
Manx Genealogy

Caines IoM

Donna Douglass,
I'm surprised that the Caine/Wilde.ged got through as every other attempt to contact you resulted in my e-mails being returned as spam!

I contacted my ISP and was informed that comcast.net rejected 66% of incoming e-mails, as spam, passing only 33% and, I was about to try the Manx Genealogy Bulletin Board, when your latest e-mail arrived. I can only hope that my reply doesn't suffer the same fate as earlier ones.(It did!)

If you have another e-mail address, not subject to the constraints of comcast.net, then I'd be happy to attach what wills I have (they used to be on Brian Lawson's, Wills web site!) and the thumb-nail sketches, sent to me by Priscilla Lewthwaite (IOMFHS).


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