
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

The Manx Notebook

Ms. Frances,

I must give much credit to your complilation of The MANX NOTEBOOK, I just entered that Notebook and it has a wealth of history, I have never completed the entirity of it, and surely you add as you receive and transcribe. I just went there and downloaded all the Ballaugh Parish and KK Michael Parish notes, and I downloaded, AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE MANX LANGUAGE, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE SOURCES FROM WHICH A KNOWLEDGE OF IT. CAN BE ACQUIRED. By A. W. MOORE, M. A., F.R.H.S., (Read 1887.) Also BISHOP PHILLIPS PRAYER BOOK: A Review, so with all this wonderful history, I have done research that has been a link to the life of my people and when I have been in the NOTEBOOK in the past , I have found so much information that gave me leads to follow . Again I must honor you and all those who share for that is the only way to give back to the MANX families their heritage.
In gratitude, Mrs. Rosa