
Manx Genealogy

Arch Will transcriptions 1628-1679
In Response To: Will transcripts 1637-1669 ()

Joyce Oates has sent me her new transcriptions from the films of wills and presentments from the earliest unindexed Archdeacon ones available on film (1628) up to 1679 - nine years earlier and ten years later than her previous CD - which she also will have sent to the IOMFHS for the library.

So now available, thanks to her hard work, is everything contained on the Archdeacon will films from 1628 to 1679, including presentments. She has also sent a new Master Index which Ian Radcliffe has put up on his website: www.mannincloud.info/

He will soon be adding her new wills and presentment transcriptions.
Before reading these do please read her introduction and explanations at the beginning.

Yet again we are so lucky that Joyce is still transcribing wills after so many years, and is willing to share them with us online.
