
Manx Genealogy

Re: Drum Money ?
In Response To: Re: Drum Money ? ()

yes wrong I'm afraid - i'm not too proud to try google and nothing comes up unless you found a hidden reference (I admit defeat over the relevance of a 4th C theologian in your reply)- The Bishop was also Governor hence based in Castletown and he was reacting to complaints of his tenants, the Deemster was it seems the one exacting the tax, obviously an existing tax of some form but set at a higher rate than heretobefore - I found many previously unnoticed docs re Barrow's administration in a batch of episcopal wills so possibly a trawl thro these is called for but I cannot recall any other ref to the term in Manx or in English history. Barrow was a significant loss to the Island as he sorted out the organisation and the finances of both the church + state, education of clergy and also education for all, admittedly in English as he thought that this offered the better future for the Island.
Comments on the USAian health case 'system' have no place on this board.