[courtesy Lois Ralph]

South Side Sale, Oct 1798 #30 Lonan

Henry Skillicorn and wife to Henry their son

Know all men by these Presents that I Henry Skillicorn
of Balarragh in the Parish of Kk Lonnan by and with the
joint consent of Margt Skillicorn my wife Divers Good causes
and Reasons but Especially for the Love and affection we have
and do bear Toward our Eldest and most Dutiful son Henry
Skillicorn of the aforesaid parish Therefore Have Granted
Estated confirmed and Settled. And by these Presents do give
Grant Estate, Establish  confirm and settled upon him our
said son one half of the Right wch we now hold and are Entitled
to of the Quarterland of said Bal-arragh ^ & houses^ with half of our
part of the Intack called the Volgum when he arrives to the
age of Twenty nine years and the other half of the aforesaid
settled Premisses with the Houses and Buildings thereon
Erected at the Decease of the Longest Liver of Either of us. 
The Premisses situate in the aforesaid Parish and consisting
both of Abbey Land & Intack. The abbey Lands bearing five
shillings and three pence Abbey Rent and the Intack a penny
half penny. To have and to hold unto him our aforesaid son
his Heirs Execrs admrs and assigns the above settled premisses
and every Individual part parcel and member of the same with
the whole profits and Issues thereof Together with all ways &
waters and other the appurtenances thereunto the Premisses
belonging or in any wise appertaining for ever. He paying
both the abbey & Lords Rent of the Premisses with all customes
when he shall invest the same and is Likewise accountable
for the Encumbrance which already affects the said settled
Premisses and to Discharge the Interest thereof yearly when
he shall come to be Legally Possessed of the same or any part
thereof. And for the Due and Exact performance hereof
I the said Henry Skillicorn and Margt Skillicorn my wife
do firmly bind and oblige ourselves our Heirs Execrs admrs and
assigns in and under the penalty and forfeiture of Two
Hundred Pounds Sterling to be Levied and paid according
to Law As Witness our marks to our named this 12th
April 1784

Signed and Duly        Henry Skillicorn my X
Executed in presence of    Margt Skillicorn my X
Pat: Callow my X
Jas Scarffe            20 Oct. 178(7?)
            Henry Skillicorn and Margt
            Skillicorn acknowledged the
            above Deed of Gift to be their
            proper Act and Deed Before me
                John Cosnahan

At an Abbey Court holden at St. John's the 11 of Octr 1798
The before written Deed of Settlement being acknowledged before the
High Bailiff & now openly published in Court & no objection offered
agt it the same is therefore allowed of & ordered to be Recorded for
the benefit of all persons Concerned
            John Saul (?)


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