
Manx Genealogy

Re: Nellie Greenwood
In Response To: Nellie Greenwood ()

As you can see I have resurrected this thread from October 2010, when I was searching for Nellie Greenwood. She was identified as Edith Ellen Greenwood, born to James Greenwood and Mary Carrington in Ramsey on 19 September 1881. From there the trail went rather cold until a friend of mine noticed that the 1881 Census transcription for James Greenwood had been changed to Grimwood (reason of poor handwriting). That opened up a new line that appeared to have put me on track. The 1891 Census shows the family now living in Whitehaven, Cumberland (as Grimwoods) with all the relevant dates appearing to match. By 1901, Edith has become a servant in Whitehaven. In the 1911 Cenus, she has married but also become widowed, and is now Edith Burns and she has a son, whose middle name is Carrington (the maiden name of her mother). She later remarries and becomes Edith Sewell.

And this is where the confusion now arises. As Edith Sewell, she is listed as having died at Morpeth, Cumberland in 1938, completely at odds with my original information regarding the burial at Lezayre.

Can anybody throw any light on this mystery, from within the Isle of Man? I would so love to get to the bottom of this one!