Archdeacon Will 1684/5 #53 Bride of Catharine Caiskill als Howland, died 27 March 1685:

"The last will and testament of Kath:Howlan, who departed this life the 27th of March 1685, being of good and perfect memory. First she committed her soul to God and her body to Christian burial. Item, she left to her sister Anne Howlan a petticoat and waistcoat, a coife and handkerchief and apron and 5 pottles of barley. Item, to her brother in law a neck cloth. Item, to Christian Howland a coife and handkerchief. Item, to Kath:Howlan a coife and a handkerchief. To Christian Kneale a coife. Item, to Kath:Shrap a petticoat and a smock. Item, she left to her husband John Caiskill a blanket and five shillings was due to her from Ewan Christian & Margt Christian. Item, she left to John Howlan and Ewan Christian 6d apiece. Item, she constituted and appointed her sister Margt Howlan her sole Executor of all the rest of her goods moevable and immoveable whatsoever, and besides she left to her said Executrix all her right in the Croft. Testes: John Howlan, Ewan Christian. The Executrix at age is sworn in Court according to Law. Probatum est et Solvit 12d. The Inventory priced amounts to 01:11:06. The goods in the Executrix’s hands and hath given pledges according to Law John Howlan & John Caskill.




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