Archideaconal Will 1637 #73 Patrick of Richard Callin:

died 18 September, intestate: "Patricke 1637: RICHARD CALLIN departed ys life 18th of September untestate the Church having intelligence therof hath decreed his TWO LEGITTIMAT CHILDREN Administrators & the next of kinred one the father side Supervisors, a legasy is to be allowed the WIFE upon sight of the Invent.
Note yt an oxe more is due to ye boy then to ye wench.
Salvo tamen vincing suo iure.
Decret est et Solvit 18d.
Invent wthin 14teene dayes.

Performed. A TRUE INVENT OF ALL SUCH GOODS AS RICH: CALLIN dyed possessed of & priced by Wm: Cosnahan, Jo: Corras, Jo: Ratliffe, & Wm: Cottere, upon oath as followeth, 23 9ber 1637:
Imprimis, a yoking oxe 4 yeare ut May next & half a steere of a yeare & halfe 30s;
Itm, 1 young cow in calf 7 yeare ould 30s;
Itm, half a calfe a yeare at May next 2s;
Itm, 1 quarter & half quarter of an oxe 7 yeare ould 10s 6d;
Itm, 1 oxe 30s;
(It, 1 ould maire et half horse 5 yeares ould 34s: the wives legasy is on ye other side [This item has been crossed out]),
Itm, 3 sheep, 2 muttons, 2 hoggs 10s;
It, half a hoge & half a quarter of an ould boate the childs part 2s;
It, half a birds 2 younge geese 1 broad goose,
It, a paire of blankets & 2 fledges 20s;
It, 1 ould feather bed & boulster & 1 stockebed 17s;
It, 1 ould chiest & 2 paire of sheets 13s;
It, half an ould silver spoon & a 1uarter of another priced to 2s 7d; It, care & 1 steadler, 1 barrell et half hoghead 2s 6d; It, 1 rope & ----- & 1 halter 3d;
It, 2 ould peauter dishes et hald dandlestick 2s 8d;
It, ----- ----- --- ------- a little iron potte 10x; Certeine wooden vessels wth othe smale brisles 2s 3d;
It, the houshould stufe;
It, half Manx spade 5d;
It, half firlin, half crucke & 1 s--- 13d; ----- 3s;
It, half iron draught wth 1 geares,
It, half a hoake & 1 harrow wth 5 trenchers 2d;
It, half towel & 1 napkin; It, 2 yards of red cloth; 8 pounds.
Note yt all the houshould stufe belonging to ye childs part is in ye mothers hands who is accoumptable for the same. We allow the WIFE for a legasy the half horse & a maire priced to 34s.
Note yt ye childs part of ye crope of corne is ye 4th part --- part wherof in ye hands of the GRANDFATHER & the 3th part in ye MOTHERS. Nicho Thompson, Hugh Cannell.

July 5th 1638: MICH: CALLIN entereth his claim agt the execrs of RICHD CALLIN for 5 boules of wheate & barley. This is recorded and paid by ye mother of ye child, & is to be deducted out of ye whole crope except 1 boule of barley wch was -------cien. THO: CALLIN 3 firletts barley & 1 boule wheate not recovered. THO: CALLIN for 3 boules of barley 2 boules of otts & wheate wth 10s of money. Ys is also recovered & to be deducted out of the whole betwixt ye execr & ye mother ye execr; is to pay for her parte to the mother 3 loosse firletts of barley & 5 sives & a halfe of oats.
It, due from ISABELL DOSEN ALAS LACE of ye childs fathers portion 35s, for wch she stands bound with the rest. HENRY DOSEN WTH HIS MOTHER ISABELL have become bound unto MICHAELL CALLIN for forthcoming --- halfe this Invent: & have bound ymselves there heires execrs & assignes for performance therof according to law, who hath ---------- ----
Note yt the sd HENRY & ISABELL is become bound for the whole Inventory secundus forma legis. Pledges for MICH: CALLIN, WM QUIRKE, et THO: CALLIN SENIOR for his part of the child goods. HENRY DOSEN & ISABELL DOSEN pledge for the other ----- of the childs ----- wch is in the mothers -----."



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