[from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 1, 1933]



Report of the Committee of the Institution for Bettering the Condition of the Poor, March 12, 1818. Douglas Printed at the Phoenix Press, Parade, for M. A. Mills. 2d. Manks, being one half the actual cost. [3398, D 50]
The only copy of this Report known. This Committee appears to be the first elected body outside the Vicar and Wardens to look after the interests of the poor. In an Appendix is a list of the paupers in the poor-house and a list of 204 pensioners. Some of the names of the streets are now unfamiliar : Sand-street ; Big Garden; Coulthard's Yard ; Sena ; Preaching House Lane ;Fancy-street ; Sand-side ; Pump-street ; Killey's Tanyard ; Bucks Garden ; The Barracks ; Muckle's Gate ;New Factory-lane ; Water-lane ; Society-lane ; Howside ; Back-street.

OSWALD (H. R.). Some Observations recommendatory of a General Infirmary. 1828. Douglas. 8vo. pp. 12. Not in Library.

Rules of the Douglas Ladies' Charity for the Relief of Poor Lying-in Women (re-established in September, 1828). Douglas: John Quiggin, Manx Sun office. Circa 1830. p. l. 360x180. [402, D 50]
This copy - which is the only one known - has the following appropriate verses written on the back

Pray, Gentlemen, don't call me bold,
Because I thus solicit aid ;
I cannot think your hearts so cold
As to deny a pleading maid.

'Twas Mona's daughters sent me here
"l'he cause of suffering man to plead
They told me it was woman's sphere to minister to those in need.

They sent me to " Creation's Lord,"
And (in a whisper very low)
Said : " Adam's sons ne'er had the power
When woman asked, to answer No."

The author is unknown, but the verses resemble the work of Prof. Edward Forbes when a youth.

McH UTCHIN (J.) and QUIRK (J., ed.). The Isle of Man Charities. Liverpool : D. Marples. 1831. p. viii,140. 220x135. [1287, D 50]
The profits of the publication applied towards the building of a Vicarage House in Kirk Malew. One copy in the Library is annotated by R. J. Moore, H.B. of Peel.

KETTERING (Rev. Nehemiah, M.A.). A. Sketch of the Characters of certain Individuals composing the douglas Board of Health by the Rev. Nehemiah Kettering, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. Printed by Marmaduke McThimblerig, 91 College Green, Dublin. 1832. [6224, D 50]
It is not known whether this was ever printed. The MS. has been given to the Library by R. C. Stephen.

CUBBON (John). A Brief Statement of the Charities of St. Matthew's Chapel, Douglas, by John Cubbon, one of the Wardens. Douglas: R. Fargher, Wellington Buildings, Duke Street. 1853. pp. 4. 340x220. [D 50]
Gives a detailed account of the benefactions to education in connection with St. Matthew's.

Loss of Life by Wreck and Explosion: Circular of HighBailiff J. C. Bluett on the Brig " Lily" disaster. R. H. Johnson. 1853. Broadside. 330x200. [6326, D 50]

Explosion of Thirty Tons of Gunpowder with fearful loss of life: appeal on behalf of Twenty-two Widows and Seventy-four Orphans. Substance of address given by Rev. R. Dixon D.D. of King William's Coll. R. Fargher. 1853. pp. 3. 255x205. [6325, D 50]

Memorandum [by Governor Loch] upon the extent of Voluntary Relief provided for the Poor [in the various parishes]. James Brown and John Archibald Brown. 1876. pp. 8. 233x148. [6305, D 50]

Medical Aid and Poor Relief Commission : Report and evidence, With appendices, presented to Tynwald. Douglas James Brown & Son. 1879. pp. xli,238. 335x210. [281, D 50]
There were 110 witnesses and 17 sittings. The object of the Commission was to enquire what provision existed for providing medical aid and hospital accommodation for the poor, what legal provision for the relief of the poor existed in the parishes, and what principles governed the distribution of charitable funds available, by whom such funds were distributed, etc. There are several valuable Appendices, a list of the Provident Societies in 1879, most of which are not now in existence.

Ramsey Central Relief Society in 1878. In Rep. of House of Keys Com. 1879.

Castletown Poor Relief Society in 1878. In. Rep. of House of Keys Com. 1879.

Scheme for a Central Poor Relief Board for Douglas, adopted at a public meeting held at the House of Industry, 30th July, 1880, the same having been agreed to by the House of Industry subscribers. B. & S. 1880. pp. 12. 245x152. [6278, D 50]
The body called into being was entitled "The Douglas Central Poor Pelief Board," and was a voluntary institution.

Baume's Estate : Letter from the Secretary of the Trustees of the Will of Peter Henry Joseph Baume to the Secretary of the Educational Commission, 21st Nov., 1889. N.D. [21st Nov., 1889.] p. l. 330x210. [6251, D 50]

Baume's Estate: An Account of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Trustees and Executors of the Will of Peter Henry Joseph Baune, to the 2nd Nov., 1889; signed by Frank J. Johnson, secretary. Undated. F. W. Spencer. [21st November, 1889.] pp. 20. 330x210. [6252, D 50]

Kirk Malew Poor Relief District : Minutes of a public meeting convened to form a Poor Relief District, dated 30th March, 1896. 13. & S. 1896. pp. 3. 330x210. [6125, D 152]

Programme of the Grand Charity Bazaar promoted by the Douglas Day School Teachers in aid of the Douglas Poor Children's Boot, Clothing, and Free Dinners Fund, etc. Douglas: Clucas & Fargher. 1904. pp. 72. 135x220. [4847, D 50]

Rep. of Committee of House of Keys to consider sections of the Charities Bill. B. & S. N.D. [c. 1922.] pp. 2. 250x185.

Public Charities Act, 1923. [E 200]
See also earlier Statutes.

Summary of Returns made to the Rolls Office in respect of Charities within the provisions of the Public Charities Act, 1922. B. & S. N.D. [c. 1924.] pp. 15. 250x185. 9d.
Gives a complete list of all property held for charitable purposes of a public nature except those held for exclusively religious and educational purposes, etc. Eighty different charities are described. Also in Debates xli.

See also A. W. M. Hist., 1900, 688-692; Train's Hist. ii. 250-273.

STANLEY (Sir Arthur, G.B.E.). The Red Cross in the Isle of Man. B. & S. N.D. [ 1928.] pp. 7. 220x140. [D 50]


Douglas Dorcas Society : Annual Reports.
Founded in 1834, and is the oldest charity still in operation. Not in Library.

The Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Douglas Dorcas Society for the year 1859. M. A. Quiggin, 52 North Quay. 1859. pp. 3. 288x220. [D 50]
The Society, which was non-sectarian, was founded in 1834.
No other reports in Library.


Douglas House of Industry: Fifth Annual Report for year to 5th Oct., 1843, with accounts, list of inmates and out-pensioners, donors and subscribers. Robert Fargher, pp. 12. [3296, D 50]
The House was opened in February, 1838. The chairman was High-Bailiff James Quirk ; treasurer, George Crebbin ; secretary, Rev. John Congreve ; surgeon, Dr. Spencer. There were 75 inmates.

__Sixth Report, for 1844. Robert H. Johnson. pp. 12. [3297, D 50]
The income chiefly came from St. George's, St. Barnabas, and St. Matthew's, totalling £244 ; collected from sub scribers, £314. The Artificers, Rechabites, and Foresters Societies also contributed.

__Eleventh Report, for 1849. R. H. Johnson. pp. 12. 220x140. [3278, D 50]
Mr. & Mrs. Christian were superintendent and matron.

__Twenty-eighth Report, 1866. H. Curphey. 210x l 3 5. [4624, D 50]
George Addison was superintendent, and Mrs.. Oates matron. Regulations governing the access to the House of ministers of any denomination were framed.

__Sixty-fourth Report, 1902. B. & S. pp. 24. 220x140. [4624, D 501, 30 inmates.

__Sixty-fifth Report, 1903. Cubbon & Lightfoot. pp. 24. 220x140. [4624, D 50]
Legacies received during year : H.B. Noble, £500 ; Richd. Gelling, 1330; Mrs. Dalrymple, £100; James Karran, £50 ; Mrs. Cromie, £200.

__Report of Committee of Tynwald to consider the petition of the Incumbent of St. Matthew's Church for leave to introduce a Bill to confirm the existing management of the House of Industry, dated 20th October, 1892. B. & S. pp. 11. 330x210. [6124, D 152]
List of legacies to the House are attached. Reports of other years not obtainable.


Fiftieth Annual Report of the Douglas Town and Seamen's Mission (Bethel Union) for year to December, 1898, with a list of subscribers and donors. S. K. B. pp. 28. 212x140.[6280, D 50]
The mission was founded in 1848, the services being first held in a disused Government brig which lay at the Tongue. William Hartley was the first missionary, then followed the brothers Corlett. In 1853, Henry Bolton; 1870, J. F. Clucas ; 1878, William Kneen and his wife.

__1900. B. & S. pp. 30. 1901. C. & F. pp. 30.
In this year the mission moved to the church in Circularroad, which had been used by the Unitarians of the town, and previously by the Congregationalists as a mission church by the Rev. Mr. Smith.

__ 1904. C. & F. pp. 23 and following years. Reports lacking besides the earlier ones: 1916-17-18-19, 1921, 1929, 1930.


Memorandum upon providing Dispensaries in the towns, villages and country districts to be worked in connection with the General Hospital in Douglas. Undated. No printer's name. [c. 1877.] pp. 2. 330x210. [6122, D 152]

Memorandum for Hospital Committee. Undated. [c. 1877.] Broadside. 330x210. [6122, D 152]
A proposal was on foot to purchase Falcon Cliff for use as a Hospital, and also to appeal for a Government grant.

Minute by the Lieut.-Governor [Loch] [on the subject of a new General Hospital building and Dispensaries in the country], dated 26th Feb., 1878. p. 2. 330x210. [6122, D 152]

Second Report of the Tynwald Court Hospital Committee. Undated. [c. 1878.] No printer's name. pp. 3. 245x155. [6122, D 152]
The, Committee was appointed to ascertain what sites were available for a new Hospital : (i) part of field above Stanley-terrace at £600 an acre ; (ii) part of field at corner of Ropewalk-road and Quarterbridge-road at £600 an acre ; (iii) 2 acres of Gooseneck field, £1,850.

Letter from Government Office to Tynwald enclosing the Governor's Minute of 26th Feb., 18/8, and requesting a Committee of the Court to be appointed [to confer with the Hospital Committee], dated 28th Feb., 1878. Broadside. 330x210. [6122, 1) 152]

Minute of the Lieut.-Governor [Loch] on the subject of the provision of a General Hospital, etc., dated July, 1878. pp. 2. 330x210. [6122, D 152]
The Governor foreshadows the appointment of the Medical Aid and Poor Relief Commission (28th Aug., 1878), and which reported in April, 1879.

Medical Relief and Hospital Accommodation in 1878. In Rep. of House of Keys Committee, 1879.

Report of the Annual General Meeting held Jan. 1886. In Manx Sun.. pp. 13. 240x180. [5096, D 50]
The foundation stone of the new Hospital on Crellin's Hill was laid on the day of the annual meeting.

Noble's Isle of Man Hospital and Dispensary, Douglas. Order of Proceedings at the opening ceremony, 4th Sept., 1888. Douglas: Johnson. 1888. pp. 4. 200x130. [D 50]

Souvenir of the opening of the New Hospital Buildings, Ballakermeen-road, Douglas, by the R.W. Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man (His Excellency Lord Raglan, Lieut.-Governor) ånd Lady Raglan. Douglas: B. & S. 1912. pp. 32. 245x185. [4066, D 50]

Portraits of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Noble, Medical Men, Noble's Trustees, Committee, Officers and Staff. Report of Committee of Tynwald on the proposed grant to Noble's Isle of Man Hospital for a Maternity Ward. 8th July, 1924. B. & S. pp. 4. 255x190. [D 50]
Also in Debates x1i.

Specimen of an Out-Patients' Ticket, 1924. [D 50]

Hospital Flower Day Collections (Douglas), 1925.Douglas: B. & S. pp. 10. 215x145. [D 50]

Rules of Noble's Isle of Man Hospital and Dispensary, passed 21st March, 1928. B. & S. pp, 15. 210x140. [6271, D 50]


Fourth Annual Report of the Isle of Man General Hospital Dispensary for year 1853-4. Douglas: P. Curphey. pp. 4. 340x210. [4122, D 50]
The income %N-as £154 ; there were 33 in-patients and 538 out-patients. The Hospital was established in Fortstreet in 1850, but the Dispensary commenced in 1839. This is the first Report obtainable.
Reports lacking from 1854 to 1882.

[All 6271, D50]

__Thirty-second Report for year ending 30th June, 1882. B. & S. pp. 12. 210x135.
72 in-patients, 1,325 out-patients. The Hospital, which Haas in Fort-street, sold for £50 a portion of the foreshore to the New Streets Board.

__Thirty-third Report for year to 30th June, 1883. P. Curphey. pp. 14. 210x140.

__Thirty-fourth Report. B. & S. 1884. pp. 24. 210x140.
The subscriptions came to £355, and Hospital Sunday brought £209.

__Thirty-fifth Report. P. Curphey. 1885. pp. 28. 210x140.
Annual subscriptions came to £398.

__Thirty-sixth Report. B. & S. 1886. pp. 28. 210x140.
The report announces the gift of the. site for and building of a new Hospital.

__Thirty-seventh Report. Clucas, Unsworth & Co. 1887 Pp. 28. 210x140.
Contains a lithographed sketch of the new Hospital on Crellin's Hill by Thomas W. Cubbon, of Bleakley & Cubbon, architects, Liverpool. The annual subscriptions came to £403.

__Thirty-eighth Report. B. & S. 1888. pp. 31. 210x140.
This is the last report of the Fort-street institution. There were 24 beds ; 181 in-patients ; 2,010 out-patients ; cost per head per week of in-patients, 17/6. Subscriptions totalled £413, donations £118, Sunday Collections, £438, interest on bonds, £304 ; legacies totalled £6,485.

Order of proceedings of the Opening Ceremony of Noble's Hospital and Dispensary, 4th September, 1888. Johnson. L pp. 3. 205x130..

[All 6271, ll50]

__Thirty-ninth Report [of Noble's Isle of Man General Hospital and Dispensary]. Clucas, Unsworth & Co. 1889, pp. 32. 210x140.
This report records the changing of its locality and its name. On the 4th September, 1888, the new Hospitai was opened, and on the following January the in-patients were removed. The old Hospital in Fort Street was closed after 39 years' occupation.

__Fortieth Report. B. & S. 1890. pp. 32. 210x140.
Records 259 in-patients during year ; average beds occupied daily 29, costing per week 18/-. Out-patients attended, 3196. Salaries of House Surgeon and Staff, £316.

__Forty-first Report. Clucas & Fargher. 1891. pp. 32. 210x140.

__Forty-second Report. B. & S. 1892. pp. 32.

__Forty-third Report. Manx Sun. 1893. pp. 46.
This is the first report in which an account of the proceedings at the annual meeting occurs.

__Forty-fourth Report. B. & S. 1894. pp. 48.

__Forty-fifth Report. S. K. B. 1895. pp. 48

__ Forty-sixth Report. C. & F. 1896. pp. 48.

__Forty-seventh Report. Manx Sun. 1897. pp. 48.
In this year the Committee purchased 13 Mona-terrace and the plot behind it for £1,400. The plot was added to the Hospital grounds.

__Forty-eighth Report. B. & S. 1898. pp. 47.

__Forty-ninth Report. S. K. B. 1899. pp. 52.
The plot of ground behind 12 Mona-terrace was purchased for £550 and added to the Hospital grounds. Fiftieth Report. C. & F. 1900. pp. 55.

__Fifty-first Report. Cubbon & Lightfoot, Manx Sun office. 1901. pp. 66.
Number of beds, 40 ; average cost of in-patients, 25/5 number of out-patients, 2,083 ; average cost of outpatients, 2/9.

__Fifty-second Report. B. & S. 1902. pp. 52.

__Fifty-third Report. S. K. B. 1903. pp. 56.

__Fifty-fourth Report. C. & F. 1904. pp. 54.
Announces Mr. Noble's bequest.

__Fifty-fifth Report. Cubbon & Lightfoot. 1905. pp. 54.

__Fifty-sixth Report. B. & S. 1906. pp. 62.
Library lacks 57th Report.

__Fifty-eighth Report. C. & F. 1908. pp. 63.

__Fifty-ninth Report. B. & S. 1909. pp. 72.
States the new Hospital on the Hills Estate is in course of erection by the contractor, Mr. M. Carine.

__Sixtieth Report. S. K. B. 1910. pp. 72.

__Sixty-first Report. C. & F. 1911. pp. 83.
States that Noble Trustees gave an endowment of £ 20,000.

__Sixty-second Report. B. & S. 1912. pp. 84.
Contains many illustrations of the wards and other rooms in the new Hospital, Ballakermeen-road.

__Sixty-third Report. S. K. L;. 1913. pp. 80.
In-patients, 505 ; out-patients, 4,061 ; income, £4,027 ; expenditure, £3,327.

__Sixty-fourth Report. C. & F. 1914. pp. 78.

__ Sixty-fifth Report. B. & S. 1915. pp. 56.

__Sixty-sixth Report. S. K. B. 1916. pp. 59.
Has a view of the new Hospital.. Sixty-seventh Report. C. & F. 1917. pp. 56.

__Sixty-eighth Report. B. & S. 1918. pp. 56.

__Sixty-ninth Report. S. K. B. ]919. pp. 64.

__Seventieth Report. C. & F. 1920. pp. 76.

__ Seventy-first Report. S. K. B. 1921. pp. 72.

__Seventy-second Report. B. & S. 1922. pp. 78. Seventy-third Report. C. & F. 1923. pp. 80.

__Seventy-fourth Report. S. K. B. 1924. pp. 84.
Records a new wing for private wards being erected. Seventy-fifth Report. B. & S. 1925. pp. 86.

__ Seventy-sixth Report. C. & F. 1926. pp. 97.

__Seventy-seventh Report. S. K. B. 1927. pp. 98.
Records the gift by Mrs. Cunningham of a building to contain an electro-medical department with all appliances.

__Seventy-eighth Report. B. & S. 1928. pp. 88.
An appeal was made for £15,000 as an extension fund. Seventy-ninth Report. C. & F. 1929. pp. 90.

Eightieth Report. S. K. B. 1930. pp. 92. [6271, 150]
The appeal made in 1928 for £15,000 was increased to £22,000. It was reported that £21,372 had been received, including a donation of £8,000 from the I.M. Bank.


Report, Balance-sheets . . of the Douglas Industrial Home for 1869. [D 50]
The report for this, the first year, is lacking.
The Children's Industrial Home was commenced in 1868 in an old house in James-street ; in 1869 in Woodhouseterrace ; in 1870 in a house still standing in Glencrutchery-road West of the Cemetery ; in 1882, Strathallan Hall. In 1907 the Noble Trustees financed the building of the present large, premises and grounds.

[All 1408, D50]

Report, Balance-sheets, and Subscription List of the Douglas Industrial Home for Destitute Children for the year ending December 31st, 1870. John Christian Fargher. pp. 16. 210x135.
It is recorded that the "premises and farm of Mountain View, comprising 9½ acres, at a rent of £40, has been taken on a lease of 20 years from the proprietors of Glencrutchery estate." The children made paper bags for sale to the tradespeople of the town, and in one year upwards of 600,000 bags had been made and sold. David Russell and his wife were the managers. Thomas Cubbon was the secretary, and Wm. Todhunter, treasurer.

__for 1871. B. & S. pp. 15. 210x135.
The report states that the " Douglas Home Mission" was incorporated. The Home Mission was founded in 1868, David and Mrs. Russell were the missioners. They conducted open-air services in Society-lane and Water-lane, near the present King-street. The constitution and rules appear in this report. for 1872. J. C. Fargher. pp. 12. 210x135.

__for 1873. B. & S. pp. 19.
There were 37 children at this date in the Home. Miss Quayle took the place of Mrs. Russell. The report for 1874 is lacking.

__for 1875 to 1880.

__for 1881. B. & S. pp. 32. [All 1408, D50]
Fifty-three children were in the Home ; upwards of two hundred having passed through since it was opened in 1868. A report of the public meeting appears for the first time. In this year the title of the institution was changed from "The Douglas" to "The Isle of Man Industrial Home for Orphan and Destitute Children."

__for 1882. B. & S. pp. 28.
A biographical sketch of David Russell is given ; he died in June, 1883.

Almanac for 1882. J. C. Fargher. Broadside.

__for 1883. B. & S. pp. 30.
Strathallan Hall was placed at the disposal of the Committee by the Baume Trustees. S. Campbell and his wife were put in charge of the new Home. 95 children were then in the institution.

__for 1884 to 1917.
In 1896, S. Campbell died, and Rendle King and his wife took charge. The emigration movement had started with S. Campbell. Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Fraser took over the management in 1904. In 1910 the Home was transferred to the large new building and grounds in Glencrutcheryroad, provided by the Trustees of Henry Bloom Noble, at a cost of £32,000. In 1918, Harold Lewis became manager.

__for 1918. B. & S. pp. 48.
This issue is entitled the "Jubilee Report." It contains photographic pictures of the new buildings and portraits of the organisers, the officers and the committee of the institution. One hundred children were in the Home at this date.

__f rom 1919 to 1929.
There were 61 children in the Home in 1929.

S. P. C. A.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: report with list of subscribers and audited accounts for half year to 31st December, 1897. B. & S. pp. 12. 250x155. [6279, D 50]
The Society was founded in 1897, mainly through the efforts of Miss Edgar Robinson.

__Second Report, 1898. B. & S. pp. 15.

Copies of all succeeding Reports until 1929.
Lacking: 1907, 1912, 1914, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1930.

Douglas Christmas Hot-Pot Fund. [ D 50]
Founded in 1895: annual reports not available.

S. P. C. C.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Reports, with list of subscribers and accounts for years 1904, ]912, 1927. Cubbon & Lightfoot. pp. 12. 210x135. [3270, D 50]

Other annual reports not obtainable. The Society was founded in 1903.

Ramsey Hospital.

Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital Reports. Ramsey Courier. Unpaged. [D 50] Founded 1906.

Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital: Sarah Tane Osborne Children's Ward : laying foundation stone, 26th Aug., 1925. Courier. pp. 4. 229x140. [D50]

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