
Manx Genealogy

Are you a Keig?

Hello there,

I've been researching the Keig's for some years now and since October last year have been researching the family tree of every Keig I can find alive today or who is in genealogical record.

If you're a Keig or descended from Keig's and would like me to do your family tree, or see if I've already done one for you please feel free to get in touch.

I have had some amazing results with my research and using DNA I've showed that there are two distinct Keig families.

The Keig's from the north, which are mine, are of the Viking descent and the name was originally Skeig.

The Keig's of the south are of Celtic origin, direct male descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages and it looks like the name was originally Mac Kyg before becoming Keig.

All the best,