
Manx Genealogy

IOMFHS - update

The AGM has come and gone again in the blink of an eye. Seasoned stalwarts have again been re-elected although Pat is dropping down to 'Acting Secretary' and would really like to concentrate on her own family tree which I understand needs updating. Anyone on the island who is interested in this position, then please let either Pat or I know. (Training, advice, contacts and help will be extensively given. A full job description for interested members can be obtained via Pat and one further note, the secretaries position has now been remodelled for two people, thereby allowing the secretaries role to be more versatile, flexible and less time consuming).

Further information regards the AGM will follow at the next meeting and anyone interested in learning what a particular committee member actually does and something that they may possibly be interested for the future, then they are warmly welcomed and invited to shadow that member. (Again, please let me know and I'll organise that)

Next years programme for 2012 has been updated and entered onto the IOMFHS site under Latest News, Meetings
For those who wish to visit the island to do some research, then the list might be helpful to you, so that you can arrange timings in order to visit one of our meetings.

Kind regards,