
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Family Tree Registry

Dear Manx genealogists,

I have just opened a free genealogy website, www.FamilyTreeRegistry.org, where you can publicize your family trees without having to provide details about individuals and without having to make your personal email address public. This site is not just for individual genealogists - organizations can also register family trees in their possession and indicate where they can be found, without having to make their contents public.

The Family Tree Registry also has many advanced search features. Of particular interest to Manx genealogists might be the ability to search by place (e.g., country "Man, Isle of" and further by sheading and city), the ability to search by sub-ethnicity (e.g., Manx, Gaelic), and the ability to search for nobility. You can even save your searches so they can easily be re-run in the future with one click.

Please help to inaugurate this new genealogy tool by registering some of your family trees.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, please contact me.

Thanks very much and best regards,

Logan Kleinwaks