
Manx Genealogy

Re: Cain
In Response To: Cain ()

I apologize for not responding earlier. I didn't get a notice that someone replied to my message.

The information I provided may not be 100% correct. We have been searching various Cain families to find who our John Cain belongs to. His daughter Elizabeth Cain is my great great grandmother. We do have a Caine/Cain male that has been DNA tested, but not sure the exact connection. We have been led to a few Cain names, and we are still doing intense research. We have John's marriage (1844 in Kentucky) certificate that lists both of the fathers names as James, Cain and James Yates. We need to have that direct verified connection. We're not one to take someone else's word. What I wrote was just a starting point. Our line comes from IOM or Ireland, which has shown up as quite an amount on mine and my male cousins DNA reports.

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Re: Cain
Re: Cain
Re: Cain
Re: Cain
Re: Cain