
Manx Genealogy

Re: Manx stray in Sydney
In Response To: Re: Manx stray in Sydney ()

Hello Sue

Many thanks for the further information. I am researching the Fleetwood family which had a fleeting connection with the Isle of Man.

Thank you for putting me onto the Brian Lawson index to the wills; there is a nice collection there for me! I would be happy to submit my transcriptions as they become available. Do I send them to the Isle of Man Family History Society?

My interest has been triggered by a forthcoming holiday on the Isle of Man at the end of this month. I have a few baptisms and a marriage to confirm as well as the wills to obtain. Would I be able to do this in the library in Douglas? I don’t expect to have a lot of time to spare, so I would like to be well prepared to use what time there is to best effect.
