
Manx Genealogy

Joughin Ballacree, Lezayre
In Response To: Joughin ()

Hello, Terri.

On 21st September 1999 you posted:

“I'm a fifth generation descendant of Hugh Joughin of Lezayre. Any info on other Joughins is also a fun find-- there aren't too many of us, are there?”

On 12th November 1999 I replied:

“I reckon to have made an extensive study of Joughins, and can tell you that the expert on your family is Jean Barnes of 244 Prospect Road, Berea, Ohio 44017. If you were born Terri Leigh Joughin on April 30th, 1970, your name appears on p.124 of her book Joughin/Palmer/Barnes Family History. If you decide to buy her book, beware of some letters of mine written in the early 1980s that she included without my knowledge. They contain views about Hugh Joughin’s ancestry that have since been proved wrong.

“Your Lezayre family is now thought to have descended from a family of Joughins farming Crosby in the Bride Hills. With the help of work done by Constance Radcliffe of Maughold, who also descends from the Crosby Joughins (I make her a fifth cousin of your grandfather), I can go back six generations on Hugh to a William Joughin born about 1615. Please get in touch if you would like to take this further.

“Philip Allen, Thames Ditton, Surrey.”

I don’t know whether Jean Barnes is still to the fore, as the Manx used to say, but the IoM Family History Society have a copy of her book in their library. I am still here, at the same e-mail address, which is no longer shown on this board, but which is (suitably modified) pjallen at btinternet dot com.

Since then I have been in touch with Kristy Johns, formerly Capatina, née Anderson, who occasionally posts on this board. Her g-g-g-grandfather was Thomas Joughin, Eldest surviving son of Hugh and Elizabeth Joughin.

Do get in touch, and let’s see if we can take this forward this time. I would be interested to hear about (and even from) your uncle that did some research into the family. I expect you heard from him about the Ashtabula tragedy, when Hugh’s widow lost her firstborn William on the long journey from the Isle of Man.

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Joughin Ballacree, Lezayre