
Manx Genealogy

Re: Cowin, Amagarey Lonan
In Response To: Cowin, Amagarey Lonan ()

there are several missing contracts - they may be misfiled but probably unlikely as George Broderick over the 7 years spent researching his Placenames apparently called out all deeds thus I would expect that he would have pointed out any misfiles - thus like many other items that should be in the museum, they were probably lost by the Rolls office between the date of the index (about 1820 I think) and the transfer to museum some 60 years ago - some contracts also appear copied into the wills of one of the parents (an index to some 1800 M/Cs is on my CD - possibly I may put it online in near future - see www.manxnotebook.com/famhist/genealgy/mctrcts.htm + link off that to index)

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Cowin, Amagarey Lonan
Re: Cowin, Amagarey Lonan