
Manx Genealogy

Ophelia Coste Date of death 16 September 1975

I am trying to trace where my above named relative is buried. She lived at 3 Brown's Terrace, Glen Mona, Maughold but died in Cronk Ruagh Hospital, Lezayre on 16 September 1975. Her death was registered by Sydney Coste of Liverpool. She was the wife of William Coste who died a few years before her . He was possibly buried with his brother Mitchell Coste who died in 1964 but I think Ophelia may have been buried elsewhere. I do not know where Mitchell or William were buried.

I understand it may be possible to trace Ophelia's grave from Monumental Inscriptions. If anyone has this information or knows who I can contact I would be really grateful to know.

With Thanks,

Janice E Smith

tel: 0121 707 9345 (Birmingham England)

email: janice949@btinternet.com