
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: John Gelling will

I decided to skip the monumental inscription altogether on John Gelling and go straignt to the wills index.

I found two John Gelling's transcribed that perked my interest. One for GELLING, John 1862 Mal E 112 0106463 and one for GELLING, John 1879 San E 240 0106489. When I opened them up, I discovered the only difference between the two was the heading at the top. The one for the ealier John Gelling starts off "Malew 1862 112". The one for 1879 John Gelling Santon starts off "Malew 1879 240". Can anyone enlighten me?

Of course neither was likely to relate to the John Gelling in question but now I've run into a new puzzlement.