
Manx Genealogy

Re: new will summaries
In Response To: new will summaries ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,
Quite some time since I posted, have been ill, fallen three times since April, very bad falls, so I had quite abit of recuperating. We did not make it to the Isle, Mother fell ill,very ill,again, and she wants to return at age 85. I have not given up, just very discouraged. I hope you received my card. I did not hear back. I am grateful to be alive. The work you have done again, outshines the lights of heaven. The sheer magnitude of what you have accomplished is beyond human workings. We must all be grateful, for such a task of such a nature, takes many hours, hours of midnight oil. Truly a feat of greatness to give all so much data now to glean from. This may change my book, for you stated Ballaugh and Kirk Michael. So there is still more to the saga. The book may have to amended. I thank you for all your works. Another package will be sent, since the other seems to have never gotten to you. I daresay, the post runs late here with everything, for we are a very small village. I have tremendous respect for you and your works,What a wonderful gift you have given for the Holiday Season with all your works and now truly a NEW YEAR will begin for many when they research all the new data. Best Wishes for the Coming New Year and again, Thank you for all your labours. Now all who search to find their Isle of Man descendants they have the best research tool to do so!

Kindly yours.

Mrs. Rosa