; Wife is still alive; John and Margaret have marriage contracts at the time. [see also wife Alice Crebbin als Oates’s will, of 1731, her dying 1735]

1736/7 March 21st: Last will and testament of Anne Kewley als Oates. Mentioned are: John Brew: gson; James: son, he has children; Margery Brew: dau in law

1742: Last will and testament of Margrett Fargher als Cain of St Ann, died about 3 March 1742. Mentioned are: Thomas Curphey [?, or Cowley], gson. Jony, Mary, Margrett, her three daughters. Patrick Cowley, son in law. Jony Kinley, gdau. Thomas Fargher, son

1742 Dated 25 Nov: Last will and testament of Jane Bridson of Ballavarveune in Malew. Mentioned are: Robert Bridson, son

1743: Last will and testament of William Taggart of Baroole of KK Malew, who died mid-March 1743. Mentioned are: William, eldest son, not of age yet; Margt Taggart, wife; Other children mentioned as existing, but no names given

1748, Santon: Last will and testament of Thomas Moore of Ballachrink in this Parish of KK Santon; he departed this life on or about 27 June 1748. Mentioned in will are: 3 daughters: Anne, Susanah, Isabel; Margt Clarke als Moore, dau; is living in KK Malew; 3 grandchildren; Margt Moore als Fargher, wife; Testes: Paul Crebbin; Christopher Cowle

1748, Santon: John Crebbin of this parish having departed this life about 19 May 1748. Mentioned in will: 6 children: Jane, Katharine, John, Margt, Edward, William. The children are underage except for the two oldest, Jane and Katherine; Revd Mr Crebbin, brother; William Cowin mentioned; Wife is still alive [Wife is Catharine Moore, per parish records]

1748, of Karter Bridson als Kinnish: Last will and testament of Carter Bridson als Kenish, departed this life 7 July 1748. Mentioned in will: Jane, sister; Wm Bridson, son;

1756 At Kirk Michael, June 18th : Dorothy Oates als Leece als Kewley departed this life about the 4th of this instant June intestate, the Court upon intelligence thereof hath decreed her two children Wm and Robt Leece joint Adms. Of all her goods and chattles moveable and immoveable whatsoever, who being at lawful years are sworn in form of law, and have given pledges for payment of debts, namely Revd Wm Crebbin of Jurby and Mr. John Garret of Ballabioie [?]. [signed] Ro. Radcliffe. 21st July 1756: Mary Oates claims against the administration of Dorothy Oates for £1:10:0. Eod. Die: Mary Oates claims against the said administrator for £2:0:0 and a heifer.

1758: Margaret Quirk als Moore departed this life on or about 12 Dec 1758. Mentioned in will are: children: Ellinor, Esther, John, Philip, Ann. John, Philip and Ann are underage. Ellinor and Esther are of lawful age but too young still to care for the inheritance.; John Quirk, husband; John Fargher, husband of Ellinor; Lived in Croggey, in parish of KK St Ann

1759: John Kissack of Ballakissack departed this life about 18 January 1759. Mentioned in his will are: 8 children: John, William, Thos, Charles, Elizabeth, Isabel, Esther, Margaret. John and Wm are of lawful years. Children are spoken of as orphans [?? Elizabeth mar Thos Quine in 1768]

1760: Ellinor Shimin als Kissack als Looney departed this life on or about 29 Jan 1760 [?]. Will mentions: 3 children: William, Margret, Ellinor; Gilbert Woods, Ellinor’s husband; Richd Woods, Margt’s husband

1761, Arbory of Margaret Moore als xxx: This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Mrs Margaret Moore who being in perfect mind and memory at the making hereof: She bequeath unto all her children sixpence a piece in legacy. Lastly she nominated and appointed her daughter Elizabeth Moore sole executor of all the rest of her goods . . . Witnesses: John Maddrell, Elinor Harrison At the court of correction holden at Castletown 17 February 1761: Richard Corrin the husband of Elizabeth Corrin als Moore . . .

1761: John Fargher perished by sea about 29 July 1761. His will mentions: 6 children: Willm, Thos, Margt, Ellinr, Ann, Mary; John Callow: Ellinor’s husband; Robert Callow: Margaret’s husband

1761: Thomas Cowle perished by sea on or about 29 July 1761. His will mentions: 5 children: Ellinor, Robert, John, Thomas, Catherin; Wm Lewney, husband of Ellinor; Robert Kelly, husband of Catherin [Santan]

1762, Lonan, of Thomas Christian: This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Thomas Christian of the parish of KK Lonan who departed this life about the 28th December 1762, being then sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory at the making thereof . . . He left and bequeathed a crown to Edmond [or Edward] Christian of KK Onchan. He left a pair of breetches to Gilbert Brew. He left a jacket to Patrick Killip . . . Lastly he revoking all other wills made, words or intentions uttered, declared this to be his last will and testament and nominated and appointed therein his loving grandaughter Isabel Lewney als Killip whole and sole executor of all the rest of this goods . . . Witnesses: William Kewley, Daniel Kewley At Chapter Court holden in KK Marown October 25th, 1763: Robert Lewney husband of Isabel is sworn executor in form of law and has given pledges for payment of debts . . .

1762, Malew, of Mary Brew als Fargher: This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Mary Brew als Fargher of the Parish of KK Malew, who was of sound mind and perfect memory at the making thereof, and departed this life the 30th day of November 1762 . . . She left a firlett of … to be distributed amongst the poor of the parish by her executor . . . She bequeathed to her grandaughter Elizabeth [?:hard to read] Callister her part of the Brockvensten[?] in … Parish of KK Santan . . . Lastly, she nominates constituted and appointed her daughter Ellinor Brew whole and sole executor of all the rest of her goods . . . Witnesses: William Fargher, William Cain

1762, Ramsey, of Catharine Christian: This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Catharine[?] Christian of the town of Ramsey … who departed this life on or about the 8th day of November 1762 . . . She left and bequeathed to her brother David Christian a guinea. She left and bequeathed to her cousin Peggy Johnson her light colored gown . . . She left and bequeathed to each of the witnesses a bed gown and also a … to Mrs Cowan one of the witnesses. Lastly she nominated, constituted, and appointed her … mother, Ellinor Christian, sole and whole executrix of all the rest of her goods and effects . . . Witnesses: Elizabeth Cowan, Margaret Sayle. At Court of Correction holden at Lezayre 7th February 1763: The executor is sworn in court in form of law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies, namely Edward Christian of Ramsey, mani…, and Edward Callow of …

1764: Paul Crebbin, Vicar of parish of KK St Ann, being weak in body . . . Will mentions: Thomas, Charles (a Reverend) and William: sons; Jane, dau; Jane, wife; Written about 1763; Sworn 11 March 1765; [Buried 29 Aug 1764, per parish registers. Wife is Jane Cubbon, per parish registers]

1772: Last will and testament of John Crebbin of parish of KK St Anne, who died on 11 Oct 1772. Mentioned in will are: Wm Crebbin, son; Wm Lewney, son in law; Margrett Fannan, gdau : (she married Thomas Cottier); Frank Fannon, gson; John Crebbin, gson; his fa is John; William Crebbin, gson; his fa is John; John, son; William Crebbin, gson; Margrett Fannan, dau; Margrett Fannan is the mother in law of Thomas Cottier, the husband of Margt Fannan; [Wife Margaret Bell died in May 1761, Santon, per parish records]

1780, #7, Malew of William Shimmin: William Shimin (#7) of the Parish of Malew: Mentioned: Wife still alive; Robert Shimin, son; John Shimin, son; Catharine Shimin, dau; Date of Will: 12 nov 1780; Proved in Court: 20 June 1781

1780, #8, Malew, of William Shimmin of Greneby: William Shimin (#8), of Greneby of Parish of Malew. Mentioned are: John Shimin, son; Margt Oates, dau; William Shimin, son; Date of Will: 20 Dec 1780; Proved in Court: 20 June 1781

1782 Date of will: 27 June Karter Oates of St Ann parish bequeathes to her husband Thomas Oates all her right to a Meadow called Balla-curry’s Meadow as long as he remained single. Persons mentioned are: John Oates: son; Jane: dau; Margaret: dau. Thomas Karran and John Karran: grandsons and children of Thomas Karran. Jane Oates: gdau. Thomas Karran is the husband of Margaret Karran als Oates.

1837 Archdeacon Will #5, Onchan, of John Oates of Ballacreetch: [mentioned are Sons: Robert, Edward, Thomas, Dau: Margaret Kelly als Oates, Mary Drury als Oates; Grandchild Jane Oates, dau of Thomas


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