
Manx Genealogy

Re: Florence Beatrice Conde
In Response To: Re: Florence Beatrice Conde ()

Irene, I've tried looking for other messages you've written in different threads, and I don't feel that we know enough proper details yet to be able to help you. Why don't you write a message which states concisely who your great grandparents were (names, places and dates of birth, marriage and death, plus all details from their marriage cert ) Also, give us any other research you've done which would help in building up a picture.

So, was Florence Beatrice Conde nee Cooil a name you found written (just jotted down, ie not an official part of the details ? ) on your great grandparents' marriage cert ? Or do you know of any other connection of Florence to your family ? Might she have been a friend rather than a relative ?

I'd like to help, but it would be good to know all the important facts at the outset.

Jean C