
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: William Fell b 1800 mariner
In Response To: William Fell b 1800 mariner ()

Hi Jean,

It is very possible that your William is the same one I was searching for, but I am not sure how we would confirm it. He certainly is of the right age: The Wm Fell I found on IGI (batch # C038041) had a christening date of 16 Dec 1799, making him about 61 in the 1861 census.

Did you happen to find out where your William was married? The Fell siblings that I found (I am descended from two of them, Thomas (b. 1802) and Elizabeth (b. 1808)) seemed to all have been married at St. Nicholas with witnesses that match sibling names.

You can contact me privately at carroll_susan at hotmail dot com if you want to explore this further.

Thanks for contacting me! (And sorry for the delay in replying, I had to get my password re-sent).
