
Manx Genealogy

Cain family

Hi Everyone im just popping in to hi and to tell people never give up searching even a small finding can go on to bigger things and of course when you have friends like I have made over the years on here who put everything they have to help, my small finding was a confirmation realy, my late father George Cain never talked about his mother Catherine he always said he did not want to know as she gave birth to him and is his own words dumped him and she went to live in Australia, now we thought it was only put into his head she went there, but with all the searching and help from Brian at public records office who was keeping a check incase he came across anything, well on day he did and he phoned me to say come up I have news for you, he decided to look through a book of gaurdianship and there on second page was my father 1927 [ he was born 1921 ] mother Catherine the family who applied for guardianship payment was the Crennells but the most interesting and important information we read was that his mother was living in Australia and from that was able to get further with the help of my friends on this board, still don't know who his father was or where he was from December 1921 to 1927 but im taking my time and working on that, so what im saying is don't give up if someone says its not worth asking certain places , please ask, you may get nothing, you may get something be prepared to wait for replies, Happy searching folks,