
Manx Genealogy

John Joseph Crowe

Brick Wall. Looking any information related t0 John Joseph Crowe son of John Crowe / Jane Kneen of Bride. Chr. 1863. Have IGI info. 1871 Bride Census lists him as John Joseph age 7: 1881 Bride Census lists him as Joseph. age 17. a blacksmith. Father, John Crowe's will of 1915 shows John Joseph at an address in Boston, Massechusets, USA. I had a Boston researcher look for him - no luck. His brother's obituary (Alfred Crowe) 1945 (Victoria, B.C. Canada) shows one sister alive on IOM, so assuming he had past on by then or was estranged from his brother. Have searched records on Ancestry and Find My Past including England, USA with nothing new. Nohing in Manx bdm. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.