
Manx Genealogy

Re: Mrs Rosa
In Response To: Mrs Rosa ()

Dear Liz,
What lovely compassion you have, I WILL FINALIZE MY POST WITH YOU. What dedication you have, going to graves, taking pictures, going the second and third mile TO HELP THOSE SEARHCING FOR LOVED ONES; EVEN WITH HEALTH problems you trekked, knowing in your heart how those who wanted to know where did I COME FROM, WHERE ARE MY LOVED ONES BURIED. You have gone to do look ups in the Museum and so much that cannot be written. There is a saying IN THE BIBLE, NO GREATER lOVE THAN THIS, THAT A MAN LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR ANOTHER. You have my friend done this over and over, with bad health, and truly almost had serious reprecussions from a med that endangered your life. I want to thank you for all you have helped for years and your contributions on this board can never be fully appreciated, never!!

I know education gives many high positions, but the heart gives the higher postions to the person, because this person knows the mind of the one whom has the needs and in compassion and humbleness and lowliness, they help, which exalts them above education,whereas, education gives only the benefit of knowledge to the mind of that person who obtains the degree, which I prefer the heart of the higher position of whom has the compassion, which, my dear, is you. God bless and protect you.

Kindly yours,


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Mrs Rosa
Re: Mrs Rosa
Re: Mrs Rosa