Archideaconal Will 1747 #35 Malew of John Bell of BallaStrang


Courtesy J. M. Oates

This is affirmed to be the last will and Testament of John Bell of BallaStrang in the parish of Kk Malew, who departed this life the 27th of December 1747, being of sound memory at the making thereof the 23rd of Novembr: anno predicto.
First he committed his soul to God, and his body to Christian burial.
Item He left and bequeathed to his granddaughter Mary Bell the brown mare's foal.
Item to his granddaughter Margrett Bell he left two sheep.
Item to his granddaughter Elizabeth Bell he left a heiffer of two year old.
Lastly he constituted ordained and appointed his loving wife Marg: Bell alias Calister sole Exectrix of all the rest of his goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever.

Witnesses: Henry Quilliam X, Esther Quagin X, Jurati.

Probatu est et solvit 14d.

The Execx sworn secundum forman legis, and gave pledges, Mr. David Harrison & Henry Quilliam.

Solvit 1s

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