
Family History Society

Castletown Book

I am presently writing a book on Castletown. The book will be an historical account of the town, incorporating, place names, buildings, events and the people. I am not an historian, and it would not be my wish to produce a heavy historical account of the town which would serve merely as a reference book. So far, I have profiled people who have lived in the town dating back to 1800. I would very much like to bring this right up to date and therefore write some profiles of people who live and work in the town today, and this project is well under way. I would also like to include a section in the book probably with a title of something like "Where are they now". For this I would very much appreciate your help.
If you once lived in Castletown, or have connections with Castletown, please get in touch.
I would especially like to hear from people who were born in Castletown but for whatever reason left for pastures anew. How far flung are some of our former residents and what has happened to them since they flew the nest!
You may think that you are not particularly special, or that your story is not unique. If your childhood memories are of Castletown, and there is water between you and i, you are both special and unique.
Please email tomglassey@manx.net