
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Manx song
In Response To: Re: Manx song ()

It looks like the search facility on the MHF Music Database has got a bit of a problem, because it used to work for this song title, but doesn't now!

The song was written by Stuart Slack. There is a version of the song sung by the Regal Singers on the CD 'The Best That's In!' (a compilation of the best and most popular Manx music).

I found the Regal Singers in the database and it gives the following information re the track...


Discography Search Results:
Track Title: Give Me the Busfare to Laxey
Piece(s): Give Me the Busfare to Laxey
Composer: Stuart Slack
Artist/Band: The Regal Singers
Disc Title:
Date: 1996
Format: CD
Producer: Manx Heritage Foundation
Order Code: MHF CD1
HeldAt: MCLS
Catalogue No.: 181
Accession No.:
Genre(s): Group Popular Vocal


The song is quite modern, probably late 1960s/early 1970s.
