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In the late 1820's the Manx newspapers carried several letters from early emigrants; as pointed out some 50 years later by Thomas Tear these letters had a major influence on the choice of destination.

The papers also carried a few editorials on the subject - this is taken from Manx Advertiser - February 15th, 1827


We have of late received such intelligence from the United States, respecting the success of such of our countrymen as have emigrated thither, that We feel much disposed to give the subject a consideration which we little thought at first it should have deserved. It appeared to us possible, as it did to several of our friends, that it was but a doubtful speculation for persons to sell small properties in this country, and take their departure for a better soil and a better climate. In this little island it would seem at the first view, that great conveniences were found, that it abounded in more of the accommodations of a desirable residence than merely a freedom from taxation. These accommodations, however, are experienced mostly by those who could purchase their comforts elsewhere, and have nothing whatever to do with those classes of men who are of a lower grade, and whose fortune in any country will ever depend on their own corporal exertions, whether of agricultural labour or mechanical employ.

There is, notwithstanding, another description of persons which could not suffer, but would much improve, by a transplantation beyond the Atlantic. Persons of easy fortunes, who have a sufficiency for themselves during life, but who are desirous of leaving a comfortable provision for all the members of their families at their decease. A gentleman who can, over and above his immediate and daily wants, spare £400 or £500, may, by crossing over to the United States, make a most valuable purchase; and having wherewith to support himself and family during the process of necessary improvement there, may await the issue, until his lands be cleared, fenced, and regularly laid out, so that an elegant mansion may at any future period be erected on it. It were not impracticable for such an adventurer even to place a steward or agent there, who might be accountable for the realisation of agricultural projects, and, by due diligence soon render the region of his care, a most delightful residence.

As to the rationality of such a speculation, that is a subject on which every one man has a right to differ upon from another. It is entirely an affair in which the individual only is concerned. If he succeed, the world will give him credit for his enterprise, and then he need not thank them; if he do not, he need expect but little commiseration, and less assistance. At all events the experiment is a practicable one, and its result easily ascertained. But, perhaps, in no other case whatever has more inconsistency of conduct been evinced than when men are about commencing a fresh experiment, entering upon an enterprise, or engaging upon a new speculation. They gape for the approbation of their fellow men, instead of using the dictates of their own reason. Thus they may be laughed out of their best resolves, and sneered out of their vital interests. It is always advisable to take counsel; but no counsel is equal to a prudent resolution and decision of procedure in the path which tried discretion and matter of fact have already pointed out.

 [Genealogy Index]


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