I am an American whose interest in the Regiment derives from the fact that the author of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, J.R.R. Tolkien served in it and participated in the Battle of the Somme from July to November 1916, as a signalman for the 11th Battalion. He was part of "B" Company.
I am interested in hearing from anybody who may have anything about JRRT and his service at all, even if indirect or general: photos of the Battalion, anecdotes or memories, etc.
I have borrowed the HISTORY OF THE LANCASHIRE FUSILIERS, 1914-1918, by Major General J.C. Latter, C.B.E., M.C. (1949). This book, in two volumes, may be of interest to many on this mailing list. The first volume has a detailed history of the activities of the Regiment from the time it first responded to the call to arms. Major engagements, like the Battle of the Somme, are recounted at a Battalion level. The second volume, lists all the honors accrued by those who served with the Regiment and a detailed Calendar of Movements, organized by Battalion.
While JRRT's service record was not outstanding in any way, I'm still rather surprised that more recent Regimental resources have not taken more notice of one of its more famous recruits.