
Manx Genealogy

Parents needed

Well, managed to get further with my Moore family qwhilst on the IOM but now need further help with parentage please. I found Thomas Moore chr Jan 1785 who md Eleanor Kneen in 1813 Arbory. Then I checked this Thomas Moore's parents & found a Thomas Moore chr c 1759 Arbory & wife Mary Cashin chr c 1761 who md in Rushen in Jan 1784. Got that far with that good possiblity last week in Manx museum. From there I tried to find the parents of the 1757/9 Thomas Moore & I found a John Moore & Catherine Taubman but John was given as a Reverent. This was all done on the last afternoon so had no further time to fully verify John & Catherine as the actual parents. Would appreciate any verification & possible siblings to 1757 Thomas from someone who knows how to get further back to mid 1700s. Thanks ever so much.