
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Lack of responses
In Response To: Re: TRAM TRAGEDY ()

Just maybe too, there are those who fully recognise connections, but have the sense to contact the appropriate family first, and the appropriate family does not want to have any involvement, for a multitude of reasons. And those who recognise connections, but make a decision not to get involved for the best reasons

It should be recognised that if one doesn't get an answer, there is a good reason for it, ranging from 'no-one has anything to add', 'the person who has the answer did not happen to read the message' to the aforementioned ones where a lot of hurt can happen. And a full range in between.

It is a privilege to receive information to complete a genealogy file. Not everyone wants to reveal skeletons in the cupboard, but some people can't wait to get at those old bones.

If it is not genealogy, but more along the lines of finding close family, particularly mothers and fathers, illegitimacy, adoption, estranged families, there are organisations who treat the subject properly and with sensitivity.

Even innocent genealogy questions can open cans of worms, and it is a subject that should always be treated with care. If someone does not want to become involved, or give information, the person has a reason, and it should be respected.

Fortunately I have not suffered from these problems, but I have met those who have and it can turn lives upside down!