
Manx Genealogy

Teer/Teare from Peel?

Hi everyone.
Having been tracing my OH's ggrandfather, William Teer b. 1860 Manchester, I was sure I had the right family, until just recently. Turns out the one I had been tracing ( related back to Taggarts and Kelly's ),
actually died in IOM in 1881 ( Douglas). So my search begins again.

I am interested an ANY Teer/Teares who may have originated in Peel, and left for Lancashire to start over. I have him in 1891,1901, 1911, and he died Manchester 1932. In all these census', he states he was born Manchester. William was a joiner, and sometimes a trader in cotton goods.
I have found one William Teer who fits the bill, but it appears his father Thomas was b. Manchester as well. My deceased FIL was adamant the family came from Peel, some time in the mid 1800's. If any one knows of Peel Teers, could they please get in touch.

Kind regards