
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Reply to Stephen in particular
In Response To: Re: Finding parents ()

Stephen, I have plenty to do, and I did not make my comments lightly, as clearly you have. I feel I should explain further, since you do not appear to understand my comments. Even you commented that John was not sure if the message was a 'wind up'.

As I said before, I am glad that there may have been a good result here, BUT the warning is that this kind of research, ie wild cards on a genealogy site, especially one which is noted by a small local community, often brings disappointment, and heart ache. Busybodies have their opportunity to stick their beaks in, and who knows whether the result is going to be a happy one.

I have mentioned PROPER CHANNELS, NOT because I think using this Board for such research gets in the way of genealogy, BUT, AND ONLY BUT, the lost parents may have moved on, may have other families - GOD KNOWS WHAT, not the casual reader of this Board. The likes of the Salvation Army do the necessary reseach, and arrange the contacts, if they are further required.

John and Jenna may have been lucky that you, as a friend of John, spotted the posting, and were able to deal with it, but things don't always work out that way.

Personally, this topic has not affected me, BUT I do know of a trail of heartache left by others who have used this board (and similar) in this way. Hence I found the time to write something that I feel is very important, and that is that there are proper ways of doing things. The right ways include the necessary counselling. Have you ANY idea what it must be like for siblings to find out about other new grown up siblings, or Wives or husbands to find out about a former family of the partner, in the best of sensitive conditions, not gossip on an internet 'for gods sake (quote)sic'? If you are going to search for parents, it is best for all concerned, including the researcher, that a situation is arranged where everyone can move forward, not create a trail of destruction in relationships, and possibly even no gain at the end of it.

Hey, look at the soaps, even Corrie has a similar story line going. Even the soaps are there to educate, as well as entertain.

I rest my case.

As you say, one child may have found her father. I really do mean that if there is a good result, I wish Jenna and her dad well, truly.

I regret having to add such a long explantion. May I add, it was never my intention to start an online argument, or discussion, not will I be adding any more comments in this vein.