
Manx Genealogy

Re: Caines of Michae & Ballaugh--YAY! Frances

Dear Donna and Sylvia,
I shall THRID that, and state Frances has done a brilliant job of MANX history whom I have honored and continue to honor, but I shall honor JOHN WILBY CAINE what he did for our family and with our data on this side of the pond and MORMON FILES, AND DAR FILES AND COURT HOUSE DOCUMENTS WILLS. BURIALS, MARRIGE DOCUMENTS ,ETC, ETC, I plan to leave what was done by JOHN W. CAINE, and I know he used PARISH RECORDS, I honor FRANCES in all her works and we know for certain that if we researched forever we would never find the wife of CAIN in the Bible, in the land of NOD, so be it, records, paper trails, do leave us data but when the trail has lost records as BALLAUGH and many orther PARISHES, we must accept what this side of the pond can verify and has. AGAIN I respect and honor FRANCES , her CD the olde one, for I do not have the new one, she had promised to send it me and I shall pay for it, that I look forward to devouring as I have her old one, and she is brilliant and I know she has done so much for on the CAIN/E line, but we too have records that cannot be refuted. So I will JUMP THE POND, no harm intended DONNA, to see my MANX land and my ancestors of the CAIN/E line.

Kinldy yours.

P.S. Thank you for purtting the web site for MIKE CAINE he had e-mailed me three times with enjoyable conversations, his brainchilde ,this board I stated to him was a GOD SEND, for many trees have been found and are growing and flourhishing because of his ingenuity of a MANX MESSAGE BOARD who have gracious, helpful and hard working volunteers, who have helped many find their loved ones and have reuions and find about medical illnesses in families and many other things that brings a FAMILY together. I thanked him for his father's work for our family and told him I shall leave it as it is, the tree will stand as posted.