
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Family History

Am just beginning a search. My Grandfather was Robert Teare, a New York City fireman who died in 1938 or 1939. His wife, my grandmother, was named Katherine. He had a brother, Joseph, who was a New York City policeman. This family lived for most of their lives in the Bronx (New York). From what I can remember, these two men were probably second generation whose parents emigrated from the Isle of Man. I don't have dates. My father's name was Alfred J. Teare. He was born in New York City in 1900 and died in 1983. Alfred had two sisters: Shirley, who died in the late '20s or early 30s, and Mildred, who died around 1980. 
       I would be interested in obtaining and exchanging information about other members of the Teare family, both in the US or in other locations, as well as further information tracing our origins back the Isle of Man. I have more detailed information about family history but just wanted to get this out for starters.
       Thank you for your help

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Family History
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