Episcopal Will 1781 Malew #1, of Robert Kissack

A summary of will - mariner (abt 3 yrs in hm service) late castletown;d 8 apr 1781 on board hm ship vigilant (Capt Horne);3 ch john,elizth,issable ua uncles (mo's side) richard crain + wm gell ;wife jane;petn by jane

The following letter was included [spelling as in letter - hand and grammar not always clear + some abbreviation to fit paper - a tear has removed some of page]

June 14 1781
At say in the Latt of 50° 24'N 
and long of 13° 7'W
the 8 day of april I took this opd
of righting to you from on board
His majesty's ship the Vigilant
viz Georg horne [?home] commandant
and I am in hope that this will
find you and all frends and brothr
Thos and his wife in the same
and this is to beg the favour of
you to aquunt the decease of
Robert Kissack : that he was a
mess mate of mine and lovd an
a nother as brothers and he was
ill of the flux and survy and the
8 day of april last he dies and before
the death he desired me to let his
wife know of his death which I
thought my self in duty bound
to do this is the husband of 
Jane Currin daughter Richard currin
and if she will administan ? for his
wages she may get it very asey
apploy to any gentelman with a
setificate of her marage to [] by
them the right name 
Pxxx I say my brother John Curry
in Sta Stacia [?] on board his majestys
ship Vigilant to which I now belong
he belongs to the Pantar of 60 guns
Wm Bridson is with him Wm Bridson's
neffew of Ballasaly my brother goes
by the name of James Ham &
Wm Bridson of the name of Wm Tomson
I should be glad if you would send
me a letter as soon as you can
get apertunity: be so kind to
let Jane Kissage to be as Exp[missing]
as apertunity migh serve [missing]
to get her husbands wages I should be glad to
here of you and yours well being
Rember me to all in quiry frends
So no more at presant from
your dutifull son till death
Henry Curry
Remembrance to all inquiry frends and neibours
Pray Axxxech [blotted]  to Wm Harry Stole on board his majesty ship the Vigilant at Spit head or elce whare
[on a 3rd covering sheet]
I rote this lett
at say and sease?
of paper now lying
of Spit Head
with this convoy
from the west indies
Robart Kissak
dayd the 8 April
and this date is
June the 24 1781
I maint to send
this lettar befor
but had no opptunity Derect
to me as befor

Robert married Jane Corrin at Braddan 12 Feb 1771 where noted both of this parish (witnesses Thomas Quirk shoemaker and Thomas Christian mariner) - from Henry's comments Jane would appear to be daughter of Richard Corrin + Isable Quackin baptised Malew 1751-03-01. Wm Gell uncle to the children was probably Wm husband of sister Ann Corrin but so far I have not identified Richard Crain.

Henry Curry is I think son of Edward Curry and Jane Stole baptised Malew 1754-04-28 (hence pseudonym Harry Stole) - brother John bapt Malew1744-07-01.

The use of pseudonyms is interesting - all three mentioned other than Robert Kissack would appear to serve under assumed names


Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2008