
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Kissacks in the US

I am descended from William Kissick born about 1745, who married Elizabeth Whitman in Boston, Massachusetts on July 7, 1768.

I have found information regarding one William Kissick who was a 1st Lieutenant on the privateer schooner "Lee" out of Malden Massachusetts in March 1776; also British Admiralty Court trial records for same name as captain of a merchant vessel "William and Grace" taken as prize during the Revolutionary War. In the trial records from July through September of 1777, William states that he is about 35 years old and was born in the Isle of Man. He further states that he has lived in Massachusetts for approximately 10 years.

There are several William Kissacks born on the Isle of Man at approximately the correct time for one of them to be this ancestor. I am
trying to link this individual to one of these men and to further my research of my family line. Is there any available information which indicates a William Kissack going to America at any time between 1742 and 1768?