
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Where is my Kermode Family?

Hello Meg,
Thank you for your message. We know so little about my Great Grandmother, and the living relatives (cousins) in England, didn't hold any information either.

We have been told that she was born on the I.O.M. I am truly beginning to think that she wasn't. We know of no siblings for Caroline, strange as it may seem.

The only information I have is listed below. This was taken from a family bible in England.

Caroline Kermode
Born 6th June 1896
Birth Registered 7th August 1896, Number 162

Caroline died in Wallasey, Merseyside, England in 1986

I am finding it so discouraging. I cannot seem to get anywhere on either of my parents sides. I live in B.C. Canada, so it makes it difficult to obtain certain information without me putting a lot of money into it. I didn't realize it would be this hard.

Again I thank you so much for reading my message.
Take Care