
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

John Mughtin/Ellinor Cain

John Mughtin marr. Ellinor Cain 25 Feb. 1832 at Braddan, both full age but no parents given.
I am trying to prove who John's parents were but have drawn a blank.
Censuses give birth as either Ballaugh or Jurby, ages inconsistent.
John buried Lonan aged 72 in 1877 (b. approx. 1805).
Possibly son of John/Elizth. Mylrea ch. 2 Mar. 1805, Ballaugh. Found no record of a marriage between John/Elizth. but have found one for a John/Margt Mylrea 1803, Ballaugh who had children christened after 1805.
Now found another John Mughtin son of Thomas of Lezayre, mentioned in 1818 will of Robert Kinread of Maughold (Brian Lawson's site). John was ch. as Kinread 14 Sept. 1806, s/o Elinor K & Thomas M. Elinor K. married a Robert Kerruish. Thomas Mughtin possibly married Jane Kneen in 1807.

Does anyone have info. on any of the above? Can you please advise me what else I can check?
Many thanks.