
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Urgent appeal for Manx hurricane victim - Update

I received this email from Rodney Kaighen yesterday:


Good news! I have talked to Moy three times since my last email to you. She is alive and physically well except for a bad knee that she was supposed to have had replaced this week. Talking to her I believe she is still in disbelief and probably even shock at the state of her home and predicament. She is still hoping her house might be OK and wants to return. I tried to explain that if the house still stands it would be uninhabitable for months if not years. I think she is slowly starting to come to believe that realization. She told me the only thing she has to her name is her small address book. I offered to send her some immediate funds but typically she refused. She believes she should be able to pick up her social security check locally and can survive on that short term. She stated that the folks she is staying with are treating her very well and she is no immediate distress. I am still trying to get her to come live with my family until her situation is resolved but I think she just needs some time to clear her head and decide what she needs to do. I conveyed the effort you were putting forth on her behalf and for once she was short of words. I believe it totally shocked her that folks would do that for her. This event is so traumatic it is indescribable.

I have the phone number where she is staying and wanted to post it but I don't want the kind folks who live there to be inundated with calls. I will pursue this issue further and get back to you. Maybe find a specific time that anyone who wished could call and say hello.

Some more good news was Moys friends daughter who remained in NO has been in contact (not sure how) but is still stranded on the top floor of a building in Mid town NO but she is alive! Hopefully she can get transported to Houston where we can pick her up.

My son has been working at the Astrodome and has conveyed that the situation there is extremely sad. I believe Houston has close to 100,000 flood survivors looking for help. The situation becomes more heart wrenching everyday but the out reaching of Houstonians as well as the rest of the world to these people is beyond belief. All the bad we see on TV is totally overwhelmed by the millions of everyday folks reaching out to help their fellow man.

Also, Sonda and myself have decided to raffle of our Mustang GT to raise some more money for Moys benefit. Anyway, just wanted to touch base with you. Thanks again

