
Manx Genealogy


John & Ann (nee MYLEVOIRREY) Kelly possible parents of William Kelly born 1792 in Patrick.

William Kelly married Anne Quane, illegitimate daughter of John Quane. The marriage took place Feb 24 1816. William was cited as bring from Patrick.

Does anyone have any information on John and Ann Kelly? I have not seen Anne's surname before, though I notice in Lawson's micro site that there are a few with this name in the various lists there. I have tried all the avenues that I can but can't find anything on this couple. I suspect their birth dates would be between 1760-1775 and they would have either been from Patrick or German area. Sorry to be so vague but Carol M kindly got me back on this track a couple of days ago and I would love to confirm William Kelly's parents as I have been stuck here for a long time.

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