
Manx Genealogy

Re: James McGlashan 1811
In Response To: Re: James McGlashan 1811 ()

Thanks Frances and Sue for your help. I have been able to find Ann and Daniel in the 1841 and 1851 census, but I am a bit confused about the dates.( I have from the IGI records that Daniel was born in 1773, and Ann Kennish 1790)

The 1841 census is as follows:
Ann McGlasheen 1781, Daniel 1776, Robert 1821, and Sophia 1826 (James 1810 was married to Ann Fayle by this time, and so not included in this record).

The 1851 census is as follows:
Ann McGlashan 1790, Daniel 1773, Robert 1796

The details for the 1841 seem more accurate for the births of the children - Ann and Daniel married in 1805 as per IGI records - although there is a big gap between James and Robert. But who is the Robert McGlashan in the 1851 census? He is too old to be Ann's son in this record. Do you have any ideas - have I got the wrong records, or the wrong family!

Also you mentioned the will of Nicholas Kennish 1784 - do you have a transcript of this, or can you tell me how I can get one.

Thanks again, your help is most appreciated.
Regards Philippa